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Created May 3, 2023 01:39
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data Complex = C Double Double deriving Show
data Nat = E | O Nat | I Nat deriving Show
data Tree a = L a | B (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
cScale :: Double -> Complex -> Complex
cScale s (C ar ai) = C (ar * s) (ai * s)
cAdd :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
cAdd (C ar ai) (C br bi) = C (ar + br) (ai + bi)
cSub :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
cSub (C ar ai) (C br bi) = C (ar - br) (ai - bi)
cMul :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
cMul (C ar ai) (C br bi) = C (ar * br - ai * bi) (ar * bi + ai * br)
cPol :: Double -> Complex
cPol ang = C (cos ang) (sin ang)
natVal :: Nat -> Double -> Double
natVal E x = x
natVal (O n) x = natVal n (2 * x)
natVal (I n) x = natVal n (2 * x + 1)
natLen :: Nat -> Int
natLen E = 0
natLen (O n) = 1 + natLen n
natLen (I n) = 1 + natLen n
fft :: Nat -> Tree Complex -> Tree Complex
fft ang (B eve odd) =
let pt0 = fft (O ang) eve
pt1 = fft (O ang) odd
in mix ang pt0 pt1
fft ang (L x) = L x
mix :: Nat -> Tree Complex -> Tree Complex -> Tree Complex
mix ang (B ax ay) (B bx by) =
let ptl = mix (O ang) ax bx
ptr = mix (I ang) ay by
in B ptl ptr
mix ang (L pt0) (L pt1) =
let pt2 = cMul pt1 (cPol (2 * pi * natVal ang 0 / 2 ** fromIntegral (natLen ang + 1)))
ptl = L (cAdd pt0 pt2)
ptr = L (cSub pt0 pt2)
in B ptl ptr
main :: IO ()
main = do
let input = B (B (B (L (C 0 0)) (L (C 4 0))) (B (L (C 2 0)) (L (C 6 0)))) (B (B (L (C 1 0)) (L (C 5 0))) (B (L (C 3 0)) (L (C 7 0))))
print $ fft (O E) input
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