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Created April 23, 2022 22:01
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Self-Contained HVM as a single Rust file with no FreeList
use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap};
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use rand::prelude::*;
use std::time::Instant;
// Terms
// -----
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Term {
Var { name: u64 },
Dup { nam0: u64, nam1: u64, expr: Box<Term>, body: Box<Term> },
Lam { name: u64, body: Box<Term> },
App { func: Box<Term>, argm: Box<Term> },
Ctr { name: u64, args: Vec<Term> },
Fun { name: u64, args: Vec<Term> },
U32 { numb: u32 },
Op2 { oper: u64, val0: Box<Term>, val1: Box<Term> },
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Oper {
// Functions
// ---------
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Var {
pub param: u64, // in what parameter is this variable located?
pub field: Option<u64>, // in what field is this variabled located? (if any)
pub erase: bool, // should this variable be collected (because it is unused)?
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rule {
pub cond: Vec<Lnk>, // left-hand side matching conditions
pub vars: Vec<Var>, // left-hand side variable locations
pub eras: Vec<(u64, u64)>, // must-clear locations (argument number and arity)
pub body: Term, // right-hand side body of rule
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Func {
arity: u64, // number of arguments
redux: Vec<u64>, // index of strict arguments
rules: Vec<Rule>, // vector of rules
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct File {
pub funcs: Vec<Option<Func>>,
// Constants
// ---------
const U64_PER_KB: u64 = 0x80;
const U64_PER_MB: u64 = 0x20000;
const U64_PER_GB: u64 = 0x8000000;
const FRAME_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * U64_PER_MB;
pub const MAX_ARITY: u64 = 16;
pub const MEM_SPACE: u64 = U64_PER_GB;
pub const MAX_DYNFUNS: u64 = 65536;
pub const SEEN_SIZE: usize = 4194304; // uses 32 MB, covers heaps up to 2 GB
pub const VARS_SIZE: usize = 65536; // maximum variables per rule
pub const VAL: u64 = 1;
pub const EXT: u64 = 0x100000000;
pub const ARI: u64 = 0x100000000000000;
pub const TAG: u64 = 0x1000000000000000;
pub const DP0: u64 = 0x0;
pub const DP1: u64 = 0x1;
pub const VAR: u64 = 0x2;
pub const ARG: u64 = 0x3;
pub const ERA: u64 = 0x4;
pub const LAM: u64 = 0x5;
pub const APP: u64 = 0x6;
pub const PAR: u64 = 0x7;
pub const CTR: u64 = 0x8;
pub const CAL: u64 = 0x9;
pub const OP2: u64 = 0xA;
pub const U32: u64 = 0xB;
pub const F32: u64 = 0xC;
pub const OUT: u64 = 0xE;
pub const NIL: u64 = 0xF;
pub const ADD: u64 = 0x0;
pub const SUB: u64 = 0x1;
pub const MUL: u64 = 0x2;
pub const DIV: u64 = 0x3;
pub const MOD: u64 = 0x4;
pub const AND: u64 = 0x5;
pub const OR : u64 = 0x6;
pub const XOR: u64 = 0x7;
pub const SHL: u64 = 0x8;
pub const SHR: u64 = 0x9;
pub const LTN: u64 = 0xA;
pub const LTE: u64 = 0xB;
pub const EQL: u64 = 0xC;
pub const GTE: u64 = 0xD;
pub const GTN: u64 = 0xE;
pub const NEQ: u64 = 0xF;
// Types
// -----
pub type Lnk = u64;
// 256 bits + 512 MB
// -----------------
// 64 bits : size
// 64 bits : next
// 64 bits : cost
// 64 bits : ????
// 16 MB : free[0]
// 16 MB : free[1]
// 16 MB : free[2]
// 16 MB : free[3]
// 16 MB : free[4]
// 16 MB : free[5]
// 16 MB : free[6]
// 16 MB : free[7]
// 16 MB : free[8]
// 16 MB : free[9]
// 16 MB : free[10]
// 16 MB : free[11]
// 16 MB : free[12]
// 16 MB : free[13]
// 16 MB : free[14]
// 16 MB : free[15]
// 256 MB : node
pub struct Frame {
pub data: Vec<u64>,
pub cost: u64,
pub size: u64,
pub next: u64,
//pub node: Vec<Lnk>,
//pub size: u64,
//pub free: Vec<Vec<u64>>,
pub fn new_worker() -> Frame {
Frame {
data: vec![0; FRAME_SIZE as usize],
cost: 0,
size: 0,
next: 0,
//size: 0,
//free: vec![vec![]; 16],
// Globals
// -------
static mut SEEN_DATA: [u64; SEEN_SIZE] = [0; SEEN_SIZE];
static mut VARS_DATA: [Option<Lnk>; VARS_SIZE] = [None; VARS_SIZE];
static mut CALL_COUNT: &'static mut [u64] = &mut [0; MAX_DYNFUNS as usize];
// Constructors
// ------------
pub fn Var(pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(VAR * TAG) | pos
pub fn Dp0(col: u64, pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(DP0 * TAG) | (col * EXT) | pos
pub fn Dp1(col: u64, pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(DP1 * TAG) | (col * EXT) | pos
pub fn Arg(pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(ARG * TAG) | pos
pub fn Era() -> Lnk {
pub fn Lam(pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(LAM * TAG) | pos
pub fn App(pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(APP * TAG) | pos
pub fn Par(col: u64, pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(PAR * TAG) | (col * EXT) | pos
pub fn Op2(ope: u64, pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(OP2 * TAG) | (ope * EXT) | pos
pub fn U_32(val: u64) -> Lnk {
(U32 * TAG) | val
pub fn Nil() -> Lnk {
pub fn Ctr(ari: u64, fun: u64, pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(CTR * TAG) | (ari * ARI) | (fun * EXT) | pos
pub fn Fun(ari: u64, fun: u64, pos: u64) -> Lnk {
(CAL * TAG) | (ari * ARI) | (fun * EXT) | pos
pub fn Out(arg: u64, fld: u64) -> Lnk {
(OUT * TAG) | (arg << 8) | fld
// Getters
// -------
pub fn get_tag(lnk: Lnk) -> u64 {
lnk / TAG
pub fn get_ext(lnk: Lnk) -> u64 {
(lnk / EXT) & 0xFFFFFF
pub fn get_val(lnk: Lnk) -> u64 {
lnk & 0xFFFFFFFF
pub fn get_ari(lnk: Lnk) -> u64 {
(lnk / ARI) & 0xF
pub fn get_loc(lnk: Lnk, arg: u64) -> u64 {
get_val(lnk) + arg
// Memory
// ------
pub fn ask_lnk(mem: &Frame, loc: u64) -> Lnk {
unsafe { * as usize) }
pub fn ask_arg(mem: &Frame, term: Lnk, arg: u64) -> Lnk {
ask_lnk(mem, get_loc(term, arg))
pub fn link(mem: &mut Frame, loc: u64, lnk: Lnk) -> Lnk {
unsafe {
* as usize) = lnk;
if get_tag(lnk) <= VAR {
let pos = get_loc(lnk, get_tag(lnk) & 0x01);
* as usize) = Arg(loc);
pub fn alloc(mem: &mut Frame, size: u64) -> u64 {
if size == 0 {
return 0;
} else {
loop {
let index =;
if index <= FRAME_SIZE - size {
let mut empty = true;
for i in 0 .. size {
if[(index + i) as usize] != 0 {
empty = false;
if empty { += size;
mem.size += size;
return index;
} = fastrand::u64(..) % FRAME_SIZE;
pub fn clear(mem: &mut Frame, loc: u64, size: u64) {
for i in 0 .. size {[(loc + i) as usize] = 0;
mem.size -= size;
//[size as usize].push(loc);
pub fn collect(mem: &mut Frame, term: Lnk) {
let mut stack : Vec<Lnk> = Vec::new();
let mut next = term;
loop {
let term = next;
match get_tag(term) {
DP0 => {
link(mem, get_loc(term, 0), Era());
//r_educe(mem, get_loc(ask_arg(mem,term,1),0));
DP1 => {
link(mem, get_loc(term, 1), Era());
//r_educe(mem, get_loc(ask_arg(mem,term,0),0));
VAR => {
link(mem, get_loc(term, 0), Era());
LAM => {
if get_tag(ask_arg(mem, term, 0)) != ERA {
link(mem, get_loc(ask_arg(mem, term, 0), 0), Era());
next = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 2);
APP => {
stack.push(ask_arg(mem, term, 0));
next = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 2);
PAR => {
stack.push(ask_arg(mem, term, 0));
next = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 2);
OP2 => {
stack.push(ask_arg(mem, term, 0));
next = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 2);
U32 => {}
CTR | CAL => {
let arity = get_ari(term);
for i in 0..arity {
if i < arity - 1 {
stack.push(ask_arg(mem, term, i));
} else {
next = ask_arg(mem, term, i);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), arity);
if arity > 0 {
_ => {}
if let Some(got) = stack.pop() {
next = got;
} else {
pub fn inc_cost(mem: &mut Frame) {
mem.cost += 1;
// Term
// ----
// Writes a Term represented as a Rust enum on the Runtime's memory.
pub fn alloc_term(mem: &mut Frame, term: &Term, loc: u64, dups: &mut u64) -> Lnk {
fn bind(mem: &mut Frame, loc: u64, name: u64, lnk: Lnk) {
unsafe {
match VARS_DATA[name as usize] {
Some(got) => {
VARS_DATA[name as usize] = None;
link(mem, got, lnk);
None => {
VARS_DATA[name as usize] = Some(lnk);
link(mem, loc, Era());
match term {
Term::Var { name } => {
unsafe {
if (*name as usize) < VARS_DATA.len() {
match VARS_DATA[*name as usize] {
Some(got) => {
VARS_DATA[*name as usize] = None;
return got;
None => {
VARS_DATA[*name as usize] = Some(loc);
return U_32(0);
} else {
return U_32(0);
Term::Dup { nam0, nam1, expr, body } => {
let node = alloc(mem, 3);
let dupk = *dups;
*dups += 1;
bind(mem, node + 0, *nam0, Dp0(dupk, node));
bind(mem, node + 1, *nam1, Dp1(dupk, node));
let expr = alloc_term(mem, expr, node + 2, dups);
link(mem, node + 2, expr);
let body = alloc_term(mem, body, loc, dups);
Term::Lam { name, body } => {
let node = alloc(mem, 2);
bind(mem, node + 0, *name, Var(node));
let body = alloc_term(mem, body, node + 1, dups);
link(mem, node + 1, body);
Term::App { func, argm } => {
let node = alloc(mem, 2);
let func = alloc_term(mem, func, node + 0, dups);
link(mem, node + 0, func);
let argm = alloc_term(mem, argm, node + 1, dups);
link(mem, node + 1, argm);
Term::Fun { name, args } => {
let size = args.len() as u64;
let node = alloc(mem, size);
for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
let arg_lnk = alloc_term(mem, arg, node + i as u64, dups);
link(mem, node + i as u64, arg_lnk);
Fun(size, *name, node)
Term::Ctr { name, args } => {
let size = args.len() as u64;
let node = alloc(mem, size);
for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
let arg_lnk = alloc_term(mem, arg, node + i as u64, dups);
link(mem, node + i as u64, arg_lnk);
Ctr(size, *name, node)
Term::U32 { numb } => {
U_32(*numb as u64)
Term::Op2 { oper, val0, val1 } => {
let node = alloc(mem, 2);
let val0 = alloc_term(mem, val0, node + 0, dups);
link(mem, node + 0, val0);
let val1 = alloc_term(mem, val1, node + 1, dups);
link(mem, node + 1, val1);
Op2(*oper, node)
// Given a vector of rules (lhs/rhs pairs), builds the Func object
pub fn build_func(lines: &[(Term,Term)]) -> Option<Func> {
// If there are no rules, return none
if lines.len() == 0 {
return None;
// Find the function arity
let arity;
if let Term::Fun { args, .. } = &lines[0].0 {
arity = args.len() as u64;
} else {
return None;
// The resulting vector
let mut rules = Vec::new();
// A vector with the indices that are strict
let mut strict = vec![false; arity as usize];
// For each rule (lhs/rhs pair)
for i in 0 .. lines.len() {
let rule = &lines[i];
let mut cond = Vec::new();
let mut vars = Vec::new();
let mut eras = Vec::new();
// If the lhs is a Fun
if let Term::Fun { ref name, ref args } = rule.0 {
// If there is an arity mismatch, return None
if args.len() as u64 != arity {
return None;
// For each lhs argument
for i in 0 .. args.len() as u64 {
match &args[i as usize] {
// If it is a constructor...
Term::Ctr { name: arg_name, args: arg_args } => {
strict[i as usize] = true;
cond.push(Ctr(args.len() as u64, *arg_name, 0)); // adds its matching condition
eras.push((i, args.len() as u64)); // marks its index and arity for freeing
// For each of its fields...
for j in 0 .. arg_args.len() as u64 {
// If it is a variable...
if let Term::Var { name } = arg_args[j as usize] {
vars.push(Var { param: i, field: Some(j), erase: name == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF }); // add its location
// Otherwise..
} else {
return None; // return none, because we don't allow nested matches
// If it is a number...
Term::U32 { numb: arg_numb } => {
strict[i as usize] = true;
cond.push(U_32(*arg_numb as u64)); // adds its matching condition
// If it is a variable...
Term::Var { name: arg_name } => {
vars.push(Var { param: i, field: None, erase: *arg_name == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF }); // add its location
cond.push(0); // it has no matching condition
_ => {
return None;
// If lhs isn't a Ctr, return None
} else {
return None;
// Creates the rhs body
let body = rule.1.clone();
// Adds the rule to the result vector
rules.push(Rule { cond, vars, eras, body });
// Builds the redux object, with the index of strict arguments
let mut redux = Vec::new();
for i in 0 .. strict.len() {
if strict[i] {
redux.push(i as u64);
return Some(Func { arity, redux, rules });
// Reduction
// ---------
pub fn subst(mem: &mut Frame, lnk: Lnk, val: Lnk) {
if get_tag(lnk) != ERA {
link(mem, get_loc(lnk, 0), val);
} else {
collect(mem, val);
pub fn reduce(
mem: &mut Frame,
file: &File,
dups: &mut u64,
root: u64,
_i2n: Option<&HashMap<u64, String>>,
debug: bool,
) -> Lnk {
let mut stack: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
let mut init = 1;
let mut host = root;
loop {
let term = ask_lnk(mem, host);
//if debug || true {
//println!("{}", show_term(mem, ask_lnk(mem, 0), _i2n, term));
if init == 1 {
match get_tag(term) {
APP => {
init = 1;
host = get_loc(term, 0);
DP0 | DP1 => {
host = get_loc(term, 2);
OP2 => {
stack.push(get_loc(term, 1) | 0x80000000);
host = get_loc(term, 0);
CAL => {
let fun = get_ext(term);
let ari = get_ari(term);
if let Some(func) = &file.funcs[fun as usize] {
if ari == func.arity {
if func.redux.len() == 0 {
init = 0;
} else {
for (i, redux) in func.redux.iter().enumerate() {
if i < func.redux.len() - 1 {
stack.push(get_loc(term, *redux) | 0x80000000);
} else {
host = get_loc(term, *redux);
_ => {}
} else {
match get_tag(term) {
APP => {
let arg0 = ask_arg(mem, term, 0);
if get_tag(arg0) == LAM {
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 0), ask_arg(mem, term, 1));
let _done = link(mem, host, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 1));
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 2);
clear(mem, get_loc(arg0, 0), 2);
init = 1;
if get_tag(arg0) == PAR {
let app0 = get_loc(term, 0);
let app1 = get_loc(arg0, 0);
let let0 = alloc(mem, 3);
let par0 = alloc(mem, 2);
link(mem, let0 + 2, ask_arg(mem, term, 1));
link(mem, app0 + 1, Dp0(get_ext(arg0), let0));
link(mem, app0 + 0, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 0));
link(mem, app1 + 0, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 1));
link(mem, app1 + 1, Dp1(get_ext(arg0), let0));
link(mem, par0 + 0, App(app0));
link(mem, par0 + 1, App(app1));
let done = Par(get_ext(arg0), par0);
link(mem, host, done);
DP0 | DP1 => {
let arg0 = ask_arg(mem, term, 2);
// let argK = ask_arg(mem, term, if get_tag(term) == DP0 { 1 } else { 0 });
// if get_tag(argK) == ERA {
// let done = arg0;
// link(mem, host, done);
// init = 1;
// continue;
// }
if get_tag(arg0) == LAM {
let let0 = get_loc(term, 0);
let par0 = get_loc(arg0, 0);
let lam0 = alloc(mem, 2);
let lam1 = alloc(mem, 2);
link(mem, let0 + 2, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 1));
link(mem, par0 + 1, Var(lam1));
let arg0_arg_0 = ask_arg(mem, arg0, 0);
link(mem, par0 + 0, Var(lam0));
subst(mem, arg0_arg_0, Par(get_ext(term), par0));
let term_arg_0 = ask_arg(mem, term, 0);
link(mem, lam0 + 1, Dp0(get_ext(term), let0));
subst(mem, term_arg_0, Lam(lam0));
let term_arg_1 = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
link(mem, lam1 + 1, Dp1(get_ext(term), let0));
subst(mem, term_arg_1, Lam(lam1));
let done = Lam(if get_tag(term) == DP0 { lam0 } else { lam1 });
link(mem, host, done);
init = 1;
} else if get_tag(arg0) == PAR {
if get_ext(term) == get_ext(arg0) {
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), ask_arg(mem, arg0, 0));
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), ask_arg(mem, arg0, 1));
let _done = link(mem, host, ask_arg(mem, arg0, if get_tag(term) == DP0 { 0 } else { 1 }));
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 3);
clear(mem, get_loc(arg0, 0), 2);
init = 1;
} else {
let par0 = alloc(mem, 2);
let let0 = get_loc(term, 0);
let par1 = get_loc(arg0, 0);
let let1 = alloc(mem, 3);
link(mem, let0 + 2, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 0));
link(mem, let1 + 2, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 1));
let term_arg_0 = ask_arg(mem, term, 0);
let term_arg_1 = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
link(mem, par1 + 0, Dp1(get_ext(term), let0));
link(mem, par1 + 1, Dp1(get_ext(term), let1));
link(mem, par0 + 0, Dp0(get_ext(term), let0));
link(mem, par0 + 1, Dp0(get_ext(term), let1));
subst(mem, term_arg_0, Par(get_ext(arg0), par0));
subst(mem, term_arg_1, Par(get_ext(arg0), par1));
let done = Par(get_ext(arg0), if get_tag(term) == DP0 { par0 } else { par1 });
link(mem, host, done);
} else if get_tag(arg0) == U32 {
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), arg0);
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), arg0);
let _done = arg0;
link(mem, host, arg0);
} else if get_tag(arg0) == CTR {
let func = get_ext(arg0);
let arit = get_ari(arg0);
if arit == 0 {
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), Ctr(0, func, 0));
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), Ctr(0, func, 0));
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 3);
let _done = link(mem, host, Ctr(0, func, 0));
} else {
let ctr0 = get_loc(arg0, 0);
let ctr1 = alloc(mem, arit);
for i in 0..arit - 1 {
let leti = alloc(mem, 3);
link(mem, leti + 2, ask_arg(mem, arg0, i));
link(mem, ctr0 + i, Dp0(get_ext(term), leti));
link(mem, ctr1 + i, Dp1(get_ext(term), leti));
let leti = get_loc(term, 0);
link(mem, leti + 2, ask_arg(mem, arg0, arit - 1));
let term_arg_0 = ask_arg(mem, term, 0);
link(mem, ctr0 + arit - 1, Dp0(get_ext(term), leti));
subst(mem, term_arg_0, Ctr(arit, func, ctr0));
let term_arg_1 = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
link(mem, ctr1 + arit - 1, Dp1(get_ext(term), leti));
subst(mem, term_arg_1, Ctr(arit, func, ctr1));
let done = Ctr(arit, func, if get_tag(term) == DP0 { ctr0 } else { ctr1 });
link(mem, host, done);
} else if get_tag(arg0) == ERA {
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), Era());
subst(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), Era());
link(mem, host, Era());
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 3);
init = 1;
OP2 => {
let arg0 = ask_arg(mem, term, 0);
let arg1 = ask_arg(mem, term, 1);
if get_tag(arg0) == U32 && get_tag(arg1) == U32 {
let a = get_val(arg0);
let b = get_val(arg1);
let c = match get_ext(term) {
ADD => (a + b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
SUB => (a - b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
MUL => (a * b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
DIV => (a / b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
MOD => (a % b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
AND => (a & b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
OR => (a | b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
XOR => (a ^ b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
SHL => (a << b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
SHR => (a >> b) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
LTN => u64::from(a < b),
LTE => u64::from(a <= b),
EQL => u64::from(a == b),
GTE => u64::from(a >= b),
GTN => u64::from(a > b),
NEQ => u64::from(a != b),
_ => 0,
let done = U_32(c);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), 2);
link(mem, host, done);
} else if get_tag(arg0) == PAR {
let op20 = get_loc(term, 0);
let op21 = get_loc(arg0, 0);
let let0 = alloc(mem, 3);
let par0 = alloc(mem, 2);
link(mem, let0 + 2, arg1);
link(mem, op20 + 1, Dp0(get_ext(arg0), let0));
link(mem, op20 + 0, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 0));
link(mem, op21 + 0, ask_arg(mem, arg0, 1));
link(mem, op21 + 1, Dp1(get_ext(arg0), let0));
link(mem, par0 + 0, Op2(get_ext(term), op20));
link(mem, par0 + 1, Op2(get_ext(term), op21));
let done = Par(get_ext(arg0), par0);
link(mem, host, done);
} else if get_tag(arg1) == PAR {
let op20 = get_loc(term, 0);
let op21 = get_loc(arg1, 0);
let let0 = alloc(mem, 3);
let par0 = alloc(mem, 2);
link(mem, let0 + 2, arg0);
link(mem, op20 + 0, Dp0(get_ext(arg1), let0));
link(mem, op20 + 1, ask_arg(mem, arg1, 0));
link(mem, op21 + 1, ask_arg(mem, arg1, 1));
link(mem, op21 + 0, Dp1(get_ext(arg1), let0));
link(mem, par0 + 0, Op2(get_ext(term), op20));
link(mem, par0 + 1, Op2(get_ext(term), op21));
let done = Par(get_ext(arg1), par0);
link(mem, host, done);
CAL => {
let fun = get_ext(term);
let ari = get_ari(term);
//println!("- on call {} | {}", get_loc(term, 0), show_lnk(term));
if let Some(func) = &file.funcs[fun as usize] {
//println!("- calling");
let mut cont = false;
// For each argument, if it is a redex and a PAR, apply the cal_par rule
for idx in &func.redux {
if get_tag(ask_arg(mem, term, *idx)) == PAR {
let argn = ask_arg(mem, term, *idx);
let arit = get_ari(term);
let func = get_ext(term);
let fun0 = get_loc(term, 0);
let fun1 = alloc(mem, arit);
let par0 = get_loc(argn, 0);
for i in 0..arit {
if i != *idx {
let leti = alloc(mem, 3);
let argi = ask_arg(mem, term, i);
link(mem, fun0 + i, Dp0(get_ext(argn), leti));
link(mem, fun1 + i, Dp1(get_ext(argn), leti));
link(mem, leti + 2, argi);
} else {
link(mem, fun0 + i, ask_arg(mem, argn, 0));
link(mem, fun1 + i, ask_arg(mem, argn, 1));
link(mem, par0 + 0, Fun(arit, func, fun0));
link(mem, par0 + 1, Fun(arit, func, fun1));
let done = Par(get_ext(argn), par0);
link(mem, host, done);
cont = true;
// If applied the PAR rule, continue
if cont {
init = 1;
// For each rule condition vector
for rule in &func.rules {
// Check if the rule matches
let mut matched = true;
//println!("- matching rule");
// Tests each rule condition (ex: `get_tag(args[0]) == SUCC`)
for i in 0 .. rule.cond.len() as u64 {
let cond = rule.cond[i as usize];
match get_tag(cond) {
U32 => {
//println!("Didn't match because of U32. i={} {} {}", i, get_val(ask_arg(mem, term, i)), get_val(cond));
let same_tag = get_tag(ask_arg(mem, term, i)) == U32;
let same_val = get_val(ask_arg(mem, term, i)) == get_val(cond);
matched = matched && same_tag && same_val;
CTR => {
//println!("Didn't match because of CTR. i={} {} {}", i, get_tag(ask_arg(mem, term, i)), get_val(cond));
let same_tag = get_tag(ask_arg(mem, term, i)) == CTR;
let same_ext = get_ext(ask_arg(mem, term, i)) == get_ext(cond);
matched = matched && same_tag && same_ext;
_ => {}
// If all conditions are satisfied, the rule matched, so we must apply it
if matched {
//println!("- matched");
// Increments the gas count
// Gathers matched variables
//let mut vars = vec![None; 16]; // FIXME: pre-alloc statically
for i in 0 .. rule.vars.len() {
let mut var = term;
var = ask_arg(mem, var, rule.vars[i].param);
if let Some(field) = rule.vars[i].field {
var = ask_arg(mem, var, field);
unsafe {
VARS_DATA[i] = Some(var);
// Builds the right-hand side term (ex: `(Succ (Add a b))`)
//println!("-- alloc {:?}", rule.body);
//println!("-- vars: {:?}", vars);
let done = alloc_term(mem, &rule.body, host, dups);
// Links the host location to it
link(mem, host, done);
// Clears the matched ctrs (the `(Succ ...)` and the `(Add ...)` ctrs)
for (eras_index, eras_arity) in &rule.eras {
clear(mem, get_loc(ask_arg(mem, term, *eras_index), 0), *eras_arity);
clear(mem, get_loc(term, 0), func.arity);
// Collects unused variables (none in this example)
for i in 0 .. rule.vars.len() {
if rule.vars[i].erase {
unsafe {
if let Some(var) = VARS_DATA[i] {
collect(mem, var);
cont = true;
// If applied a function, continue
if cont {
init = 1;
_ => {}
if let Some(item) = stack.pop() {
init = item >> 31;
host = item & 0x7FFFFFFF;
ask_lnk(mem, root)
pub fn set_bit(bits: &mut [u64], bit: u64) {
bits[bit as usize >> 6] |= 1 << (bit & 0x3f);
pub fn get_bit(bits: &[u64], bit: u64) -> bool {
(((bits[bit as usize >> 6] >> (bit & 0x3f)) as u8) & 1) == 1
pub fn normal_go(
mem: &mut Frame,
file: &File,
dups: &mut u64,
host: u64,
seen: &mut [u64],
i2n: Option<&HashMap<u64, String>>,
debug: bool,
) -> Lnk {
let term = ask_lnk(mem, host);
if get_bit(seen, host) {
} else {
let term = reduce(mem, file, dups, host, i2n, debug);
set_bit(seen, host);
let mut rec_locs = Vec::with_capacity(16);
match get_tag(term) {
LAM => {
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 1));
APP => {
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 0));
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 1));
PAR => {
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 0));
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 1));
DP0 => {
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 2));
DP1 => {
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, 2));
CTR | CAL => {
let arity = get_ari(term);
for i in 0..arity {
rec_locs.push(get_loc(term, i));
_ => {}
for loc in rec_locs {
let lnk: Lnk = normal_go(mem, file, dups, loc, seen, i2n, debug);
link(mem, loc, lnk);
pub fn normal(
mem: &mut Frame,
file: &File,
host: u64,
i2n: Option<&HashMap<u64, String>>,
debug: bool,
) -> Lnk {
let mut done;
let mut dups = 0;
let mut cost = mem.cost;
loop {
let mut seen = vec![0; 4194304];
done = normal_go(mem, file, &mut dups, host, &mut seen, i2n, debug);
if mem.cost != cost {
cost = mem.cost;
} else {
//print_call_counts(i2n); // TODO: uncomment
// Debug
// -----
// Debug: prints call counts
fn print_call_counts(i2n: Option<&HashMap<u64, String>>) {
unsafe {
let mut counts : Vec<(String,u64)> = Vec::new();
for fun in 0..MAX_DYNFUNS {
if let Some(id_to_name) = i2n {
match id_to_name.get(&fun) {
None => {
Some(fun_name) => {
counts.push((fun_name.clone(), CALL_COUNT[fun as usize]));
counts.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.partial_cmp(&b.1).unwrap());
for (name, count) in counts {
println!("{} - {}", name, count);
pub fn show_lnk(x: Lnk) -> String {
if x == 0 {
} else {
let tag = get_tag(x);
let ext = get_ext(x);
let val = get_val(x);
let ari = match tag {
CTR => format!("{}", get_ari(x)),
CAL => format!("{}", get_ari(x)),
_ => String::new(),
let tgs = match tag {
DP0 => "DP0",
DP1 => "DP1",
VAR => "VAR",
ARG => "ARG",
ERA => "ERA",
LAM => "LAM",
APP => "APP",
PAR => "PAR",
CTR => "CTR",
CAL => "CAL",
OP2 => "OP2",
U32 => "U32",
F32 => "F32",
OUT => "OUT",
NIL => "NIL",
_ => "?",
format!("{}{}:{:x}:{:x}", tgs, ari, ext, val)
pub fn show_mem(worker: &Frame) -> String {
let mut s: String = String::new();
for i in 0..48 {
// pushes to the string
s.push_str(&format!("{:x} | ", i));
pub fn show_term(
mem: &Frame,
term: Lnk,
i2n: Option<&HashMap<u64, String>>,
focus: u64,
) -> String {
let mut lets: HashMap<u64, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut kinds: HashMap<u64, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut names: HashMap<u64, String> = HashMap::new();
let mut count: u64 = 0;
fn find_lets(
mem: &Frame,
term: Lnk,
lets: &mut HashMap<u64, u64>,
kinds: &mut HashMap<u64, u64>,
names: &mut HashMap<u64, String>,
count: &mut u64,
) {
match get_tag(term) {
LAM => {
names.insert(get_loc(term, 0), format!("{}", count));
*count += 1;
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), lets, kinds, names, count);
APP => {
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), lets, kinds, names, count);
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), lets, kinds, names, count);
PAR => {
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), lets, kinds, names, count);
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), lets, kinds, names, count);
DP0 => {
if let hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) = lets.entry(get_loc(term, 0)) {
names.insert(get_loc(term, 0), format!("{}", count));
*count += 1;
kinds.insert(get_loc(term, 0), get_ext(term));
e.insert(get_loc(term, 0));
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 2), lets, kinds, names, count);
DP1 => {
if let hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) = lets.entry(get_loc(term, 0)) {
names.insert(get_loc(term, 0), format!("{}", count));
*count += 1;
kinds.insert(get_loc(term, 0), get_ext(term));
e.insert(get_loc(term, 0));
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 2), lets, kinds, names, count);
OP2 => {
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), lets, kinds, names, count);
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), lets, kinds, names, count);
CTR | CAL => {
let arity = get_ari(term);
for i in 0..arity {
find_lets(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, i), lets, kinds, names, count);
_ => {}
fn go(
mem: &Frame,
term: Lnk,
names: &HashMap<u64, String>,
i2n: Option<&HashMap<u64, String>>,
focus: u64,
) -> String {
let done = match get_tag(term) {
DP0 => {
format!("a{}", names.get(&get_loc(term, 0)).unwrap_or(&String::from("?a")))
DP1 => {
format!("b{}", names.get(&get_loc(term, 0)).unwrap_or(&String::from("?b")))
VAR => {
format!("x{}", names.get(&get_loc(term, 0)).unwrap_or(&String::from("?c")))
LAM => {
let name = format!("x{}", names.get(&get_loc(term, 0)).unwrap_or(&String::from("?d")));
format!("λ{} {}", name, go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), names, i2n, focus))
APP => {
let func = go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), names, i2n, focus);
let argm = go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), names, i2n, focus);
format!("({} {})", func, argm)
PAR => {
//let kind = get_ext(term);
let func = go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), names, i2n, focus);
let argm = go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), names, i2n, focus);
format!("{{{} {}}}", func, argm)
OP2 => {
let oper = get_ext(term);
let val0 = go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 0), names, i2n, focus);
let val1 = go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, 1), names, i2n, focus);
let symb = match oper {
0x0 => "+",
0x1 => "-",
0x2 => "*",
0x3 => "/",
0x4 => "%",
0x5 => "&",
0x6 => "|",
0x7 => "^",
0x8 => "<<",
0x9 => ">>",
0xA => "<",
0xB => "<=",
0xC => "=",
0xD => ">=",
0xE => ">",
0xF => "!=",
_ => "?e",
format!("({} {} {})", symb, val0, val1)
U32 => {
format!("#{}", get_val(term))
CTR => {
let func = get_ext(term);
let arit = get_ari(term);
let args: Vec<String> = (0..arit).map(|i| go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, i), names, i2n, focus)).collect();
format!("(C{}{})", func, args.iter().map(|x| format!(" {}", x)).collect::<String>())
CAL => {
let func = get_ext(term);
let arit = get_ari(term);
let args: Vec<String> = (0..arit).map(|i| go(mem, ask_arg(mem, term, i), names, i2n, focus)).collect();
format!("(F{}{})", func, args.iter().map(|x| format!(" {}", x)).collect::<String>())
ERA => {
_ => format!("?g({})", get_tag(term)),
if term == focus {
format!("${}", done)
} else {
find_lets(mem, term, &mut lets, &mut kinds, &mut names, &mut count);
let mut text = go(mem, term, &names, i2n, focus);
for (_key, pos) in lets {
// todo: reverse
let what = String::from("?h");
//let kind = kinds.get(&key).unwrap_or(&0);
let name = names.get(&pos).unwrap_or(&what);
let nam0 = if ask_lnk(mem, pos + 0) == Era() { String::from("*") } else { format!("a{}", name) };
let nam1 = if ask_lnk(mem, pos + 1) == Era() { String::from("*") } else { format!("b{}", name) };
"\ndup {} {} = {};",
go(mem, ask_lnk(mem, pos + 2), &names, i2n, focus)
// Parsing
// -------
fn head(code: &str) -> char {
return code.chars().take(1).last().unwrap_or('\0');
fn tail(code: &str) -> &str {
if code.len() > 0 {
return &code[head(code).len_utf8()..];
} else {
return "";
fn skip(code: &str) -> &str {
let mut code = code;
while head(code) == ' ' || head(code) == '\n' {
code = tail(code);
return code;
fn hash(name: &str) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
name.hash(&mut hasher);
fn is_name_char(chr: char) -> bool {
return chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'z'
|| chr >= 'A' && chr <= 'Z'
|| chr >= '0' && chr <= '9'
|| chr == '_' || chr == '.';
fn read_char(code: &str, chr: char) -> (&str, ()) {
let code = skip(code);
if head(code) == chr {
return (tail(code), ());
} else {
panic!("Expected {}, found {}.", chr, head(code));
fn read_numb(code: &str) -> (&str, u64) {
let code = skip(code);
let mut numb = 0;
let mut code = code;
while head(code) >= '0' && head(code) <= '9' {
numb = numb * 10 + head(code) as u64 - 0x30;
code = tail(code);
return (code, numb);
fn read_name(code: &str) -> (&str, String) {
let code = skip(code);
let mut text = String::new();
let mut code = code;
while is_name_char(head(code)) {
code = tail(code);
return (code, text);
fn read_until<A>(code: &str, stop: char, read: fn(&str) -> (&str, A)) -> (&str, Vec<A>) {
let mut elems = Vec::new();
let mut code = code;
while code.len() > 0 && head(skip(code)) != stop {
let (new_code, elem) = read(code);
code = new_code;
code = tail(skip(code));
return (code, elems);
fn read_term(code: &str) -> (&str, Term) {
let code = skip(code);
match head(code) {
'λ' => {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, name) = read_numb(code);
let (code, body) = read_term(code);
return (code, Term::Lam { name, body: Box::new(body) });
'!' => {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, nam0) = read_numb(code);
let (code, nam1) = read_numb(code);
let (code, skip) = read_char(code, '=');
let (code, expr) = read_term(code);
let (code, skip) = read_char(code, ';');
let (code, body) = read_term(code);
return (code, Term::Dup { nam0, nam1, expr: Box::new(expr), body: Box::new(body) });
'(' => {
let code = tail(code);
if head(code) == '+' {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, val0) = read_term(code);
let (code, val1) = read_term(code);
let (code, skip) = read_char(code, ')');
return (code, Term::Op2 { oper: ADD, val0: Box::new(val0), val1: Box::new(val1) });
} else if head(code) == '-' {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, val0) = read_term(code);
let (code, val1) = read_term(code);
let (code, skip) = read_char(code, ')');
return (code, Term::Op2 { oper: SUB, val0: Box::new(val0), val1: Box::new(val1) });
} else if head(code) == 'C' {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, name) = read_numb(code);
let (code, args) = read_until(code, ')', read_term);
return (code, Term::Ctr { name, args });
} else if head(code) == 'F' {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, name) = read_numb(code);
let (code, args) = read_until(code, ')', read_term);
return (code, Term::Fun { name, args });
} else {
let (code, func) = read_term(code);
let (code, argm) = read_term(code);
let (code, skip) = read_char(code, ')');
return (code, Term::App { func: Box::new(func), argm: Box::new(argm) });
'#' => {
let code = tail(code);
let (code, numb) = read_numb(code);
return (code, Term::U32 { numb: numb as u32 });
'~' => {
let code = tail(code);
return (code, Term::Var { name: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF });
_ => {
let (code, name) = read_numb(code);
return (code, Term::Var { name });
fn read_rule(code: &str) -> (&str, (Term,Term)) {
let (code, lhs) = read_term(code);
let (code, ()) = read_char(code, '=');
let (code, rhs) = read_term(code);
return (code, (lhs, rhs));
fn read_func(code: &str) -> (&str, Func) {
let (code, rules) = read_until(code, '\0', read_rule);
if let Some(func) = build_func(rules.as_slice()) {
return (code, func);
} else {
panic!("Couldn't parse function.");
// Tests
// -----
pub fn test_0() {
let mut mem = new_worker();
//let func = read_func("
//(F0 (C0)) = (C0)
//(F0 (C1 0)) = (C1 (C1 (F0 0)))
let gen = read_func("
(F0 #0) = (C0 #1)
(F1 0) = ! 1 2 = 0; (C1 (F0 (- 1 #1)) (F0 (- 2 #1)))
let sum = read_func("
(F1 (C0 0)) = 0
(F1 (C1 0 1)) = (+ (F1 0) (F1 1))
let file = File {
funcs: vec![
let val = read_term("(F1 (F0 #23))").1; = 1;[0] = alloc_term(&mut mem, &val, 1, &mut 0);
println!("term: {:?}", show_term(&mem,[0], None, 0));
let init = Instant::now();
let term = normal(&mut mem, &file, 0, None, false);
println!("term: {:?}", show_term(&mem, term, None, 0));
println!("cost: {}", mem.cost);
println!("time: {}", init.elapsed().as_millis());
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