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Victor Taelin VictorTaelin

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I: 1 5 9 3 0 0 A 8 1 E D F 6 5 4 8
O: 1 1 0 6 9 D A 4 5 E 0 5 3 F 8 8
I: 3 0 E C 6 1 F B 3 B 4 F 7 3 E 1
O: 3 3 6 7 E 4 F E 0 B 1 3 C F B 1
I: 8 4 7 C 1 8 7 1 F 0 1 B 9 8 7 6
O: 8 F 1 9 7 1 7 7 4 0 8 8 C B 1 6
I: 3 2 9 D A 2 C 2 D 3 F D 7 F B 6
VictorTaelin /
Last active October 15, 2024 16:26


🌲 Invert a binary tree! 🌲

Except with 3 catches:

  1. It must invert the keys ("bit-reversal permutation")
  2. It must be a dependency-free, pure recursive function
  3. It must have type Bit -> Tree -> Tree (i.e., a direct recursion with max 1 bit state)
VictorTaelin / ab_reasoning_eval.txt
Created September 14, 2024 03:19
A::B System - Reasoning Eval - prompt
Let an AB symbol be one of 4 possible variants:
data AB : Set where
A# : AB
#A : AB
B# : AB
#B : AB
Let an AB Term be a list of AB symbols:
VictorTaelin / mod_exp_enum_rotation.hvm1.c
Last active September 10, 2024 16:48
Mod Exp via Enum Rotations
// Computes modular exponentiation by repeated ENUM rotation.
// To compute `a ^ b % M`, we:
// - 1. Create a generic ENUM with M variants: enum T { v0, v1, v2, ... vM }
// - 2. Create a generic ENUM rotator: v0 -> v1, v1 -> v2, ... v1 -> v0
// - 3. Apply that rotator a^b times to v0; the result will be `a ^ b % M`!
// To test this, we compute `(123 ^ 10) % 257`.
// This should require at least 792594609605189126649 function calls.
// A Macbook M3 would take about 25,000 years to *count* to that number.
VictorTaelin / ic_hoas_bug_complete_log.hvm1
Created September 3, 2024 11:43
<0>(Quote (APP (C2a) (C2b)) 0)
(Switch 0 z s) = z
(Switch n z s) = (s (- n 1))
// (λx(bod) arg)
// ------------- APP-LAM
// x <- arg
// bod
(APP (Lam bod) arg) =
(bod arg)
VictorTaelin /
Last active September 21, 2024 17:40
Optimal Evaluation in 1 Minute or 10 Minutes or 10 Years

Optimal Evaluation in 1 Minute (or 10 Minutes) (or 10 Years)

Short Version (1 minute)

A prerequisite to intelligence is the ability to find a program that explains a pattern. Programs are functions. To test a candidate program, we need to implement a "function evaluator". The problem is: all modern programming languages are sub-optimal "function evaluators", which, in the context of search, leads to massive slowdowns. To implement an optimal interpreter, we need to: 1. postpone the execution of expressions, to avoid wasted work, 2. cache the result of postponed expressions, to avoid duplicated work, 3. incrementally copy cached structures, to ensure 1 and 2 don't interfere. Haskell almost achieves this, but falls short on 3, because it is unable to incrementally copy lambdas. To solve this, we introduce the concept of a "superposition", which allows multiple versions of a term to exist simultaneously. This ensures that no work is ever wasted or duplicated, allowing us to optimally interpret (or com

VictorTaelin /
Last active September 10, 2024 04:13

Refactoring Kind's switch with ChatSH

(This is a readable version of my ChatSH session. For the full log, click here.)

Taelin: Hello. We're going to refactor an aspect of the implementation of the Kind language. Are you ready? Start by doing 'ls', then 'cat kind-lang.cabal' to get familiar with the repo.

ChatSH: Certainly! I'm ready to help you refactor an aspect of the Kind language implementation. Let's start by examining the repository structure and the contents of the Cabal file.

ls &amp;&amp; echo "---" &amp;&amp; cat kind-lang.cabal
VictorTaelin / sonnet_code_example.txt
Last active August 26, 2024 12:27
real world example / using Sonnet to code
You're a code completion assistant.
-- Files for context:
-- Kind-Lang parser in Rust:
use crate::{*};
VictorTaelin / example_prompt.txt
Created August 12, 2024 04:07
converting tt.hs to tt.hvm1
// tt.hs:
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Debug.Trace
import Prelude hiding (LT, GT, EQ)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Text.Parsec ((<|>))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M