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Last active October 13, 2018 09:14
An example how to plot networks and customize their appearance from R using HiveR package
rm(list = ls())
dataSet <- read.table("lesmis.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# Create a graph. Use simplify to ensure that there are no duplicated edges or self loops
gD <- simplify(, directed=FALSE))
# Print number of nodes and edges
# vcount(gD)
# ecount(gD)
# Calculate some node properties and node similarities that will be used to illustrate
# different plotting abilities
# Calculate degree for all nodes
degAll <- degree(gD, v = V(gD), mode = "all")
# Calculate betweenness for all nodes
betAll <- betweenness(gD, v = V(gD), directed = FALSE) / (((vcount(gD) - 1) * (vcount(gD)-2)) / 2)
betAll.norm <- (betAll - min(betAll))/(max(betAll) - min(betAll))
node.list <- data.frame(name = V(gD)$name, degree = degAll, betw = betAll.norm)
# Calculate Dice similarities between all pairs of nodes
dsAll <- similarity.dice(gD, vids = V(gD), mode = "all")
# Calculate edge weight based on the node similarity
F1 <- function(x) {data.frame(V4 = dsAll[which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$V1)), which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$V2))])}
dataSet.ext <- ddply(dataSet, .variables=c("V1", "V2", "V3"), function(x) data.frame(F1(x)))
rm(degAll, betAll, betAll.norm, F1)
#Determine node/edge color based on the properties
# Calculate node size
# We'll interpolate node size based on the node betweenness centrality, using the "approx" function
# And we will assign a node size for each node based on its betweenness centrality
approxVals <- approx(c(0.5, 1.5), n = length(unique(node.list$bet)))
nodes_size <- sapply(node.list$bet, function(x) approxVals$y[which(sort(unique(node.list$bet)) == x)])
node.list <- cbind(node.list, size = nodes_size)
rm(approxVals, nodes_size)
# Define node color
# We'll interpolate node colors based on the node degree using the "colorRampPalette" function from the "grDevices" library
# This function returns a function corresponding to a collor palete of "bias" number of elements
F2 <- colorRampPalette(c("#F5DEB3", "#FF0000"), bias = length(unique(node.list$degree)), space = "rgb", interpolate = "linear")
# Now we'll create a color for each degree
colCodes <- F2(length(unique(node.list$degree)))
# And we will assign a color for each node based on its degree
nodes_col <- sapply(node.list$degree, function(x) colCodes[which(sort(unique(node.list$degree)) == x)])
node.list <- cbind(node.list, color = nodes_col)
rm(F2, colCodes, nodes_col)
# Assign visual attributes to edges using the same approach as we did for nodes
F2 <- colorRampPalette(c("#FFFF00", "#006400"), bias = length(unique(dataSet.ext$V4)), space = "rgb", interpolate = "linear")
colCodes <- F2(length(unique(dataSet.ext$V4)))
edges_col <- sapply(dataSet.ext$V4, function(x) colCodes[which(sort(unique(dataSet.ext$V4)) == x)])
dataSet.ext <- cbind(dataSet.ext, color = edges_col)
rm(F2, colCodes, edges_col)
# Assign nodes to axes
# Randomly
nodeAxis <- sample(3, nrow(node.list), replace = TRUE )
node.list <- cbind(node.list, axis = nodeAxis)
#Create a hive plot
hive1 <- mod.edge2HPD(edge_df = dataSet.ext[, 1:2], edge.weight = dataSet.ext[, 3], edge.color = dataSet.ext[, 5], node.color = node.list[,c("name", "color")], node.size = node.list[,c("name", "size")], node.radius = node.list[,c("name", "degree")], node.axis = node.list[,c("name", "axis")])
hive2 <- mineHPD(hive1, option = "remove zero edge")
plotHive(hive2, method = "abs", bkgnd = "white", axLab.pos = 1)
# Based on hierarchical cluestering
d <- dist(dsAll)
hc <- hclust(d)
nodeAxis <- cutree(hc, k = 6)
node.list <- cbind(node.list, axisCl = nodeAxis)
hive1 <- mod.edge2HPD(edge_df = dataSet.ext[, 1:2], edge.weight = dataSet.ext[, 3], edge.color = dataSet.ext[, 5], node.color = node.list[,c("name", "color")], node.size = node.list[,c("name", "size")], node.radius = node.list[,c("name", "degree")], node.axis = node.list[,c("name", "axisCl")])
hive2 <- mineHPD(hive1, option = "remove zero edge")
plotHive(hive2, method = "abs", bkgnd = "white", axLab.pos = 1)
mod.edge2HPD <- function(edge_df = NULL, unique.rows = TRUE, axis.cols = NULL, type = "2D", desc = NULL, edge.weight = NULL, edge.color = NULL, node.color = NULL, node.size = NULL, node.radius = NULL, node.axis = NULL)
#edge.weight - a list corresponding to edge weights (same order as in edge_df)
#edge.color - a lis corresponding to edge colors (same order as in edge_df)
#node.color - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node color
#node.size - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node size
#node.radius - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node radius
#node.axis - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node axis
if (is.null(edge_df)){
stop("No edge data provided")
if (!{
stop("edge_df is not a data frame")
if (unique.rows)
nr.old <- nrow(edge_df)
edge_df <- unique(edge_df)
if (nr.old > nrow(edge_df))
cat("\n\t", nr.old - nrow(edge_df), "non-unique data-frame rows removed!\n\n")
# Get node labels
lab1 <- as.character(unlist(edge_df[, 1]))
lab2 <- as.character(unlist(edge_df[, 2]))
# Get number of unique nodes
nn <- length(unique(c(lab1, lab2)))
# Define node ID
id <- 1:nn
# Define node label
label <- unique(c(lab1, lab2))
# Create a data frame for node attributes
node.attributes <- data.frame(id, label)
# Node size definition
if (!is.null(node.size))
if (is.numeric(node.size[, 2]) | is.integer(node.size[, 2]))
nSize <- c()
for (i in 1:length(label))
indx <- which(as.character(node.size[,1]) == label[i])
if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
nSize = c(nSize, node.size[indx[1],2])
msg <- paste("No size data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Value 1 will be assigned to this node!", sep = "")
nSize = c(nSize, 1)
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, size = nSize)
rm(i, nSize, indx)
stop("Node size is not numeric or integer.")
if (is.null(node.size))
warning("No data provided for the node size. All nodes will be assigned size 1!")
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, size = rep(1, nn))
# Node color definition
if (!is.null(node.color))
nCol <- c()
for (i in 1:length(label))
indx <- which(as.character(node.color[,1]) == label[i])
if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
nCol = c(nCol, as.character(node.color[indx[1],2]))
msg <- paste("No color data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Black color will be assigned to this node!", sep = "")
nCol = c(nCol, "black")
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, color = nCol)
rm(i, nCol, indx)
if (is.null(node.color))
warning("No data provided for the node color. All nodes will be colored black!")
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, color = as.character(rep("black", nn)))
# Node radius definition
if (!is.null(node.radius))
if (is.numeric(node.radius[, 2]) | is.integer(node.radius[, 2]))
nSize <- c()
for (i in 1:length(label))
indx <- which(as.character(node.radius[,1]) == label[i])
if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
nSize = c(nSize, node.radius[indx[1],2])
msg <- paste("No raidus data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Random values will be assigned!", sep = "")
nSize = c(nSize, sample(nn, 1))
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, radius = nSize)
rm(i, nSize, indx)
stop("Node raidus is not integer.")
if (is.null(node.radius))
warning("No data provided for the node radius. All nodes will be assigned random radius values")
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, radius = sample(nn, nn))
# Node axis definition
if (!is.null(node.axis))
if (is.integer(node.axis[, 2]))
nSize <- c()
for (i in 1:length(label))
indx <- which(as.character(node.axis[,1]) == label[i])
if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
nSize = c(nSize, node.axis[indx[1],2])
msg <- paste("No axis data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". This node will be assigned to axis 1!", sep = "")
nSize = c(nSize, 1)
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, axis = nSize)
rm(i, nSize, indx)
stop("Node axis is not integer.")
if (is.null(node.axis))
warning("No data provided for the node axis. All nodes will be assigned to axis 1")
node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, axis = rep(1, nn))
# Create HPD object
HPD <- list()
# Define node attributes
HPD$nodes$id <- as.integer(node.attributes$id)
HPD$nodes$lab <- as.character(node.attributes$label)
HPD$nodes$axis <- as.integer(node.attributes$axis)
HPD$nodes$radius <- as.numeric(node.attributes$radius)
HPD$nodes$size <- as.numeric(node.attributes$size)
HPD$nodes$color <- as.character(node.attributes$color)
# Get number of edges
ne <- nrow(edge_df)
# Edge weight definition
if (!(is.null(edge.weight)))
if (length(edge.weight) != nrow(edge_df))
stop("Edge weights are not provided for all edges!")
if (is.numeric(edge.weight) | is.integer(edge.weight))
edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, weight = edge.weight)
stop("Edge weight column is not numeric or integer.")
if (is.null(edge.weight))
warning("No edge weight provided Setting default edge weight to 1")
edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, weight = rep(1, ne))
# Edge color definition
if (!(is.null(edge.color)))
if (length(edge.color) != nrow(edge_df))
stop("Edge colors are not provided for all edges!")
edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, color = as.character(edge.color))
if (is.null(edge.color))
warning("No edge color provided. Setting default edge color to gray")
edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, color = rep("gray", ne))
# Set up edge list
# Merge by default sorts things and changes the order of edges, so edge list has to stay paired
edge.hlp <- merge(edge_df, node.attributes[, 1:2], by.x = 1, by.y = "label")
edge <- merge(edge.hlp, node.attributes[1:2], by.x = 2, by.y = "label")
HPD$edges$id1 <- as.integer(edge$id.x)
HPD$edges$id2 <- as.integer(edge$id.y)
HPD$edges$weight <- as.numeric(edge$weight)
HPD$edges$color <- as.character(edge$color)
HPD$nodes <-$nodes)
HPD$edges <-$edges)
# Add description
if (is.null(desc)) {
desc <- "No description provided"
HPD$desc <- desc
# Define axis columns
if (is.null(axis.cols)){
axis.cols <- brewer.pal(length(unique(HPD$nodes$axis)), "Set1")
HPD$axis.cols <- axis.cols
HPD$nodes$axis <- as.integer(HPD$nodes$axis)
HPD$nodes$size <- as.numeric(HPD$nodes$size)
HPD$nodes$color <- as.character(HPD$nodes$color)
HPD$nodes$lab <- as.character(HPD$nodes$lab)
HPD$nodes$radius <- as.numeric(HPD$nodes$radius)
HPD$nodes$id <- as.integer(HPD$nodes$id)
HPD$edges$id1 <- as.integer(HPD$edges$id1)
HPD$edges$id2 <- as.integer(HPD$edges$id2)
HPD$edges$weight <- as.numeric(HPD$edges$weight)
HPD$edges$color <- as.character(HPD$edges$color)
HPD$type <- type
class(HPD) <- "HivePlotData"
# Check HPD object
return (HPD)
mod.mineHPD <- function(HPD, option = "", radData = NULL)
edges <- HPD$edges
nodes <- HPD$nodes
nn <- length(nodes$id)
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "axis <-") {
# A change that allows this function to be used for undirected graphs
# Now all nodes will be assigned to an axis
done <- FALSE # a check to make sure all nodes get an axis
for (n in 1:nn) {
id1 <- which(n ==edges$id1)
id2 <- which(n ==edges$id2)
if ((length(id1) == 0) & (length(id2) > 0 )) {
nodes$axis[n] <- 2
done <- TRUE
} # these are sinks, as they only receive an edge
# note that set operations below drop duplicate values
#Change 1 starts here
if (length(id1) > 0)
if (length(id2) == 0)
nodes$axis[n] <- 1
done <- TRUE
#Change 1 ends here
common <- union(id1, id2)
source <- setdiff(id1, common)
if (length(source) == 1) {
nodes$axis[n] <- 1
done <- TRUE
} # these are sources
if (length(common) >= 1) {
nodes$axis[n] <- 3
done <- TRUE
} # these are managers
if (!done) {
msg <- paste("node ", nodes$id[n], " was not assigned to an axis", sep = "")
} # alert the user there was a problem
} # end of loop inspecting nodes
nodes$axis <- as.integer(nodes$axis)
} ##### end of option == "axis <-
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "rad <- random") {
# This option assigns a random radius value to a node
for (n in 1:nn)
nodes$radius[n] <- sample(1:nn, 1)
} ##### end of option == "rad <- random"
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "rad <- userDefined") {
# This option assigns a radius value to a node
# based upon user specified values.
if (is.null(radData)){
stop("No edge data provided")
if (length(intersect(as.character(radData[,1]), as.character(nodes$lab))) == 0){
stop("Provided data does not contain correct node labels")
for (n in 1:nn)
indexHlp <- which(as.character(radData[,1]) == nodes$lab[n])
if (length(indexHlp) != 0)
nodes$radius[n] <- radData[indexHlp[1], 2]
msg <- paste("No data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Value 1 will be assigned to this node!", sep = "")
nodes$radius[n] <- 1
} ##### end of option == "rad <- userDefined"
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "axis <- deg_one_two_more")
# This option assigns a node to an axis
# based upon whether its degree is 1, 2, or greater than two
# degree 1 = axis 1, degree 2 = axis 2, degree >2 = axis3
done <- FALSE # a check to make sure all nodes get an axis
for (n in 1:nn)
id1 <- which(n ==edges$id1)
id2 <- which(n ==edges$id2)
if ((length(id1) + length(id2)) == 1)
nodes$axis[n] <- 1
done <- TRUE
if ((length(id1) + length(id2)) == 2)
nodes$axis[n] <- 2
done <- TRUE
if ((length(id1) + length(id2)) > 2)
nodes$axis[n] <- 3
done <- TRUE
if (!done) {
msg <- paste("node ", nodes$id[n], " was not assigned to an axis", sep = "")
} # alert the user there was a problem
} # end of loop inspecting nodes
nodes$axis <- as.integer(nodes$axis)
} ##### end of option == "axis <- deg_1_2_more
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "axis <- deg_five_ten_more")
# This option assigns a node to an axis
# based upon whether its degree is <=5, 6-10, or greater than 10
# degree <=5 = axis 1, degree between 6 and 10 = axis 2, degree >10 = axis32
done <- FALSE # a check to make sure all nodes get an axis
for (n in 1:nn)
id1 <- which(n ==edges$id1)
id2 <- which(n ==edges$id2)
if ((length(id1) + length(id2)) <= 5)
nodes$axis[n] <- 1
done <- TRUE
if (((length(id1) + length(id2)) > 5) & ((length(id1) + length(id2)) <= 10))
nodes$axis[n] <- 2
done <- TRUE
if ((length(id1) + length(id2)) > 10)
nodes$axis[n] <- 3
done <- TRUE
if (!done) {
msg <- paste("node ", nodes$id[n], " was not assigned to an axis", sep = "")
} # alert the user there was a problem
} # end of loop inspecting nodes
nodes$axis <- as.integer(nodes$axis)
} ##### end of option == "axis <- deg_five_ten_more"
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "remove axis edge") {
# This option removes edges which start and end on the same axis
# It re-uses code from sumHPD
# Create a list of edges to be drawn
n1.lab <- n1.rad <- n2.lab <- n2.rad <- <- <- c()
for (n in 1:(length(HPD$edges$id1))) {
i1 <- which(HPD$edges$id1[n] == HPD$nodes$id)
i2 <- which(HPD$edges$id2[n] == HPD$nodes$id)
n1.lab <- c(n1.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i1])
n2.lab <- c(n2.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i2])
n1.rad <- c(n1.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i1])
n2.rad <- c(n2.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i2]) <- c(, HPD$nodes$axis[i1]) <- c(, HPD$nodes$axis[i2])
fd <- data.frame( = HPD$edges$id1,,
n1.rad, = HPD$edges$id2,,
e.wt = HPD$edges$weight,
e.col = HPD$edges$color)
prob <- which(fd$ == fd$
if (length(prob) == 0) cat("\n\t No edges were found that start and end on the same axis\n")
if (length(prob) > 0) {
edges <- edges[-prob,]
cat("\n\t", length(prob), "edges that start and end on the same axis were removed\n")
} ##### end of option == "remove axis edge"
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
if (option == "axis <- split") {
# This option splits all axes into 2 new axes
# It can be used to address the "edge on the same axis" issue
# This option may increase the number of nodes - a single node from the parent axis may appear on 2 "children" axes
nodesNew <- nodes
nodesOld <- nodes
nAxes <- unique(nodes$axis)
numAxes <- length(nAxes)
#Renumerate axes
for (i in numAxes:1)
nodesOld[which(nodesOld$axis == nAxes[i]), "axis"] <- as.integer(2*nAxes[i] - 1)
#Duplicate nodes
#Renumerate axes
for (i in numAxes:1)
nodesNew[which(nodesNew$axis == nAxes[i]), "axis"] <- as.integer(2*nAxes[i])
#Re-numerate node ids
nodesNew$id <- nodesNew$id + nn
#Duplicated set of nodes with correct axis and node ids
nodes <- rbind(nodesOld, nodesNew)
rm(nodesOld, nodesNew)
#Now create duplicated set of edges and re-numerate node ids for interactions
edgesNew1 <- edges
edgesNew1$id1 <- edgesNew1$id1 + nn
edgesNew1$id2 <- edgesNew1$id2 + nn
edgesNew2 <- edges
edgesNew2$id1 <- edgesNew2$id1 + nn
edgesNew3 <- edges
edgesNew3$id2 <- edgesNew3$id2 + nn
edges <- rbind(edges, edgesNew1, edgesNew2, edgesNew3)
nodesAxis <- nodes[, c("id", "axis")]
edgesHlp <- merge(edges, nodesAxis, by.x = "id1", by.y = "id")
edges <- merge(edgesHlp, nodesAxis, by.x = "id2", by.y = "id")
edgesOK <- edges[((edges$axis.x == 1) & (edges$axis.y == 2*numAxes)) | ((edges$axis.x == 2*numAxes) & (edges$axis.y == 1)), ]
edgesHlp <- edgesOK
if (numAxes > 1)
for (i in 1:(numAxes - 1))
edgesOK <- edges[((edges$axis.x == 2*i) & (edges$axis.y == (2*i + 1))) | ((edges$axis.x == (2*i + 1)) & (edges$axis.y == 2*i)), ]
edgesHlp <- rbind(edgesHlp, edgesOK)
for (i in 1:numAxes)
edgesOK <- edges[((edges$axis.x == (2*i - 1)) & (edges$axis.y == 2*i)) | ((edges$axis.x == 2*i) & (edges$axis.y == (2*i - 1))), ]
edgesHlp <- rbind(edgesHlp, edgesOK)
edges <- edgesHlp[, 1:4]
unique.ids <- unique(c(edges$id1, edges$id2))
nodes <- nodes[nodes$id %in% unique.ids, ]
# Check if the new number of axes is 2 times larger than old one
# if not, we need to adjust axis numbers <- sort(unique(nodes$axis))
if(length( != 2*numAxes)
for (i in 1:length(
if (i !=[i]){
nodes[which(nodes$axis ==[i]), "axis"] <- i
} ##### end of option == "axis <- split"
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###
# Final assembly and checking...
HPD$edges <- edges
HPD$nodes <- nodes
rm(list = ls())
dataSet <- read.table("lesmis.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# Create a graph. Use simplify to ensure that there are no duplicated edges or self loops
gD <- simplify(, directed=FALSE))
# Print number of nodes and edges
# vcount(gD)
# ecount(gD)
# Calculate some node properties and node similarities that will be used to illustrate
# different plotting abilities
# Calculate degree for all nodes
degAll <- degree(gD, v = V(gD), mode = "all")
# Calculate betweenness for all nodes
betAll <- betweenness(gD, v = V(gD), directed = FALSE) / (((vcount(gD) - 1) * (vcount(gD)-2)) / 2)
betAll.norm <- (betAll - min(betAll))/(max(betAll) - min(betAll))
gD <- set.vertex.attribute(gD, "degree", index = V(gD), value = degAll)
gD <- set.vertex.attribute(gD, "betweenness", index = V(gD), value = betAll.norm)
# Check the attributes
# summary(gD)
gD <- set.edge.attribute(gD, "weight", index = E(gD), value = 0)
gD <- set.edge.attribute(gD, "similarity", index = E(gD), value = 0)
# Calculate Dice similarities between all pairs of nodes
dsAll <- similarity.dice(gD, vids = V(gD), mode = "all")
# Calculate edge weight based on the node similarity
F1 <- function(x) {data.frame(V4 = dsAll[which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$V1)), which(V(gD)$name == as.character(x$V2))])}
dataSet.ext <- ddply(dataSet, .variables=c("V1", "V2", "V3"), function(x) data.frame(F1(x)))
for (i in 1:nrow(dataSet.ext))
E(gD)[as.character(dataSet.ext$V1) %--% as.character(dataSet.ext$V2)]$weight <- as.numeric(dataSet.ext$V3)
E(gD)[as.character(dataSet.ext$V1) %--% as.character(dataSet.ext$V2)]$similarity <- as.numeric(dataSet.ext$V4)
rm(degAll, betAll, betAll.norm, F1, dsAll, i)
#Determine node/edge color based on the properties
# Calculate node size
# We'll interpolate node size based on the node betweenness centrality, using the "approx" function
# And we will assign a node size for each node based on its betweenness centrality
approxVals <- approx(c(0.5, 1.5), n = length(unique(V(gD)$betweenness)))
nodes_size <- sapply(V(gD)$betweenness, function(x) approxVals$y[which(sort(unique(V(gD)$betweenness)) == x)])
# Define node color
# We'll interpolate node colors based on the node degree using the "colorRampPalette" function from the "grDevices" library
# This function returns a function corresponding to a collor palete of "bias" number of elements
F2 <- colorRampPalette(c("#F5DEB3", "#FF0000"), bias = length(unique(V(gD)$degree)), space = "rgb", interpolate = "linear")
# Now we'll create a color for each degree
colCodes <- F2(length(unique(V(gD)$degree)))
# And we will assign a color for each node based on its degree
nodes_col <- sapply(V(gD)$degree, function(x) colCodes[which(sort(unique(V(gD)$degree)) == x)])
rm(F2, colCodes)
# Assign visual attributes to edges using the same approach as we did for nodes
F2 <- colorRampPalette(c("#FFFF00", "#006400"), bias = length(unique(E(gD)$similarity)), space = "rgb", interpolate = "linear")
colCodes <- F2(length(unique(E(gD)$similarity)))
edges_col <- sapply(E(gD)$similarity, function(x) colCodes[which(sort(unique(E(gD)$similarity)) == x)])
rm(F2, colCodes)
# Now the new (HiveR) part
# Create a hive plot from the data frame
hive1 <- edge2HPD(edge_df = dataSet.ext)
# Assign nodes to a radius based on their degree (number of edges they are touching)
hive2 <- mineHPD(hive1, option = "rad <- tot.edge.count")
# Assign nodes to axes based on their position in the edge list
# (this function assumes direct graphs, so it considers the first column to be a source and second column to be a sink )
hive3 <- mineHPD(hive2, option = "axis <-")
# Removing zero edges for better visualization
hive4 <- mineHPD(hive3, option = "remove zero edge")
# And finally, plotting our graph (Figure 1)
plotHive(hive4, method = "abs", bkgnd = "white", axLabs = c("source", "hub", "sink"), axLab.pos = 1)
# Let's do some node/edge customization
# First do nodes
nodes <- hive4$nodes
# Change the node color and size based on node degree and betweenness values
for (i in 1:nrow(nodes))
nodes$color[i] <- nodes_col[which(nodes$lab[i] == V(gD)$name)]
nodes$size[i] <- nodes_size[which(nodes$lab[i] == V(gD)$name)]
# Reassign these nodes to the hive(4) object
hive4$nodes <- nodes
# And plot it (Figure 2)
plotHive(hive4, method = "abs", bkgnd = "white", axLab.pos = 1)
# Now do the edges
edges <- hive4$edges
# Change the edge color based on Dice similarity
for (i in 1:nrow(edges))
index1 <- which(nodes$id == edges$id1[i])
index2 <- which(nodes$id == edges$id2[i])
edges$color[i] <- edges_col[which(E(gD)[as.character(nodes$lab[index1]) %--% as.character(nodes$lab[index2])] == E(gD))]
# Reassign these edges to the hive(4) object
hive4$edges <- edges
# And plot it (Figure 3)
plotHive(hive4, method = "abs", bkgnd = "white", axLabs = c("source", "hub", "sink"), axLab.pos = 1)
# Some edges are too thick, so we will reduce the edge weight (thickness) by 25%
hive4$edges$weight <- hive4$edges$weight/4
# And plot it (Figure 5)
plotHive(hive4, method = "abs", bkgnd = "white", axLabs = c("source", "hub", "sink"), axLab.pos = 1)
# Now the same using adj2HPD() instead of edge2HPD()
# First, we'll create an adjacency matrix from our graph (gD)
gAdj <- get.adjacency(gD, type = "upper", edges = FALSE, names = TRUE, sparse = FALSE)
# Then we'll create the hive object for it
hive1 <- adj2HPD(gAdj, type = "2D")
# Assign nodes to a radius based on their degree (number of edges they are touching)
hive2 <- mineHPD(hive1, option = "rad <- tot.edge.count")
# Assign nodes to axes based on their position in the edge list
hive3 <- mod.mineHPD(hive2, option = "axis <-")
# In some cases (for undirected graphs), some nodes will not be assigned to any axes
# In those cases, use the function from "mod.mineHPD.R"
#hive3 <- mod.mineHPD(hive2, option = "axis <-")
# Removing zero edges for better visualization
hive4 <- mineHPD(hive3, option = "remove zero edge")
# Node/edge customization is the same as above
# Now lets expand the available options and add some new function(alitie)s
# Available in: "mod.mineHPD.R"
# Assign nodes to a radius based on the user specified values (in our case betweenness centrality)
hive2 <- mod.mineHPD(hive1, option = "rad <- userDefined", radData = data.frame(nds = V(gD)$name, bc = V(gD)$betweenness))
# Assign nodes to a radius randomly
hive2 <- mod.mineHPD(hive1, option = "rad <- random")
# Assign nodes to axes based on their degree
# Low degrees (1, 2, >2)
hive3 <- mod.mineHPD(hive2, option = "axis <- deg_one_two_more")
# Higer degrees (<=5, 6-10, >10)
hive3 <- mod.mineHPD(hive2, option = "axis <- deg_five_ten_more")
# Split axes - this function splits each of the 3 axes into 2 new axes (thus, resulting in 6 axes)
# and removes edge on the same axis (but it introduces new (duplicated) nodes)
hive4 <- mod.mineHPD(hive3, option = "axis <- split")
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ghost commented Dec 23, 2015

How do i add lables to the nodes ?

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Vessy commented May 13, 2016

To add node labels (when plotting nodes), use anNodes option in the plotHive function. However, this requires node labeling information to be included in the separate file. Here is the info about this option (

anNodes: (Applies to plotHive only) The path to a csv file containing information for labeling nodes. If present, a line segment will be drawn from the node to the specified text. The text is positioned near the end of the line segment. The columns in the csv file must be named as follows (description and use in parentheses): node.lab (node label from HPD$nodes$lab), node.text (the text to be drawn on the plot), angle (polar coordinates: angle at which to draw the segment), radius (polar coordinates: radius at which to draw the text), offset (additional distance along the radius vector to offset text), hjust, vjust (horizontal and vertical justification; nominally in [0...1] but fractional and negative values also work). The first two values will be treated as type character, the others as numeric.

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When I run your code exampleForModEdge2HPD_HiveR.R, I got the following error:

hive2 <- mineHPD(hive1, option = "remove zero edge")

 No edges were found that start and end on the same node

Error in data.frame( = HPD$edges$id1,, n1.lab = as.character(n1.lab), :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 77

Do you have any ideas why does this happen?

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