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Can a simple functional sieve be fast? Optimizing Tromp's algorithm on HVM.

Can a simple functional sieve be fast? Optimizing Tromp's algorithm on HVM.

Today, John Tromp - creator of the Binary λ-Calculus, and one of the smartest functional wizards alive - ported his famous prime number generator (first published 12 years ago!) to HVM:

B0     = λx λy x
B1     = λx λy y
cons   = λx λy λz (z x y)
cons0  = λy λz (z B0 y)
Y      = λf ((λx (x x)) (λx (f (x x))))
S0     = λcont  λx λxs (cons0  (xs cont))
Ssucc  = λSn λc λx λxs (cons x (xs (Sn c)))
ap     = λx λy λz (x z (y z))
sieve  = λSn (cons B1 (ap sieve Y (Ssucc Sn)))
primes = (cons0 (cons0 (sieve S0)))
C2     = λf λx (f (f x))
C5     = λf λx (f (f (f (f (f x)))))
C10    = λf (C2 (C5 f))
C1K    = (C10 C2)
C3     = λf λx (f (f (f x)))
C4     = λf λx (f (f (f (f x))))
C8     = (C3 C2)
C256   = (C8 C2)
C12    = λf (C3 (C4 f))
C4K    = (C12 C2)
Take   = λcont λx λxs (SCons (x '0' '1') (xs cont))
Main   = (primes (C1K Take (B0 (B0 SNil))))

His algorithm is remarkable for being extremely elegant and small - possibly, the smallest of all! Sadly, it isn't so fast. To generate the Nth bit, a "siever" has to be applied N times to it, which makes its complexity quadratic. So, the question is: can we take advantage of HVM's optimality, to gain an asymptotical speedup on this elegant algorithm? My first intuition was to isolate the simplest siever (i.e., siever(1)), and measure its iterated complexity. As expected, it was linear; applying 1 million sievers had a cost of 30,000,040 interactions.

App   = λn λf λx match n { 0: x; +: (App (- n 1) f (f x)) } // applies a function N times
Y     = λf (f (Y f)) // y-combinator
B0    = λb0 λb1 b0 // bit 0
B1    = λb0 λb1 b1 // bit 1
cons  = λx λxs λcons (cons x xs) // cons on infinite lists
head  = λxs (xs λx λxs x) // gets the first bit
ones  = λc(c B1 ones) // infinite bitstring with 1's
S0    = λcont λx λxs (cons B0 (xs cont)) // the first siever (i.e., siever(1))
apply = λs λx (x (Y s)) // applies a siever
(F n) = (head (App n (apply S0) ones)) // applies siever(1) N times to [1..], and gets the first bit
Main  = (F 1000000) // COST: 30,000,040 interactions

Note that, on HVM, each interaction (also called "rewrite") is a constant-time operation that takes just a few ASM instructions. As such, it is a precise measure of complexity. That is, instead of measuring time and using the imprecise big-O notation (siever1^N = O(N)), we can measure and write it in terms of interactions: siever1^N = 30*N + 40 interactions. Below are some specific measures:

// F(100) =     3040 interactions
// F(200) =     6040 interactions
// F(300) =     9040 interactions
// F(400) =    12040 interactions
// F(500) =    15040 interactions
// F(600) =    18040 interactions
// F(700) =    21040 interactions
// F(800) =    24040 interactions
// F(900) =    27040 interactions
// F(1k)  =    30040 interactions
// F(1kk) = 30000040 interactions

Thankfully, HVM as a clever way to perform repeated application in logarithmic time: fusion! To obtain a fusible siever, I applied 3 transformations:

  1. Perform repeated application by squared self-composition.

  2. Flip the siever, so that it is a applied to the list (not the other way around).

  3. Lift the cons lambda inside the siever, allowing it to be shared.

I then ran the same computation and - wow - it completed in just 1012 interactions! Now, that's an optimization. By merely fusing the siever, we got a massive 29644x speedup. Asymptotics!

App   = λn λf λx match n { 0: x; +: (App (/ n 2) λx(f (f x)) (match m = (% n 2) { 0: x; +: (f x) })) } // applies a function N times
Y     = λf (f (Y f)) // y-combinator
B0    = λb0 λb1 b0 // bit 0
B1    = λb0 λb1 b1 // bit 1
cons  = λx λxs λcons (cons x xs) // cons on infinite lists
head  = λxs (xs λx λxs x) // gets the first bit
ones  = λc(c B1 ones) // infinite bitstring with 1's
S0    = λcont λbs λcons (bs λxλxs(cons B0 (cont xs))) // the first siever (i.e., siever(1))
apply = λs λx ((Y s) x) // applies a siever
(F n) = (head (App n (Y S0) ones)) // applies siever(1) N times to [1..], and gets the first bit
Main  = (F 1000000) // COST: 1012

Below are some updated measures:

// F(1)   =  381 interactions
// F(2)   =  428 interactions
// F(3)   =  480 interactions
// F(4)   =  475 interactions
// F(5)   =  490 interactions
// F(6)   =  527 interactions
// F(7)   =  537 interactions
// F(8)   =  522 interactions
// F(9)   =  527 interactions
// F(1k)  =  537 interactions
// F(1kk) = 1012 interactions

So, can this trick be used to create a simple and fast pure functional prime sieve? Probably! But one would need to carefully apply this technique to fuse arbitrary sievers during the sieve generation. Tricky, yes; but doable. So, a better question is: who will be the first one to develop it? Could be you!

Note that, as of today (29 Jan 2024), HVM's production-ready version isn't officially available yet, but you can already test the code above by installing the lazy_mode branch of HVM-Lang, with the -L flag.

This discussion is taking place right now on HOC's Discord: (#hvm channel)

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VictorTaelin commented Jan 29, 2024

Here is a more HVM-idiomatic port of Tromp's sieve (I wrote it to help me understand his algorithm):

Y = λf (f (Y f))

// applies a function N times
App = λn λf λx match n {
  0: x
  +: (App n-1 f (f x))

B0 = λb0 λb1 b0
B1 = λb0 λb1 b1

cons = λx λxs λcons (cons x xs)
skip = λbs λf (bs λxλxs(cons B0 (f xs)))
keep = λbs λf (bs λxλxs(cons x  (f xs)))

// Sievers
S0 =   λfλp(skip p f) // siever(1)
SS = λsλfλp(keep p (s f)) // ∀n. siever(n) -> siever(n+1)

sieve  = λs((Y (SS s)) (cons B1 (sieve (SS s))))
primes = (sieve S0)

Take = λn λxs match n {
  0: SNil
  +: (xs λxλxs (SCons (x '0' '1') (Take n-1 xs)))

Main = (Take 200 primes)

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