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Created March 13, 2024 18:26
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Comp 1630 Assignment 7
  1. The data warehousing project group has invited you to provide an OLAP overview. The group’s members are particularly concerned about the OLAP client/server architecture requirements and how OLAP will fit the existing environment. Your job is to explain the main OLAP client/server components and architectures.

  1. One of your vendors recommends using an MDBMS. How would you explain this recommendation to your project leader?

  1. The project group is ready to make a final decision, choosing between ROLAP and MOLAP. What should be the basis for this decision? Why?

  1. The data warehouse project is in the design phase. Explain to your fellow designers how you would use a star schema in the design.

  1. Briefly discuss the OLAP architectural styles with and without data marts.

  1. Identify some bottlenecks in DBMS performance, and then propose some solutions used in DBMS performance tuning.

  1. What are typical activities in the maintenance of the DBMS and its utilities and applications? Would you consider application performance tuning to be part of the maintenance activities? Explain your answer.

  1. How do you normally define security? How is your definition similar to or different from the definition of database security in this chapter?

  1. How do you normally define security? How is your definition similar to or different from the definition of database security in this chapter?

  1. What are security vulnerabilities? What is a security threat? Give some examples of security vulnerabilities in different IS components.
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