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Last active December 9, 2018 03:08
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Resume 2018

Vincent Shizuo Newkirk

Full-Stack JavaScript Developer


I am a Tokyo-based Full-Stack developer specializing in React. I enjoy working with and learning new technologies in an effort to always be improving my own skills.

Work Experience

Rakuten: June 2017 - Present

Full Stack Developer
Rakuten Analytics Client

  • Develop an Analytics tool for Rakuten to replace Adobe Analytics.
  • Allow users to create projects with multiple reports of visualized data.
  • Complex state management with Redux
  • Stress on efficient algorithms dealing with manipulation and presentation of Big Data
  • Build chron API for scheduled delivery of reports including CSV and Excel creation as well as delivery by E-mail
  • Create “Query Builders” which parse input data into syntax to be used by a variety of search engines
  • Query multiple search engines for big data including Hive, ElasticSearch(SQL), Druid and Presto
  • Micro-Service Architecture
  • Implement account management and permissions
  • Implement Messaging Queue (RabbitMQ) to establish communication between services
  • Data Visualization
    Technologies used​: ​React, Redux, Apollo/GraphQL, Mongo, NodeJS, Express, Hapi, RabbitMQ, Redis, Docker, etc…

Smart Yields: Sep 2016 - May 2017

Lead Developer
Smart Yields Native Mobile App

  • Develop Smart Yield’s native app using React-Native
  • Utilize React-Native to build UI and UX elements for Smart Yields’ mobile application.
  • Lead Developer responsible for managing Junior Developers through agile methods such as scrum and kanban board.
  • Use MobX for state management
  • Work with IoT sensors to visualize data of crop growth and real-time statistics
    Technologies used​: ​React, React-Native, MobX, Jest, AWS, HighCharts, GraphQL, Git, Github

Smart Yields Back-End Development

  • Create custom CMS using React and Meteor
  • Create admin paths allowing editing of any content on website
  • Create CDN to serve image and audio files
  • Create restful API


Dev League
Honolulu, HI, June 2016 - September 2016
Over 800 hours of coding time
Implementing industry-standard best-practices
Worked in teams to develop proper communication skills and learn Git Workflow
Tested my ability to learn new concepts to a proficient level in order to meet deadlines Technologies used​: ​React, Meteor, Jest, Webpack, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Git, Github

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