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Created March 20, 2022 13:31
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Solution for 8 (or n) queen problem solved using genetic algorithm
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.random.Random
const val chromosomeSize = 8
const val mutationProbability = 0.05 // each block of chromosome mutates with this probability
const val populationSize = 1000 // this many individuals will be in each generation
const val keepNBest = 200 // this many best individuals will be taken without change to next gen
const val tournamentSize = 3 // this many individuals will fight in tournament
val random = Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
fun randomIndividual() = (0 until chromosomeSize).map { (0 until chromosomeSize).random(random) }
var population = (0 until populationSize).map { randomIndividual() }.sortedBy { }
val List<Int>.fitness: Int get() {
var result = 0
for (i in 0 until size - 1) {
for (j in i + 1 until size) {
if (get(i) == get(j)) result++
if ((get(i) - get(j)).absoluteValue == j - i) result++
return result
fun mutation(individual: List<Int>) = { if (Math.random() <= mutationProbability) (0 until chromosomeSize).random(random) else it }
fun crossover(individual1: List<Int>, individual2: List<Int>) =
random.nextInt(chromosomeSize).let { individual1.subList(0, it) + individual2.subList(it, chromosomeSize) }
fun tournament() =
(1..tournamentSize).map { population.random(random) }.minByOrNull { }!!
fun nextPopulation() {
val best = (0 until keepNBest).map { population[it] }
val kids = (keepNBest until populationSize).map {
val individual1 = tournament()
val individual2 = tournament()
val child = crossover(individual1, individual2)
population = (best + kids).sortedBy { }
fun main() {
var generation = 0
while (population[0].fitness != 0) {
println("Generation $generation : fitness = ${population[0].fitness} : best = ${population[0]}")
println("Generation $generation : result : ${population[0]}")
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