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Last active May 13, 2022 17:50
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import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Dimension
import java.awt.Graphics
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import javax.swing.BorderFactory
import javax.swing.JFrame
import javax.swing.JPanel
import kotlin.math.*
const val startX = 250.0
const val startY = 250.0
const val riesenieX = 60
const val riesenieY = 60
data class Riesenie(val sila: Int, val smer: Int) {
fun cost() : Double {
var rychlost = sila.toDouble()
var vysledneX = startX
var vysledneY = startY
while (rychlost != 0.0) {
vysledneX += rychlost * cos(Math.toRadians(smer.toDouble()))
vysledneY += rychlost * sin(Math.toRadians(smer.toDouble()))
rychlost = max(rychlost - 20, 0.0)
val dx = vysledneX - riesenieX
val dy = vysledneY - riesenieY
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
fun animate() {
var rychlost = sila.toDouble()
var vysledneX = startX
var vysledneY = startY
while (rychlost != 0.0) {
vysledneX += rychlost * cos(Math.toRadians(smer.toDouble()))
vysledneY += rychlost * sin(Math.toRadians(smer.toDouble()))
setBallPosition(vysledneX, vysledneY)
rychlost = max(rychlost - 20, 0.0)
fun main() {
// vytvorenie nahodneho riesenia
var riesenie = Riesenie(50, 100)
while(true) {
// ziskanie susednych rieseni
val noveRiesenia = arrayOf(
Riesenie(riesenie.sila, riesenie.smer - 1),
Riesenie(riesenie.sila, riesenie.smer + 1),
Riesenie(max(riesenie.sila - 1, 0), riesenie.smer),
Riesenie(min(riesenie.sila + 1, 100), riesenie.smer)
val najlepsieNoveRiesenie = noveRiesenia.minByOrNull { it.cost() }!!
// vyhodnotenie
if (najlepsieNoveRiesenie.cost() >= riesenie.cost()) { break }
else { riesenie = najlepsieNoveRiesenie }
println("najlepsie riesenie - ${riesenie.sila} / ${riesenie.smer}")
private val panel by lazy { MyPanel() }
fun createAndShowGUI() {
val f = JFrame("HillClimb Minigolf")
f.defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
f.setSize(500, 500)
f.isResizable = false
f.isVisible = true
fun setBallPosition(x: Double, y: Double) { panel.setPosition(x, y) }
internal class MyPanel : JPanel() {
private var x = startX
private var y = startY
override fun getPreferredSize(): Dimension {
return Dimension(500, 500)
public override fun paintComponent(g: Graphics) {
g.color = Color(0xCFE838)
g.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 500)
g.color = Color.BLACK
g.fillOval(riesenieX - 10, riesenieY - 10, 20, 20)
try {
g.drawImage("minigolf.png")), x.roundToInt() - 7, y.roundToInt() - 7, 20, 20) { _, _, _, _, _, _ -> true }
} catch (ignore: Exception) {
g.color = Color.WHITE
g.fillOval(x.roundToInt() - 10, y.roundToInt() - 10, 20, 20)
fun setPosition(x: Double, y: Double) {
val stepx = (x - this.x) / 100
val stepy = (y - this.y) / 100
for (i in 0 .. 100) {
this.x += stepx
this.y += stepy
init {
border = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(
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