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Last active June 19, 2019 20:56
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# A RouteTrieNode will be similar to our autocomplete TrieNode... with one additional element, a handler.
class RouteTrieNode(object):
def __init__(self, handler = 'root handler', default_handler = 'not found handler'):
# Initialize the node with children as before, plus a handler
self.children = {}
self.handler = handler
self.default_handler = default_handler
def insert(self, part, part_handler):
# Insert the node as before
arg1: part - an item from path_list
arg2: part_handler - the corresponding handler for the current node
if part not in self.children:
self.children[part] = RouteTrieNode(handler = part_handler)
# A RouteTrie will store our routes and their associated handlers
class RouteTrie:
def __init__(self, handler = 'root handler', default_handler = 'not found handler'):
# Initialize the trie with an root node and a handler, this is the root path or home page node
self.root = RouteTrieNode(handler, default_handler)
def Trieinsert(self, path_list, handler):
# Similar to our previous example you will want to recursively add nodes
# Make sure you assign the handler to only the leaf (deepest) node of this path
# ['about', 'me']
curr_node = self.root
for part in path_list:
if part not in curr_node.children:
curr_node.insert(part, curr_node.default_handler)
curr_node = curr_node.children[part]
curr_node.handler = handler
def find(self, path_list):
# Starting at the root, navigate the Trie to find a match for this path
# Return the handler for a match, or None for no match
curr_node = self.root
for part in path_list:
if part in curr_node.children:
curr_node = curr_node.children[part]
return None
return curr_node.handler
#The Router class will wrap the Trie and handle
class Router:
def __init__(self, handler = 'root handler', default_handler = 'Not Found Handler'):
# Create a new RouteTrie for holding our routes
# You could also add a handler for 404 page not found responses as well!
self.RouterTrie = RouteTrie(handler, default_handler)
self.RouterTrie.root_handler = handler
def add_handler(self, new_path, path_handler):
# Add a handler for a path
# You will need to split the path and pass the path parts
new_path_list = self.split_path(new_path)
return self.RouterTrie.Trieinsert(new_path_list, path_handler)
def lookup(self, path):
# lookup path (by parts) and return the associated handler
# you can return None if it's not found or
# return the "not found" handler if you added one
# bonus points if a path works with and without a trailing slash
# e.g. /about and /about/ both return the /about handler
path_list = self.split_path(path)
if path_list == ['', '']:
return self.RouterTrie.root_handler
return self.RouterTrie.find(path_list)
def split_path(self, path):
# you need to split the path into parts for
# both the add_handler and loopup functions,
# so it should be placed in a function here
path_parts = path.split('/')
return path_parts
# Here are some test cases and expected outputs you can use to test your implementation
# create the router and add a route
router = Router("root handler", "not found handler") # remove the 'not found handler' if you did not implement this
router.add_handler("/home/about", "about handler") # add a route
# some lookups with the expected output
print(router.lookup("/")) # should print 'root handler'
print(router.lookup("/home")) # should print 'not found handler' or None if you did not implement one
print(router.lookup("/home/about")) # should print 'about handler'
print(router.lookup("/home/about/")) # should print 'about handler' or None if you did not handle trailing slashes
print(router.lookup("/home/about/me")) # should print 'not found handler' or None if you did not implement one
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