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Created December 6, 2014 15:50
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module Test where
import Text (asText)
import Array (Array, get)
import Json.Decode (..)
import Maybe (..)
type alias Foo =
{ foo : String
, bar : Bar
type alias Bar =
{ titi : String
, toto : Maybe String
, tutu : Int
fooTest : String
fooTest =
"foo": "abcd",
"bar": {
"titi": "efgh",
"tutu": 42
"foo": "ijkl",
"bar": {
"titi": "mnop",
"toto": "qrst",
"tutu": 123
decodeFoo : Decoder Foo
decodeFoo = object2 Foo
("foo" := string)
("bar" := decodeBar)
decodeBar : Decoder Bar
decodeBar = object3 Bar
("titi" := string)
(maybe ("toto" := string))
("tutu" := int)
foos : Decoder (Array Foo)
foos = array decodeFoo
main =
r : Result String (Array Foo)
r = decodeString foos fooTest
case r of
Ok v -> asText (get 0 v)
Err e -> asText e
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