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Vincent Newkirk VincentNewkirk

  • Tokyo, Japan
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VincentNewkirk /
Last active December 9, 2018 03:08
Resume 2018

Vincent Shizuo Newkirk

Full-Stack JavaScript Developer


I am a Tokyo-based Full-Stack developer specializing in React. I enjoy working with and learning new technologies in an effort to always be improving my own skills.

Work Experience

Rakuten: June 2017 - Present

import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
import String
import Char
VincentNewkirk /
Created September 3, 2016 00:09
Vincent Shizuo Newkirk Resume md

Vincent Shizuo Newkirk

Full-Stack JavaScript Developer

91-323 Pukanala Pl, Ewa Beach, HI, 96706 ・(808) 351-4156

I am a quick-learning, motivated Full-Stack Javascript developer looking to utilize my skills in a creative and productive environment to bring powerful web applications to the world.

Recent Projects

Bowling Score Calculator

Your task is to write a function for calculating the score of a 10 pin bowling game. The input for the function is a list of pins knocked down per roll for one player. Output is the player's total score.

General rules

Rules of bowling in a nutshell:

A game consists of 10 frames. In each frame the player rolls 1 or 2 balls, except for the 10th frame, where the player rolls 2 or 3 balls. The total score is the sum of your scores for the 10 frames

  • If you knock down fewer than 10 pins with 2 balls, your frame score is the number of pins knocked down