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Created June 23, 2024 02:54
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complete chatsh session refactoring kind stuff
$ chatsh
Welcome to ChatSH. Model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
$ i have a single self-contained main.hs file inside a Rust project. how can I ask it to compile/build/install the file under the 'kindc' name on the terminal when the user does cargo install --path .? the conventional way
To integrate a Haskell file into a Rust project and compile it when running `cargo install --path .`, you can use a build script. Here's how to set it up:
echo 'fn main() {
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", std::env::current_dir().unwrap().join("kindc").display());
.args(&["-o", "kindc", "main.hs"])
.expect("Failed to compile Haskell file");
}' > && echo '[package]
name = "kindc"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
[dependencies]' > Cargo.toml && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").unwrap();
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > src/
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ ls
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ pwd
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ ls ..
ls ..
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ show the contents of my build file (is there one?)
cat ../Cargo.toml
Execute? [Y/n] y
name = "kind2"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "kind2"
path = "src/"
TSPL = "0.0.9"
highlight_error = "0.1.1"
im = "15.1.0"
clap = "4.5.2"
$ i mean the
cat ../
Execute? [Y/n] y
Execution error: Command failed: cat ../
cat: ../ No such file or directory
$ there is none?
Correct, there is no file in the parent directory. Based on the output of the previous commands, it appears that your project doesn't currently have a file.
$ ah i see. create one then, that does the desired effect
echo 'fn main() {
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", std::env::current_dir().unwrap().join("src/kindc").display());
.args(&["-o", "src/kindc", "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to compile Haskell file");
}' > ../
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ do i need to do anything else?
Yes, you need to make a few more changes to fully integrate the Haskell file into your Rust project. Here are the additional steps:
# Update Cargo.toml to include build-dependencies
echo '[build-dependencies]
ghc = "0.1.0"' >> ../Cargo.toml
# Update src/ to use the compiled Haskell binary
echo '
fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' >> src/
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ sorry you do not understand. i already have a file that does other stuff. this should be a separate binary
I apologize for the misunderstanding. To create a separate binary for the Haskell file without modifying your existing, we'll update the Cargo.toml file. Here's what you need to do:
echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > src/
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ can you call it just
Certainly. I'll modify the command to use "" instead of "":
echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > src/
Execute? [Y/n] y
Execution error: Command failed: echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > src/
/bin/sh: line 8: src/ No such file or directory
$ oh no, what happened?
I apologize for the confusion. It seems the error occurred because the file src/ doesn't exist yet. Let's create it first and then update the Cargo.toml file. Here's the corrected sequence of commands:
touch src/ && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > src/ && echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml
Execute? [Y/n] y
Execution error: Command failed: touch src/ && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > src/ && echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml
touch: src/ No such file or directory
$ i think thats because we're on src already
You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the oversight. Since we're already in the src directory, we don't need to include "src/" in the file paths. Let's correct the command:
touch && echo 'fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' > && echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ did it work? check it pls. check all related files to see if it worked
cat && echo "---" && cat ../Cargo.toml && echo "---" && cat ../
Execute? [Y/n] y
fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
name = "kind2"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "kind2"
path = "src/"
TSPL = "0.0.9"
highlight_error = "0.1.1"
im = "15.1.0"
clap = "4.5.2"
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"
fn main() {
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", std::env::current_dir().unwrap().join("src/kindc").display());
.args(&["-o", "src/kindc", "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to compile Haskell file");
$ so, did it? give me your opinion
The changes have been partially successful, but there are a few issues:
1. The file was created correctly with the intended content.
2. The Cargo.toml file was updated, but there's a duplicate entry for the kindc binary. We need to remove one of these entries.
3. The file looks correct, but we should ensure it's in the correct location (project root, not in src).
4. We haven't added the build-dependencies to Cargo.toml for the ghc crate.
To fix these issues, we should:
1. Remove the duplicate [[bin]] entry in Cargo.toml
2. Add the build-dependencies to Cargo.toml
3. Verify the location of
Let's make these corrections.
$ ok lets first fix the first issue.
Certainly. Let's remove the duplicate [[bin]] entry for kindc in the Cargo.toml file. Here's the command to do that:
sed -i '' '/\[\[bin\]\]/,/path = "src\/"/d' ../Cargo.toml && echo '
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"' >> ../Cargo.toml
This command will remove all existing [[bin]] entries for kindc and then add a single correct entry at the end of the file.
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ thats too hacky, overwrite the entire file with the right contents!
You're right, it's cleaner to rewrite the entire file. Here's a command to overwrite the Cargo.toml file with the correct contents:
echo '[package]
name = "kind2"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "kind2"
path = "src/"
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"
TSPL = "0.0.9"
highlight_error = "0.1.1"
im = "15.1.0"
clap = "4.5.2"
ghc = "0.1.0"' > ../Cargo.toml
This will create a clean Cargo.toml file with the correct structure and all necessary entries.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ ok, next issue?
The next issue is to verify the location of the file. It should be in the project root directory, not in the src directory. Let's check its location and move it if necessary:
if [ -f ../ ]; then
echo " is already in the correct location."
mv ../
echo " has been moved to the project root directory."
This command will move the file to the project root if it's not already there.
Execute? [Y/n] y
<RESULT> is already in the correct location.
$ is it ok?
Yes, that's correct. The file is already in the correct location (the project root directory), which is good. This means we don't need to make any changes regarding its location.
Now, let's verify the contents of the file to ensure it has the correct code:
cat ../
Execute? [Y/n] y
fn main() {
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", std::env::current_dir().unwrap().join("src/kindc").display());
.args(&["-o", "src/kindc", "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to compile Haskell file");
$ is it ok?
The content of looks correct. It does the following:
1. Sets the KINDC_PATH environment variable to the path of the compiled Haskell binary.
2. Calls GHC to compile the kindc.hs file into a binary named kindc.
However, there's one small improvement we can make. Since we're using the `ghc` crate as a build dependency, we should use it instead of calling GHC directly. Let's update the file:
echo 'use std::path::PathBuf;
use ghc::Ghc;
fn main() {
let out_dir = PathBuf::from("src");
let out_file = out_dir.join("kindc");
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", out_file.display());
.expect("Failed to compile Haskell file");
}' > ../
This version uses the `ghc` crate to compile the Haskell file, which is more idiomatic for a Rust project.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ nice thanks. do we need to do anything else?
Let's do a final check to ensure everything is in place:
1. Verify Cargo.toml
2. Check
3. Confirm
Here's a command to review all these files:
echo "=== Cargo.toml ===" && cat ../Cargo.toml &&
echo "\n=== src/ ===" && cat &&
echo "\n=== ===" && cat ../
This will display the contents of all relevant files, allowing us to confirm that everything is set up correctly.
Execute? [Y/n] y
=== Cargo.toml ===
name = "kind2"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "kind2"
path = "src/"
name = "kindc"
path = "src/"
TSPL = "0.0.9"
highlight_error = "0.1.1"
im = "15.1.0"
clap = "4.5.2"
ghc = "0.1.0"
=== src/ ===
fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
=== ===
use std::path::PathBuf;
use ghc::Ghc;
fn main() {
let out_dir = PathBuf::from("src");
let out_file = out_dir.join("kindc");
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", out_file.display());
.expect("Failed to compile Haskell file");
$ so?
The setup looks good now. All the necessary components are in place:
1. Cargo.toml is correctly configured with both binaries (kind2 and kindc) and the required dependencies, including the build dependency for ghc.
2. src/ is set up to run the compiled Haskell binary.
3. is properly configured to compile the Haskell file using the ghc crate.
The only thing left to do is to ensure that the Haskell file (kindc.hs) is present in the src directory. You can verify this with:
ls kindc.hs
If the file exists, your setup is complete and should work as intended when you run `cargo install --path .`.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ is it ok?
Yes, that's perfect. The kindc.hs file is present in the src directory, which means all components are in place. Your setup is now complete and should work as intended. When you run `cargo install --path .`, it should:
1. Compile the Haskell file (kindc.hs) into a binary.
2. Build the Rust wrapper ( that calls this binary.
3. Install both the main kind2 binary and the kindc binary.
You're all set to use your integrated Haskell-Rust project.
$ i get: ^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `ghc`
I apologize for the oversight. It seems the `ghc` crate is not available or not compatible with the current setup. Let's modify the `` file to use the system's GHC directly instead of relying on a Rust crate. Here's an updated version:
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
let out_dir = PathBuf::from("src");
let out_file = out_dir.join("kindc");
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", out_file.display());
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-o", out_file.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
}' > ../
This version uses the standard library's `Command` to run GHC directly. Also, let's remove the `ghc` crate from the `build-dependencies` in `Cargo.toml`:
sed -i '' '/\[build-dependencies\]/d' ../Cargo.toml
sed -i '' '/ghc = "0.1.0"/d' ../Cargo.toml
These changes should resolve the "use of undeclared crate or module `ghc`" error.
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ i think you should just include the ghc crate on the cargo, no? please check the contents of, i think that's what you want. download the site and display
Certainly. Let's check the contents of the ghc crate on I'll download and display the relevant information:
curl -s | jq '.crate | {name, max_version, description}'
Execute? [Y/n] y
"name": "ghc",
"max_version": "0.1.13",
"description": "Cli for efficient development in china"
$ is that what you want?
I apologize for the confusion. You're right to question this. The "ghc" crate on is not what we want. It's not related to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) as we initially assumed.
Given this information, we should stick with using the system's GHC directly in our build script, as we did in the previous correction. The file that uses std::process::Command to call GHC directly is the correct approach.
Let's remove the [build-dependencies] section from Cargo.toml if it's still there:
sed -i '' '/\[build-dependencies\]/d' ../Cargo.toml
This setup, using the system's GHC directly, is the right way to proceed for compiling the Haskell file in your Rust project.
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ it isnt there. lets use a that doesn't depend on ghc
You're absolutely right. Let's create a `` that doesn't depend on any external crates and simply uses the system's GHC. Here's a revised version:
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("kindc");
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", dest_path.display());
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
}' > ../
This `` script:
1. Uses the `OUT_DIR` environment variable provided by Cargo to determine where to place the compiled Haskell binary.
2. Sets the `KINDC_PATH` environment variable to point to the compiled binary.
3. Calls the system's GHC to compile the Haskell file.
4. Tells Cargo to rerun the build script if the Haskell source file changes.
This approach doesn't rely on any external crates and should work as long as GHC is installed on the system.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ should we use -O2? for max performance?
Yes, using -O2 for maximum performance is a good idea. Let's modify the file to include this optimization flag:
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("kindc");
println!("cargo:rustc-env=KINDC_PATH={}", dest_path.display());
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-O2", "-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
}' > ../
This version includes the "-O2" flag for GHC, which enables advanced optimizations for better performance.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ what is KINDC_PATH?
KINDC_PATH is an environment variable that we're setting in the build script. It contains the full path to the compiled Haskell binary (kindc).
This environment variable is used in the Rust wrapper (src/ to locate and execute the compiled Haskell program. The Rust code reads this environment variable to know where to find the kindc executable.
In the current setup:
1. The build script ( compiles the Haskell file and sets KINDC_PATH to point to the resulting binary.
2. The Rust wrapper (src/ uses this path to execute the Haskell program.
This approach allows the Rust code to find and run the Haskell binary regardless of where Cargo decides to place the compiled files.
$ run kindc
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ run the kindc command, just kindc
Execute? [Y/n] y
Execution error: Command failed: kindc
thread 'main' panicked at src/
KINDC_PATH not set: NotPresent
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
$ see there is an error. why?
The error occurs because the KINDC_PATH environment variable is not set when you're trying to run the 'kindc' command directly. This happens because:
1. The KINDC_PATH is set by the build script during compilation.
2. It's intended to be used within the context of the Rust program, not as a standalone command.
To fix this, we need to modify our approach:
1. In the build script, we should compile the Haskell file to a known location within the project.
2. In the Rust wrapper, we should use a relative path or a more robust method to locate the compiled Haskell binary.
Let's update both files. First, the
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let dest_path = out_dir.join("target").join("kindc");
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-O2", "-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
}' > ../
Now, let's update src/
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
let kindc_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' >
These changes should allow the 'kindc' command to work correctly when installed via Cargo.
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ sorry i cancelled, do it again
I apologize for the confusion. Let's update both files again. First, we'll update the file:
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let dest_path = out_dir.join("target").join("kindc");
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-O2", "-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
}' > ../
Now, let's update src/
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
let kindc_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' >
These changes should allow the 'kindc' command to work correctly when installed via Cargo.
Execute? [Y/n] you need to have it all in a single sh block
$ did it work? check both files
Let's check the contents of both files to ensure they were updated correctly:
echo "=== ===" &&
cat ../ &&
echo -e "\n=== src/ ===" &&
Execute? [Y/n] y
=== ===
use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let dest_path = out_dir.join("target").join("kindc");
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-O2", "-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
=== src/ ===
fn main() {
let kindc_path = std::env::var("KINDC_PATH").expect("KINDC_PATH not set");
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
$ did it?
It appears that the file was updated correctly, but the src/ file was not updated as intended. Let's fix the src/ file:
echo 'use std::process::Command;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
let kindc_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
}' >
After running this command, let's check the contents of again to ensure it's updated correctly:
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ remember you can only use 1 sh per answer, or else it will not go through. now check if it all worked
I apologize for the confusion. Let's check both files in a single command:
echo "=== ===" && cat ../ && echo -e "\n=== src/ ===" && cat
Execute? [Y/n] y
=== ===
use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let dest_path = out_dir.join("target").join("kindc");
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-O2", "-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
=== src/ ===
use std::process::Command;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
let kindc_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
.expect("Failed to run kindc");
$ did it?
Yes, it worked correctly this time. Both files have been updated as intended:
1. The file is set up to compile the Haskell file (kindc.hs) into the target directory with the -O2 optimization flag.
2. The src/ file now correctly locates and runs the compiled Haskell binary from the target directory.
These changes should resolve the previous issues and allow the 'kindc' command to work properly when installed via Cargo. The setup now doesn't rely on environment variables set during the build process, making it more robust.
$ so now i just do cargo install and it will work?
In theory, yes, running `cargo install --path .` should work now. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Make sure you're in the project root directory when running the command.
2. Ensure that GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) is installed on your system and accessible in your PATH.
3. The Haskell file (kindc.hs) should be present in the src directory.
To be thorough, let's verify these points before running the install command:
pwd &&
which ghc &&
ls ../src/kindc.hs &&
echo "All prerequisites met. You can now run 'cargo install --path .'"
This command will show your current directory, check for GHC, and verify the existence of the Haskell source file.
Execute? [Y/n] y
All prerequisites met. You can now run 'cargo install --path .'
$ kindc
To run the `kindc` command, you need to execute it from the directory where it's installed after running `cargo install --path .`. The command you've entered will likely not work directly because:
1. You're currently in the src directory of your project.
2. The `kindc` binary hasn't been installed to your PATH yet.
To properly test it, you should:
1. Go to the project root directory
2. Run `cargo install --path .`
3. Then try running `kindc`
Here's a command to go to the project root and start this process:
cd .. && echo "Now in project root. Run 'cargo install --path .' and then try 'kindc'"
Execute? [Y/n] n
Execution skipped.
$ do just kindc
Execute? [Y/n] y
Kind2 Core Checker (kindc) usage:
kindc check file.kindc # Type-checks the main definition
kindc run file.kindc # Normalizes the main definition
kindc show file.kindc # Stringifies the main definition
kindc help # Shows this help message
$ yay! it worked!
Excellent! I'm glad to see it worked successfully. The output shows that the `kindc` command is now properly installed and functioning. It displays a usage guide, which is exactly what we'd expect when running the command without any arguments.
This means that:
1. The Haskell file was successfully compiled during the Cargo build process.
2. The Rust wrapper correctly locates and executes the compiled Haskell binary.
3. The installation process (`cargo install --path .`) correctly placed the binary in your PATH.
You can now use `kindc` with the various subcommands it offers:
- `kindc check file.kindc` to type-check the main definition
- `kindc run file.kindc` to normalize the main definition
- `kindc show file.kindc` to stringify the main definition
Great job on getting this set up! Your Haskell-Rust integration is working as intended.
$ yes, i know, im the author lol. okay, so... there is another problem now. can you help me with it? this will need explanation...
Of course! I'd be happy to help you with any other problems you're encountering. As the author, you certainly have a deeper understanding of the system than I initially assumed. My apologies for not recognizing that earlier.
Please go ahead and explain the problem you're facing. Don't hesitate to provide as much detail as you think is necessary. What's the issue you're experiencing now?
$ sure, please show the contents of
Certainly. Let's view the contents of the file:
Execute? [Y/n] y
use clap::{Arg, ArgAction, Command};
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command as SysCommand;
mod book;
mod info;
mod show;
mod sugar;
mod term;
use book::*;
use info::*;
use show::*;
use sugar::*;
use term::*;
use highlight_error::highlight_error;
use TSPL::Parser;
//fn generate_check_hvm2(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
//let kind_hvm2 = include_str!("./kind2.hvm2");
//let book_hvm2 = book.to_hvm2_checker();
//let main_hvm2 = match command {
//"check" => format!("main = (apiCheck Book.{})\n", arg.replace("/", ".")),
//"run" => format!("main = (apiNormal Book.{})\n", arg.replace("/", ".")),
//_ => panic!("invalid command"),
//format!("{}\n{}\n{}", kind_hvm2, book_hvm2, main_hvm2)
//fn generate_check_hs(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
//let kind_hs = include_str!("./kind2.hs")
//.filter(|line| !line.starts_with("xString"))
//let book_hs = book.to_hs_checker();
//let main_hs = match command {
//"check" => format!("main = (apiCheck {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
//"run" => format!("main = (apiNormal {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
//_ => panic!("invalid command"),
//format!("{}\n{}\n{}", kind_hs, book_hs, main_hs)
fn generate_hvm2(book: &Book, arg: &str) -> String {
let book_hvm2 = book.to_hvm2();
let main_hvm2 = format!("main = {}\n", Term::to_hvm2_name(arg));
format!("{}\n{}", book_hvm2, main_hvm2)
//fn run_kore(book: &Book, cmd: &str, file: &str, runtime: &str) -> (Vec<Info>, String) {
//let command = match runtime {
//"hs" => {
//let check_hs = generate_check_hs(&book, cmd, file);
//let mut file = fs::File::create(".check.hs").expect("Failed to create '.check.hs'.");
//file.write_all(check_hs.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hs'.");
//SysCommand::new("runghc").arg(".check.hs").output().expect("Failed to execute command")
//"hvm2" => {
//let check_hvm2 = generate_check_hvm2(&book, cmd, file);
//let mut file = fs::File::create(".check.hvm2").expect("Failed to create '.check.hvm2'.");
//file.write_all(check_hvm2.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hvm2'.");
//SysCommand::new("hvml").arg("run").arg("-L").arg(".check.hvm2").output().expect("Failed to execute command")
//_ => panic!("invalid runtime"),
//let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stdout);
//let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&command.stderr);
//(Info::parse_infos(&stdout), stderr.to_string())
//fn check(name: &str, runtime: &str) {
//let book = load_book(name);
//let (infos, stderr) = run_kore(&book, "check", name, runtime);
//for info in &infos {
//println!("{}", info.pretty(&book));
//if stderr.is_empty() && infos.is_empty() {
//fn normal(name: &str, _level: u32, runtime: &str) {
//let book = load_book(name);
//let (infos, stderr) = run_kore(&book, "run", name, runtime);
//for info in &infos {
//println!("{}", info.pretty(&book));
fn auto_format(file_name: &str) {
let base = std::env::current_dir().expect("failed to get current directory");
let file = base.join(format!("{file_name}.kind2"));
let text = std::fs::read_to_string(&file).expect("failed to read file");
let fid = Book::new().get_file_id(&file.to_str().unwrap().to_string());
let book = KindParser::new(&text).parse_book(file_name, fid).expect("failed to parse book");
let form = book.defs.iter().map(|(name, term)| book.format_def(name, term)).collect();
let form = Show::pile("\n\n", form).flatten(Some(60));
std::fs::write(&file, form).expect(&format!("failed to write to file '{}'", file_name));
fn compile(name: &str) {
let book = load_book(name);
let code = generate_hvm2(&book, name);
fn load_book(name: &str) -> Book {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().expect("failed to get current directory");
Book::boot(cwd.to_str().unwrap(), name).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
fn main() {
let matches = Command::new("kind2")
.about("The Kind2 Programming Language")
.about("Type-checks a term")
.value_parser(["hs", "hvm2"])
.about("Normalizes a term")
.value_parser(["hs", "hvm2"])
.about("Auto-formats a file")
.about("Compiles to HVM2")
.subcommand(Command::new("compare").about("Runs internal comparison tests"))
match matches.subcommand() {
//Some(("check", sub_matches)) => {
//let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
//let runtime = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("runtime").expect("defaulted");
//check(name, runtime);
//Some(("normal", sub_matches)) => {
//let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
//let level = sub_matches.get_one::<u32>("level").copied().unwrap_or(0);
//let runtime = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("runtime").expect("defaulted");
//normal(name, level, runtime);
Some(("format", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
Some(("compile", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
_ => unreachable!(),
$ ok so, as you can see, previously, the way we did type checking was by generating a haskell file and then running it with runghc. for example, when you ran 'kind2 check foo.kind2', it would generate `.check.hs` (something like that) and then `runghc` it. moreover, it would INJECT the parsed definitions from foo.kind2 as a haskell datatype inside the haskell file (like `main = (Lam \x -> (Lam \y -> ...))`). do you see what I mean? that was obviously not very clean. so, now, the kindc file is a proper executable, and can read .kindc files with proper syntax (like `main = λx λy ...`), no need to inject stuff as haskell datatypes inside the haskell file, and no need to use the interpreted runghc (we can just use the compiled kindc!). nice right? but we need to update some code for this to work. so, before we start, can we show all files on src, recursively?
Certainly! I understand the transition you're making from generating and running Haskell files to using a compiled `kindc` executable. It's indeed a cleaner approach. Let's start by listing all the files in the src directory recursively:
find . -type f | sort
This command will show all files in the current directory (which should be the src directory) and its subdirectories, sorted alphabetically.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ ok nice. about my explanation, was it correct? im not sure im remembering it all since it has been a while. can you see some part of the file that injects terms into the .checker.hs file? is it there or somewhere else?
You're correct in your recollection, but the code for injecting terms into the .checker.hs file is actually commented out in the file you showed. The relevant function was `generate_check_hs`, which is currently commented out. Here's the commented-out section:
//fn generate_check_hs(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
//let kind_hs = include_str!("./kind2.hs")
//.filter(|line| !line.starts_with("xString"))
//let book_hs = book.to_hs_checker();
//let main_hs = match command {
//"check" => format!("main = (apiCheck {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
//"run" => format!("main = (apiNormal {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
//_ => panic!("invalid command"),
//format!("{}\n{}\n{}", kind_hs, book_hs, main_hs)
This function was responsible for generating the Haskell file with injected terms. The `book.to_hs_checker()` call likely generated the Haskell representation of the parsed definitions.
The `run_kore` function, which is also commented out, was responsible for creating the .check.hs file and running it with `runghc`:
//fn run_kore(book: &Book, cmd: &str, file: &str, runtime: &str) -> (Vec<Info>, String) {
//let command = match runtime {
//"hs" => {
//let check_hs = generate_check_hs(&book, cmd, file);
//let mut file = fs::File::create(".check.hs").expect("Failed to create '.check.hs'.");
//file.write_all(check_hs.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hs'.");
//SysCommand::new("runghc").arg(".check.hs").output().expect("Failed to execute command")
// ...
// ...
Your recollection is correct, but it seems the code has already been commented out in preparation for the new approach using the compiled `kindc` executable. The next step would be to implement the new approach using the `kindc` executable to process .kindc files directly.
$ ah i see. i commented out just so i can build itsince things changed, don't worry. so, you confirm that, indeed, we're injecting stuff on the .check.hs? where exactly that injection occurs? show me just that part please, concisely
Certainly. The injection of parsed definitions into the .check.hs file occurs primarily in these two lines within the `generate_check_hs` function:
let book_hs = book.to_hs_checker();
let main_hs = match command {
"check" => format!("main = (apiCheck {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
"run" => format!("main = (apiNormal {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
_ => panic!("invalid command"),
Here, `book.to_hs_checker()` likely generates Haskell code representing the parsed definitions, and `Term::to_hs_name(arg)` converts the specified term to its Haskell representation. These are then combined to create the content of the .check.hs file.
$ what is book.to_hs_checker? where it is?
The `book.to_hs_checker()` method is likely defined in one of the Book-related files. Based on the file structure you provided earlier, it's probably in one of these files:
1. ./book/
2. ./book/
Let's check the contents of these files to find the `to_hs_checker` method. First, let's look at the ./book/ file:
cat ./book/
Execute? [Y/n] y
use crate::{*};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
mod compile;
mod parse;
mod show;
// <book> ::=
// USE | use <alias> <book>
// ADT | <adt> <book>
// ANN | <name> : <term> = <term> <book>
// DEF | <name> = <term> <book>
// END | <eof>
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Book {
pub defs: BTreeMap<String, Term>,
pub fids: BTreeMap<String, u64>,
// Shadows a name on the uses map
pub fn shadow(key: &str, uses: &Uses) -> Uses {
let mut uses = uses.clone();
uses.insert(key.to_string(), key.to_string());
return uses;
// Maps short names ("cons") to full names ("List/cons")
pub type Uses = im::HashMap<String, String>;
impl Book {
// Creates an empty book
pub fn new() -> Self {
Book {
defs: BTreeMap::new(),
fids: BTreeMap::new(),
// Creates a book, loading a term, its dependencies, and stdlib
pub fn boot(base: &str, name: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
let mut book = Book::new();
book.load(base, name)?;
book.load(base, "String")?;
book.load(base, "String/cons")?;
book.load(base, "String/nil")?;
book.load(base, "Nat")?;
book.load(base, "Nat/succ")?;
book.load(base, "Nat/zero")?;
return Ok(book);
// Handles an unbound definition
pub fn handle_unbound(&self, file: &str, name: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
return Err(format!("ERROR\n- unbound: '{}'\n- on_file: {}", name, file));
// Same as load, mutably adding to a 'book'
pub fn load(&mut self, base: &str, name: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
let name = name.trim_end_matches('/'); // last "/" is not part of name
if !self.defs.contains_key(name) {
// Parses a file into a new book
let file = format!("{}/{}.kind2", base, name);
let text = std::fs::read_to_string(&file).map_err(|_| format!("Could not read file: {}", file))?;
let fid = self.get_file_id(&file);
let defs = KindParser::new(&text).parse_book(name, fid)?;
// Merges new book into book
for (def_name, def_value) in &defs.defs {
self.defs.insert(def_name.clone(), def_value.clone());
// Finds dependencies and loads them
for (_, def_term) in defs.defs.into_iter() {
let mut dependencies = BTreeSet::new();
def_term.get_free_vars(im::Vector::new(), &mut dependencies);
for ref_name in dependencies {
if let Err(_) = self.load(&base, &ref_name) {
self.handle_unbound(&file, &ref_name)?;
return Ok(());
// Desugars all definitions
pub fn expand_implicits(&mut self) {
// Creates a map with the implicit count of each top-level definition
let mut implicit_count = BTreeMap::new();
for (name, term) in self.defs.iter() {
implicit_count.insert(name.clone(), term.count_implicits());
// Expands implicit calls of each top-level definition in the book
for def in self.defs.iter_mut() {
def.1.expand_implicits(im::Vector::new(), &implicit_count);
// Gets a file id from its name
pub fn get_file_id(&mut self, name: &str) -> u64 {
if let Some(id) = self.fids.get(name) {
} else {
let id = self.fids.len() as u64 + 1;
self.fids.insert(name.to_string(), id);
// Gets a file name from its id (FIXME: asymptotics)
pub fn get_file_name(&self, id: u64) -> Option<String> {
for (name, &fid) in &self.fids {
if fid == id {
return Some(name.clone());
$ is it there?
No, the `to_hs_checker()` method is not present in the ./book/ file. Let's check the ./book/ file, as it's more likely to contain compilation-related methods:
cat ./book/
Execute? [Y/n] y
use crate::{*};
impl Book {
pub fn to_hvm1_checker(&self) -> String {
//let mut used = BTreeSet::new();
//let mut code = String::new();
//for (name, term) in &self.defs {
//let metas = term.count_metas();
//let mut lams = String::new();
//for i in 0 .. term.count_metas() {
//lams = format!("{} λ_{}", lams, i);
//let subs = (0 .. metas).map(|h| format!("(Pair \"{}\" None)", h)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",");
//code.push_str(&format!("Book.{} = (Ref \"{}\" [{}] {}{})\n", name, name, subs, lams, term.to_hvm1(im::Vector::new(), &mut 0)));
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let mut meta = 0;
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let expr = term.to_hvm2_checker(im::Vector::new(), &mut meta);
code.push_str(&format!("Book.{} = (Ref \"{}\" {})\n", name.replace("/", "."), name, expr));
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let mut meta = 0;
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let expr = term.to_hs_checker(im::Vector::new(), &mut meta);
code.push_str(&format!("{} = (Ref \"{}\" {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(name), name, expr));
pub fn to_hvm2(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
code.push_str(&format!("{} = {}\n", Term::to_hvm2_name(name), term.to_hvm2()));
$ is it there?
Yes, the `to_hs_checker()` method is indeed present in the ./book/ file. Here's the relevant part:
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let mut meta = 0;
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let expr = term.to_hs_checker(im::Vector::new(), &mut meta);
code.push_str(&format!("{} = (Ref \"{}\" {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(name), name, expr));
This method iterates through all definitions in the book, converts each term to its Haskell checker representation, and formats them as Haskell code. This is the function responsible for generating the Haskell representation of the parsed definitions, which was then injected into the .check.hs file in the previous approach.
$ ok, what is term.to_hs_checker?
To find the `to_hs_checker` method for `Term`, we should look in the term-related files. Based on the directory structure you provided earlier, it's likely to be in one of these files:
1. ./term/
2. ./term/
Let's check the contents of ./term/ first, as it's more likely to contain compilation-related methods:
cat ./term/
Execute? [Y/n] y
use crate::{*};
impl Oper {
pub fn to_ctr(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Oper::Add => "ADD",
Oper::Sub => "SUB",
Oper::Mul => "MUL",
Oper::Div => "DIV",
Oper::Mod => "MOD",
Oper::Eq => "EQ",
Oper::Ne => "NE",
Oper::Lt => "LT",
Oper::Gt => "GT",
Oper::Lte => "LTE",
Oper::Gte => "GTE",
Oper::And => "AND",
Oper::Or => "OR",
Oper::Xor => "XOR",
Oper::Lsh => "LSH",
Oper::Rsh => "RSH",
pub fn to_sym(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Oper::Add => "+",
Oper::Sub => "-",
Oper::Mul => "*",
Oper::Div => "/",
Oper::Mod => "%",
Oper::Eq => "==",
Oper::Ne => "!=",
Oper::Lt => "<",
Oper::Gt => ">",
Oper::Lte => "<=",
Oper::Gte => ">=",
Oper::And => "&&",
Oper::Or => "||",
Oper::Xor => "^",
Oper::Lsh => "<<",
Oper::Rsh => ">>",
pub fn to_hvm1_checker(&self) -> &'static str {
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self) -> &'static str {
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self) -> &'static str {
impl Term {
pub fn to_hvm1_checker(&self, _env: im::Vector<String>, _met: &mut usize) -> String {
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self, env: im::Vector<String>, met: &mut usize) -> String {
fn binder(name: &str) -> String {
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "._.").replace("/", "."))
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
let inp = inp.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(All \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, inp, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Lam { era: _, nam, bod } => {
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Lam \"{}\" λ{} {})", nam, binder(nam), bod)
Term::App { era: _, fun, arg } => {
let fun = fun.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let arg = arg.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(App {} {})", fun, arg)
Term::Ann { chk, val, typ } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let typ = typ.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ann {} {} {})", if *chk { "True" } else { "False" }, val, typ)
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
let typ = typ.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Slf \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, typ, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Ins { val } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ins {})", val)
Term::Set => "(Set)".to_string(),
Term::U60 => "(U60)".to_string(),
Term::Num { val } => {
format!("(Num {})", val)
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
let fst = fst.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let snd = snd.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Op2 {} {} {})", opr.to_hvm2_checker(), fst, snd)
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
let x = x.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let z = z.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let s = s.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, format!("{}-1", nam)), met);
let p = p.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Swi \"{}\" {} {} λ{} {} λ{} {})", nam, x, z, binder(&format!("{}-1", nam)), s, binder(nam), p)
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Let \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, val, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm2_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Use \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, val, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Hol { nam } => {
let env_str = env.iter().map(|n| binder(n)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",");
format!("(Hol \"{}\" [{}])", nam, env_str)
Term::Met {} => {
let uid = *met;
*met += 1;
format!("(Met {} [])", uid)
Term::Var { nam } => {
if env.contains(nam) {
format!("{}", binder(nam))
} else {
format!("(Book.{})", nam.replace("/", "."))
Term::Src { src, val } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2_checker(env, met);
format!("(Src {} {})", src.to_u64(), val)
Term::Nat { nat } => {
format!("(Nat {})", nat)
Term::Txt { txt } => {
format!("(Txt \"{}\")", txt.replace("\n", "\\n"))
Term::Mch { .. } => {
pub fn to_hs_name(name: &str) -> String {
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "_").replace(".","_").replace("/","_"))
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self, env: im::Vector<String>, met: &mut usize) -> String {
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
let inp = inp.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(All \"{}\" {} $ \\{} -> {})", nam, inp, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
Term::Lam { era: _, nam, bod } => {
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Lam \"{}\" $ \\{} -> {})", nam, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
Term::App { era: _, fun, arg } => {
let fun = fun.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let arg = arg.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(App {} {})", fun, arg)
Term::Ann { chk, val, typ } => {
let val = val.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let typ = typ.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ann {} {} {})", if *chk { "True" } else { "False" }, val, typ)
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
let typ = typ.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Slf \"{}\" {} $ \\{} -> {})", nam, typ, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
Term::Ins { val } => {
let val = val.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ins {})", val)
Term::Set => {
Term::U60 => {
Term::Num { val } => {
format!("(Num {})", val)
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
let fst = fst.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let snd = snd.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Op2 {} {} {})", opr.to_hs_checker(), fst, snd)
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
let x = x.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let z = z.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let s = s.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, format!("{}-1", nam)), met);
let p = p.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Swi \"{}\" {} {} (\\{} -> {}) (\\{} -> {}))", nam, x, z, Term::to_hs_name(&format!("{}-1", nam)), s, Term::to_hs_name(nam), p)
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Let \"{}\" {} $ \\{} -> {})", nam, val, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Use \"{}\" {} $ \\{} -> {})", nam, val, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
Term::Hol { nam } => {
let env_str = env.iter().map(|n| Term::to_hs_name(n)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",");
format!("(Hol \"{}\" [{}])", nam, env_str)
Term::Met {} => {
let uid = *met;
*met += 1;
format!("(Met {} [])", uid)
//format!("(Met {} [{}])", uid, env.iter().rev().map(|n| Term::to_hs_name(n)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(","))
Term::Var { nam } => {
format!("{}", Term::to_hs_name(nam))
Term::Src { src, val } => {
let val = val.to_hs_checker(env, met);
format!("(Src {} {})", src.to_u64(), val)
Term::Nat { nat } => {
format!("(Nat {})", nat)
Term::Txt { txt } => {
format!("(Txt \"{}\")", txt.replace("\n", "\\n"))
Term::Mch { .. } => {
pub fn to_hvm2(&self) -> String {
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam: _, inp: _, bod: _ } => {
Term::Lam { era, nam, bod } => {
let bod = bod.to_hvm2();
if *era {
format!("{}", bod)
} else {
format!("λ{} {}", Term::to_hvm2_name(nam), bod)
Term::App { era, fun, arg } => {
if *era {
let fun = fun.to_hvm2();
format!("{}", fun)
} else {
let fun = fun.to_hvm2();
let arg = arg.to_hvm2();
format!("({} {})", fun, arg)
Term::Ann { chk: _, val, typ: _ } => {
Term::Slf { nam: _, typ: _, bod: _ } => {
Term::Ins { val } => {
Term::Set => {
Term::U60 => {
Term::Num { val } => {
format!("{}", val)
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
let fst = fst.to_hvm2();
let snd = snd.to_hvm2();
format!("({} {} {})", opr.to_sym(), fst, snd)
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p: _ } => {
let x = x.to_hvm2();
let z = z.to_hvm2();
let s = s.to_hvm2();
format!("match {} = {} {{ 0: {} 1+: {} }}", Term::to_hvm2_name(nam), x, z, s)
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2();
let bod = bod.to_hvm2();
format!("let {} = {} {}", Term::to_hvm2_name(nam), val, bod)
// FIXME: change to "use" once hvm-lang supports it
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm2();
let bod = bod.to_hvm2();
format!("let {} = {} {}", Term::to_hvm2_name(nam), val, bod)
Term::Hol { nam: _ } => {
Term::Met {} => {
println!("WARNING: unsolved metas.");
Term::Var { nam } => {
format!("{}", Term::to_hvm2_name(nam))
Term::Src { src: _, val } => {
Term::Nat { nat } => {
format!("#{}", nat)
Term::Txt { txt } => {
format!("\"{}\"", txt.replace("\n", "\\n"))
Term::Mch { .. } => {
pub fn to_hvm2_name(name: &str) -> String {
format!("_{}", name.replace("/","."))
$ is there some function that converts a term to a haskell ADT?
Yes, there is a method that converts a Term to a Haskell Abstract Data Type (ADT) representation. The method is called `to_hs_checker` and it's defined for the `Term` struct. Here's the relevant part of the code:
pub fn to_hs_checker(&self, env: im::Vector<String>, met: &mut usize) -> String {
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
let inp = inp.to_hs_checker(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(All \"{}\" {} $ \\{} -> {})", nam, inp, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
Term::Lam { era: _, nam, bod } => {
let bod = bod.to_hs_checker(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Lam \"{}\" $ \\{} -> {})", nam, Term::to_hs_name(nam), bod)
// ... (other cases)
This method recursively converts each Term variant into its corresponding Haskell representation. For example:
- `Term::All` becomes `(All "name" input_term $ \x_name -> body_term)`
- `Term::Lam` becomes `(Lam "name" $ \x_name -> body_term)`
The method handles all the different Term variants, creating a string representation that corresponds to a Haskell ADT structure. This is the function that was used to generate the Haskell code that was injected into the .check.hs file in the previous approach.
$ ok, I think I have the complete picture now, thanks for reminding me. let's do it! let's start refactoring instead of generating a .hs and injecting stuff, we just need to generate a .main.kindc, and call the correct kindc command on it. much cleaner! do you think you have all the info you need to refactor with that in mind? remove all the unecessary stuff
Yes, I believe I have enough information to start refactoring We'll focus on generating a .main.kindc file and calling the kindc command on it, removing the unnecessary parts related to Haskell file generation and injection. Here's a proposed refactored version of
use clap::{Arg, ArgAction, Command};
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command as SysCommand;
mod book;
mod info;
mod show;
mod sugar;
mod term;
use book::*;
use info::*;
use show::*;
use sugar::*;
use term::*;
use highlight_error::highlight_error;
use TSPL::Parser;
fn generate_kindc(book: &Book, arg: &str) -> String {
let book_kindc = book.to_kindc();
let main_kindc = format!("main = {}\n", Term::to_kindc_name(arg));
format!("{}\n{}", book_kindc, main_kindc)
fn run_kindc(book: &Book, cmd: &str, file: &str) -> (Vec<Info>, String) {
let kindc_content = generate_kindc(book, file);
let mut temp_file = fs::File::create(".main.kindc").expect("Failed to create '.main.kindc'.");
temp_file.write_all(kindc_content.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.main.kindc'.");
let output = SysCommand::new("kindc")
.expect("Failed to execute kindc command");
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
(Info::parse_infos(&stdout), stderr.to_string())
fn check(name: &str) {
let book = load_book(name);
let (infos, stderr) = run_kindc(&book, "check", name);
for info in &infos {
println!("{}", info.pretty(&book));
if stderr.is_empty() && infos.is_empty() {
fn normal(name: &str, _level: u32) {
let book = load_book(name);
let (infos, stderr) = run_kindc(&book, "run", name);
for info in &infos {
println!("{}", info.pretty(&book));
fn auto_format(file_name: &str) {
// ... (keep this function as is)
fn compile(name: &str) {
let book = load_book(name);
let code = generate_kindc(&book, name);
fn load_book(name: &str) -> Book {
// ... (keep this function as is)
fn main() {
let matches = Command::new("kind2")
.about("The Kind2 Programming Language")
.about("Type-checks a term")
.about("Normalizes a term")
.about("Auto-formats a file")
.about("Compiles to KINDC")
match matches.subcommand() {
Some(("check", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
Some(("normal", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
let level = sub_matches.get_one::<u32>("level").copied().unwrap_or(0);
normal(name, level);
Some(("format", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
Some(("compile", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
_ => unreachable!(),
This refactored version:
1. Removes all Haskell-related code and dependencies.
2. Introduces a `generate_kindc` function to create the .main.kindc file content.
3. Updates `run_kindc` to use the kindc executable instead of generating and running Haskell code.
4. Simplifies the `check` and `normal` functions to use the new `run_kindc`.
5. Updates the `compile` function to generate KINDC code instead of HVM2.
Note that you'll need to implement the `to_kindc` method for the `Book` struct and the `to_kindc_name` method for the `Term` struct, similar to the existing `to_hvm2` and `to_hvm2_name` methods.
$ i apologize but can you write the sh command that will fully replace it? or at least write the complete file so that I dont need to manually edit anything (let's do that as a rule from now on)
I apologize for the confusion. You're right, it's better to provide a complete command that replaces the entire file. Here's a shell command that will replace the entire contents of
cat > << EOL
use clap::{Arg, ArgAction, Command};
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command as SysCommand;
mod book;
mod info;
mod show;
mod sugar;
mod term;
use book::*;
use info::*;
use show::*;
use sugar::*;
use term::*;
use highlight_error::highlight_error;
use TSPL::Parser;
fn generate_kindc(book: &Book, arg: &str) -> String {
let book_kindc = book.to_kindc();
let main_kindc = format!("main = {}\n", Term::to_kindc_name(arg));
format!("{}\n{}", book_kindc, main_kindc)
fn run_kindc(book: &Book, cmd: &str, file: &str) -> (Vec<Info>, String) {
let kindc_content = generate_kindc(book, file);
let mut temp_file = fs::File::create(".main.kindc").expect("Failed to create '.main.kindc'.");
temp_file.write_all(kindc_content.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.main.kindc'.");
let output = SysCommand::new("kindc")
.expect("Failed to execute kindc command");
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
(Info::parse_infos(&stdout), stderr.to_string())
fn check(name: &str) {
let book = load_book(name);
let (infos, stderr) = run_kindc(&book, "check", name);
for info in &infos {
println!("{}", info.pretty(&book));
if stderr.is_empty() && infos.is_empty() {
fn normal(name: &str, _level: u32) {
let book = load_book(name);
let (infos, stderr) = run_kindc(&book, "run", name);
for info in &infos {
println!("{}", info.pretty(&book));
fn auto_format(file_name: &str) {
let base = std::env::current_dir().expect("failed to get current directory");
let file = base.join(format!("{file_name}.kind2"));
let text = std::fs::read_to_string(&file).expect("failed to read file");
let fid = Book::new().get_file_id(&file.to_str().unwrap().to_string());
let book = KindParser::new(&text).parse_book(file_name, fid).expect("failed to parse book");
let form = book.defs.iter().map(|(name, term)| book.format_def(name, term)).collect();
let form = Show::pile("\n\n", form).flatten(Some(60));
std::fs::write(&file, form).expect(&format!("failed to write to file '{}'", file_name));
fn compile(name: &str) {
let book = load_book(name);
let code = generate_kindc(&book, name);
fn load_book(name: &str) -> Book {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().expect("failed to get current directory");
Book::boot(cwd.to_str().unwrap(), name).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
fn main() {
let matches = Command::new("kind2")
.about("The Kind2 Programming Language")
.about("Type-checks a term")
.about("Normalizes a term")
.about("Auto-formats a file")
.about("Compiles to KINDC")
match matches.subcommand() {
Some(("check", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
Some(("normal", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
let level = sub_matches.get_one::<u32>("level").copied().unwrap_or(0);
normal(name, level);
Some(("format", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
Some(("compile", sub_matches)) => {
let name = sub_matches.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required");
_ => unreachable!(),
This command will completely replace the contents of with the refactored version. You can run this command in the terminal while in the src directory of your project.
Note that this refactored version assumes the existence of `to_kindc` and `to_kindc_name` methods, which you'll need to implement in the `Book` and `Term` structs respectively. These methods should generate the KINDC representation of the book and term names.
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ thanks! just one small nitpick: our rust files use 2 spaces per indent. now, seems like the book.to_kindc and term.to_kindc_name functions are missing, as you noted. can you write these functions in a rust code block to me? yes I know I asked to rewrite files with sh, but dont do that for now. i just want to copy them manually for this time
Certainly! I apologize for the indentation oversight. Here are the `to_kindc` and `to_kindc_name` functions you'll need to add to your `Book` and `Term` structs, respectively. These are written with 2-space indentation:
For the `Book` struct (likely in `book/`):
impl Book {
pub fn to_kindc(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
code.push_str(&format!("{} = {}\n", Term::to_kindc_name(name), term.to_kindc()));
For the `Term` struct (likely in `term/`):
impl Term {
pub fn to_kindc(&self) -> String {
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
format!("∀{} {} {}", nam, inp.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Lam { era: _, nam, bod } => {
format!("λ{} {}", nam, bod.to_kindc())
Term::App { era: _, fun, arg } => {
format!("({} {})", fun.to_kindc(), arg.to_kindc())
Term::Ann { chk: _, val, typ } => {
format!("({} : {})", val.to_kindc(), typ.to_kindc())
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
format!("μ{} {} {}", nam, typ.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Ins { val } => {
format!("#{}", val.to_kindc())
Term::Set => "Type".to_string(),
Term::U60 => "U60".to_string(),
Term::Num { val } => val.to_string(),
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
format!("({} {} {})", opr.to_sym(), fst.to_kindc(), snd.to_kindc())
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
format!("match {} = {} {{ 0: {} 1+: {} }}", nam, x.to_kindc(), z.to_kindc(), s.to_kindc())
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
format!("let {} = {} {}", nam, val.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
format!("use {} = {} {}", nam, val.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Hol { nam } => format!("?{}", nam),
Term::Met {} => "?".to_string(),
Term::Var { nam } => nam.clone(),
Term::Src { src: _, val } => val.to_kindc(),
Term::Nat { nat } => format!("#{}", nat),
Term::Txt { txt } => format!("\"{}\"", txt.replace("\n", "\\n")),
Term::Mch { .. } => unreachable!(),
pub fn to_kindc_name(name: &str) -> String {
name.replace("/", ".")
These functions will generate KINDC representations of your Book and Term structures. The `to_kindc` method for `Term` handles all the different term variants, converting them to their KINDC syntax. The `to_kindc_name` method for `Term` is a simple utility function to convert names to KINDC format (replacing "/" with ".").
You can copy these implementations into your respective files and adjust as needed based on the exact KINDC syntax you're using.
$ oh sorry, seems like the syntax is wrong. I should have taught it to you. please cat the tmp.txt file i placed here
Certainly, I'll display the contents of the tmp.txt file for you:
cat tmp.txt
Execute? [Y/n] y
doParseTerm :: String -> Term
doParseTerm input = case P.parse parseTerm "" input of
Left err -> error $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
Right term -> bind term
parseTerm :: P.Parsec String () Term
parseTerm = P.choice
[ parseAll
, parseLam
, parseApp
, parseAnn
, parseSlf
, parseIns
, parseLet
, parseUse
, parseSet
, parseU60
, parseNum
, parseOp2
, parseSwi
, parseTxt
, parseNat
, parseHol
, parseMet
, parseSrc
, parseRef
parseAll = do
P.string "∀"
P.char '('
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
P.char ':'
inp <- parseTerm
P.char ')'
bod <- parseTerm
return $ All nam inp (\x -> bod)
parseLam = do
P.string "λ"
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
bod <- parseTerm
return $ Lam nam (\x -> bod)
parseApp = do
P.char '('
fun <- parseTerm
arg <- parseTerm
P.char ')'
return $ App fun arg
parseAnn = do
P.char '{'
val <- parseTerm
P.char ':'
typ <- parseTerm
P.char '}'
return $ Ann False val typ
parseSlf = do
P.string "$("
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
P.char ':'
typ <- parseTerm
P.char ')'
bod <- parseTerm
return $ Slf nam typ (\x -> bod)
parseIns = do
P.char '~'
val <- parseTerm
return $ Ins val
parseRef = do
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
return $ Ref nam
parseLet = do
P.string "let "
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
P.char '='
val <- parseTerm
P.char ';'
bod <- parseTerm
return $ Let nam val (\x -> bod)
parseUse = do
P.string "use "
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
P.char '='
val <- parseTerm
P.char ';'
bod <- parseTerm
return $ Use nam val (\x -> bod)
parseSet = P.char '*' >> return Set
parseU60 = P.string "U60" >> return U60
parseNum = Num . read <$> P.many1 P.digit
parseOp2 = do
P.char '('
opr <- parseOper
fst <- parseTerm
snd <- parseTerm
P.char ')'
return $ Op2 opr fst snd
parseSwi = do
P.string "switch "
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
P.char '='
x <- parseTerm
P.char '{'
P.string "0:"
z <- parseTerm
P.string "_:"
s <- parseTerm
P.char '}'
P.char ':'
p <- parseTerm
return $ Swi nam x z (\k -> s) (\k -> p)
parseTxt = do
P.char '"'
txt <- P.many (P.noneOf "\"")
P.char '"'
return $ Txt txt
parseNat = do
P.string "Nat."
val <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return $ Nat val
parseHol = do
P.char '?'
nam <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
return $ Hol nam []
parseMet = do
P.char '_'
uid <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return $ Met uid []
parseSrc = do
P.char '!'
val <- parseTerm
return $ Src 0 val
parseOper = P.choice
[ P.string "+" >> return ADD
, P.string "-" >> return SUB
, P.string "*" >> return MUL
, P.string "/" >> return DIV
, P.string "%" >> return MOD
, P.string "==" >> return EQ
, P.string "!=" >> return NE
, P.string "<=" >> return LTE
, P.string ">=" >> return GTE
, P.string "<" >> return LT
, P.string ">" >> return GT
, P.string "&" >> return AND
, P.string "|" >> return OR
, P.string "^" >> return XOR
, P.string "<<" >> return LSH
, P.string ">>" >> return RSH
parseBook :: P.Parsec String () Book
parseBook = do
defs <- P.many parseDef
return $ M.fromList defs
parseDef :: P.Parsec String () (String, Term)
parseDef = do
name <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
(typ, hasType) <- P.option (undefined, False) $ do
P.char ':'
typ <- parseTerm
return (typ, True)
P.char '='
value <- parseTerm
P.char ';'
return (name, if hasType then Ann True value typ else value)
doParseBook :: String -> Book
doParseBook input = case P.parse parseBook "" input of
Left err -> error $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
Right book -> bind book
$ ok now you know the syntax of kindc. can you write the correct compilers from kind to kindc now?
Certainly! Now that I understand the KINDC syntax, I can provide more accurate `to_kindc` implementations for both `Book` and `Term`. Here they are:
For the `Book` struct (likely in `book/`):
impl Book {
pub fn to_kindc(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let (typ, val) = match term {
Term::Ann { chk: true, val, typ } => (Some(typ), val),
_ => (None, term),
if let Some(t) = typ {
code.push_str(&format!("{} : {};\n", name, t.to_kindc()));
code.push_str(&format!("{} = {};\n", name, val.to_kindc()));
For the `Term` struct (likely in `term/`):
impl Term {
pub fn to_kindc(&self) -> String {
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
format!("∀({}: {}) {}", nam, inp.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Lam { era: _, nam, bod } => {
format!("λ{} {}", nam, bod.to_kindc())
Term::App { era: _, fun, arg } => {
format!("({} {})", fun.to_kindc(), arg.to_kindc())
Term::Ann { chk: false, val, typ } => {
format!("{{}: {}}", val.to_kindc(), typ.to_kindc())
Term::Ann { chk: true, val, typ } => {
format!("{}: {}", val.to_kindc(), typ.to_kindc())
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
format!("$({}: {}) {}", nam, typ.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Ins { val } => {
format!("~{}", val.to_kindc())
Term::Set => "*".to_string(),
Term::U60 => "U60".to_string(),
Term::Num { val } => val.to_string(),
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
format!("({} {} {})", opr.to_kindc(), fst.to_kindc(), snd.to_kindc())
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
format!("switch {} = {} {{ 0: {} _: {} }}: {}",
nam, x.to_kindc(), z.to_kindc(), s.to_kindc(), p.to_kindc())
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
format!("let {} = {}; {}", nam, val.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
format!("use {} = {}; {}", nam, val.to_kindc(), bod.to_kindc())
Term::Hol { nam } => format!("?{}", nam),
Term::Met { uid, .. } => format!("_{}", uid),
Term::Var { nam } => nam.clone(),
Term::Src { src: _, val } => format!("!{}", val.to_kindc()),
Term::Nat { nat } => format!("Nat.{}", nat),
Term::Txt { txt } => format!("\"{}\"", txt.replace("\n", "\\n")),
Term::Mch { .. } => unreachable!(),
pub fn to_kindc_name(name: &str) -> String {
name.to_string() // KINDC seems to use names as-is
impl Oper {
pub fn to_kindc(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Oper::Add => "+",
Oper::Sub => "-",
Oper::Mul => "*",
Oper::Div => "/",
Oper::Mod => "%",
Oper::Eq => "==",
Oper::Ne => "!=",
Oper::Lt => "<",
Oper::Gt => ">",
Oper::Lte => "<=",
Oper::Gte => ">=",
Oper::And => "&",
Oper::Or => "|",
Oper::Xor => "^",
Oper::Lsh => "<<",
Oper::Rsh => ">>",
These implementations should correctly generate KINDC syntax based on the parser you provided. The `Book` implementation handles type annotations separately, and the `Term` implementation covers all the different term variants according to the KINDC syntax.
$ there is a problem in your to_kindc function. the uid isn't stored on Met, it must be computed on to_kindc, with a mutable argument. check the old one. can you fix it?
You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the oversight. Let's fix the `to_kindc` function for `Term`, taking into account that the `Met` variant doesn't store the `uid` and it needs to be computed. We'll add a mutable counter as an argument, similar to the previous implementation. Here's the corrected version:
impl Term {
pub fn to_kindc(&self, met: &mut usize) -> String {
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
format!("∀({}: {}) {}", nam, inp.to_kindc(met), bod.to_kindc(met))
Term::Lam { era: _, nam, bod } => {
format!("λ{} {}", nam, bod.to_kindc(met))
Term::App { era: _, fun, arg } => {
format!("({} {})", fun.to_kindc(met), arg.to_kindc(met))
Term::Ann { chk: false, val, typ } => {
format!("{{}: {}}", val.to_kindc(met), typ.to_kindc(met))
Term::Ann { chk: true, val, typ } => {
format!("{}: {}", val.to_kindc(met), typ.to_kindc(met))
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
format!("$({}: {}) {}", nam, typ.to_kindc(met), bod.to_kindc(met))
Term::Ins { val } => {
format!("~{}", val.to_kindc(met))
Term::Set => "*".to_string(),
Term::U60 => "U60".to_string(),
Term::Num { val } => val.to_string(),
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
format!("({} {} {})", opr.to_kindc(), fst.to_kindc(met), snd.to_kindc(met))
Term::Swi { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
format!("switch {} = {} {{ 0: {} _: {} }}: {}",
nam, x.to_kindc(met), z.to_kindc(met), s.to_kindc(met), p.to_kindc(met))
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
format!("let {} = {}; {}", nam, val.to_kindc(met), bod.to_kindc(met))
Term::Use { nam, val, bod } => {
format!("use {} = {}; {}", nam, val.to_kindc(met), bod.to_kindc(met))
Term::Hol { nam } => format!("?{}", nam),
Term::Met { .. } => {
let uid = *met;
*met += 1;
format!("_{}", uid)
Term::Var { nam } => nam.clone(),
Term::Src { src: _, val } => format!("!{}", val.to_kindc(met)),
Term::Nat { nat } => format!("Nat.{}", nat),
Term::Txt { txt } => format!("\"{}\"", txt.replace("\n", "\\n")),
Term::Mch { .. } => unreachable!(),
pub fn to_kindc_name(name: &str) -> String {
And we need to update the `Book` implementation to use this new `to_kindc` method:
impl Book {
pub fn to_kindc(&self) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let mut met = 0;
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let (typ, val) = match term {
Term::Ann { chk: true, val, typ } => (Some(typ), val),
_ => (None, term),
if let Some(t) = typ {
code.push_str(&format!("{} : {};\n", name, t.to_kindc(&mut met)));
code.push_str(&format!("{} = {};\n", name, val.to_kindc(&mut met)));
These changes ensure that the `met` counter is properly managed and passed through all term conversions, maintaining the correct numbering for metavariables.
$ wait, seems like is empty. is that right?
You're right to question that. Let's check the contents of the file. If it's empty, that's not correct, as we need it to compile the Haskell file. Let's view its contents:
cat ../
Execute? [Y/n] y
use std::process::Command;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let dest_path = out_dir.join("target").join("kindc");
let status = Command::new("ghc")
.args(&["-O2", "-o", dest_path.to_str().unwrap(), "src/kindc.hs"])
.expect("Failed to execute GHC");
if !status.success() {
panic!("GHC compilation failed");
$ is it empty? wait where it is? full path?
I apologize for the confusion. The file is not empty. It contains the code to compile the Haskell file (kindc.hs) using GHC.
To get the full path of the file, we can use the following command:
realpath ../
This will show us the absolute path of the file, which should be in the parent directory of your current location (assuming you're in the src directory).
Execute? [Y/n] y
$ oh never mind that, it was my mistake.
No problem at all. It's good that we confirmed the location and content of the file. The file is indeed present and contains the necessary code to compile the Haskell file (kindc.hs) using GHC.
The file is correctly located at /Users/v/vic/dev/kind2/, which is in the root of your project directory, as it should be.
The content of the file looks correct for your project's needs. It:
1. Compiles the src/kindc.hs file using GHC with -O2 optimization.
2. Outputs the compiled binary to the target/kindc path.
3. Ensures that Cargo reruns the build script if src/kindc.hs changes.
This setup should work well with the changes we've made to to use the compiled kindc binary. Is there anything else you'd like to verify or modify regarding the build process or the project structure?
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