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Created January 29, 2018 06:22
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package com.example.salesforce
import java.util.List
import{BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter}
import org.apache.http.impl.client.{DefaultHttpClient,BasicResponseHandler}
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import{Gson, JsonParser, JsonArray}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* A Salesforce Object records exporter
* @param sObjectN literal name of the Object at Salesforce (capital sensitive)
* @param outputPath absolute and writable output path for the records writing
class SObject(sObjectN: String, outputPath: String) {
val conf = ConfigFactory.load("salesforce")
val HOST = conf.getString("force.InstanceUrl")
val DATA_SERVICE_URL = conf.getString("force.DataServiceUrl")
var sObjectName: String = sObjectN
val util = new Util()
val gson = new Gson
var parser = new JsonParser
private val accessToken = util.getAccessToken()
* Using the `describe` response we build a Array that contains the Object fields
var fields = {
var result: Array[String] = Array("")
val response = describe
val describeResponse = gson.fromJson(response, classOf[DescribeResponse])
result = => {
var query = {
fields.mkString("SELECT+", ",+", "+FROM+"+f"$sObjectName%s")
* Execute a GET request, adding the needed headers for authorization and response
* handling.
* @param url Salesforce API's URL
* @return String representing the response from the GET request
def requestGet(url:String): String = {
val request = new HttpGet(url)
request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken)
request.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json")
val client = new DefaultHttpClient
val response = client.execute(request)
val handler = new BasicResponseHandler()
val body = handler.handleResponse(response)
* Retrieves the parsed results from `queryAll` API endpoint
* @param identifier The identifier used in an additional request to retrieve the next batch.
* @return JsonObject from the Gson library
def getPaginated(identifier: String) = {
val url = HOST + identifier
val response = requestGet(url)
* Parses the response to a known default schema
* @param response String to be serialized to Scala
* @return JsonObject from the Gson library
def responseParser(response: String) = {
val jsonObject = gson.fromJson(response, classOf[Response])
* Hits the Salesforce endpoint that describes the 'Object', so we can know the columns to
* create the query.
* @return String
def describe = {
val baseUrl = f"/sobjects/$sObjectName%s/describe"
val url = HOST + DATA_SERVICE_URL + baseUrl
val body = requestGet(url)
* Hit the API to get the results. Parse all the 'records' retrieved.
* Do it over and over while the `response.done` field is not set to `true`.
* @return JsonArray from the Gson library
def retrieveRecords = {
var parsedRecords = new JsonArray
var identifier = query
val queryResponse = executeSOQL(query)
var response = responseParser(queryResponse)
var allRecords = parser.parse(gson.toJson(response.get("records"))).getAsJsonArray
var done = response.get("done").getAsBoolean
while(done == false) {
identifier = response.get("nextRecordsUrl").getAsString
response = getPaginated(identifier)
parsedRecords = parser.parse(gson.toJson(response.get("records"))).getAsJsonArray
done = response.get("done").getAsBoolean
* Mount the URL using the `DATA_SERVICE_URL` config and the `soql` argument, make the
* call and retrieve the results.
* @param soql String that can be a Salesforce Object Query Language string itself or the query
* identifier (the later one used to retrieve the next bacth of results).
* @return a response from `queryAll` endpoint
def executeSOQL(soql: String): String = {
val baseUrl = DATA_SERVICE_URL + "/queryAll/?q="
val url = HOST + baseUrl + soql
val body = requestGet(url)
* Iterate over the `retrieveRecords` to get each object as String and write the a file buffer
* It will write the results the `outputPath` set on `SObject` instantiation.
def dumpNewlineDelimitedJson = {
val file = new File(outputPath)
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
retrieveRecords.foreach(x => {
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