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Bowling Score Calculator

Bowling Score Calculator

Your task is to write a function for calculating the score of a 10 pin bowling game. The input for the function is a list of pins knocked down per roll for one player. Output is the player's total score.

General rules

Rules of bowling in a nutshell:

A game consists of 10 frames. In each frame the player rolls 1 or 2 balls, except for the 10th frame, where the player rolls 2 or 3 balls. The total score is the sum of your scores for the 10 frames

  • If you knock down fewer than 10 pins with 2 balls, your frame score is the number of pins knocked down
  • If you knock down all 10 pins with 2 balls (spare), you score the amount of pins knocked down plus a bonus - amount of pins knocked down with the next ball
  • If you knock down all 10 pins with 1 ball (strike), you score the amount of pins knocked down plus a bonus - amount of pins knocked down with the next 2 balls

Rules for 10th frame

  • If the last frame is a spare, player rolls 1 bonus ball.
  • If the last frame is a strike, player rolls 2 bonus balls.

These bonus balls on 10th frame are only counted as a bonus to the respective spare or strike.


You may assume that the input is always valid. This means:

input list length is correct number of pins knocked out per roll is valid

Additional Requirements

  • Create a Git Repository for this challenge
    • commit often and have your commit messages be descriptive
  • Write tests for your function using the Mocha and Chai Libraries.
    • Provide test for all cases. Handle unexpected inputs, invalid arguments, etc.

More information

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