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Created July 27, 2013 21:00
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  • Save Xom/6096268 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Xom/6096268 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. This is a xchat2 plugin. Get dict.txt from
# Anagrams game script by Xomnom
# last modified: 2010 Mar. 4
use strict;
use Math::Random::MT::Perl qw(srand rand);
my $version = '1.8';
Xchat::register 'ANAGS', $version, '', '';
my $status = 0;
my $dict_file = Xchat::get_info('xchatdir').'/dict.txt'; # get from
my $points_file = Xchat::get_info('xchatdir').'/anapts.txt';
my $instrurl = '';
my %words = ();
my %lifetime = ();
my %scorers = ();
my @tiles = ();
my @table = ();
my %melds = ();
my $timer_channel = "ERROR";
my $timer_hook = "ERROR";
# load dictionary
if (open RDICT, '<', $dict_file) {
my @entry = ();
foreach my $line (<RDICT>) {
if ($line) {
@entry = split /\||\n/, $line;
$words{$entry[1]} = $entry[0];
close RDICT;
} else {
Xchat::print '-- Failed reading \'dict.txt\'!';
# load lifetime points
if (open RPTS, '<', $points_file) {
my @entry = ();
foreach my $line (<RPTS>) {
if ($line) {
@entry = split /\||\n/, $line;
$lifetime{$entry[1]} = $entry[0];
close RPTS;
} elsif (open WPTS, '>', $points_file) {
close WPTS;
Xchat::print '-- \'anapts.txt\' not found! Created blank \'anapts.txt\'.';
} else {
Xchat::print '-- Failed reading or writing \'anapts.txt\'!';
# start listener
if ($status == 0) {
Xchat::hook_print 'Channel Message', 'chanmsg';
Xchat::print "-- ANAGS v$version loaded successfully.";
} else {
Xchat::print "-- ANAGS v$version failed to load! status: $status";
# main handler
sub chanmsg {
my @msg_words = split / /, lc $_[0][1];
my $player = Xchat::strip_code $_[0][0];
my $channel = Xchat::get_info 'channel';
if ($msg_words[0] eq '!anag') {
if ($status == 1) {
$timer_channel = $channel;
$status = 2;
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- ANAGS v$version; instructions: $instrurl";
$timer_hook = Xchat::hook_timer 2400, 'draw';
} else {
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- Not ready!";
} elsif ($status > 1) {
if ($msg_words[0] eq '!quit') {
Xchat::unhook $timer_hook;
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- Stopped.";
} elsif ('=' eq substr $msg_words[0], 0, 1) {
my $guess = substr $msg_words[0], 1;
if (length($guess) < 4) {
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player: sorry, '$guess' is too short.";
} elsif (length($guess) > 15) {
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player: sorry, '$guess' is too long.";
} elsif ((defined $msg_words[1]) and ($guess eq $msg_words[1].'d') and (substr($msg_words[1], -1) eq 'e')) {
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player: sorry, can't just append 'd' after 'e'.";
} elsif ((defined $msg_words[1]) and ($guess eq $msg_words[1].'s')) {
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player: sorry, can't just append 's'.";
} elsif (not ((defined $msg_words[1]) and (length($guess) == length($msg_words[1])))) {
if (exists $words{$guess}) {
my $pile = $guess;
my $k = -1;
for (my $i = 1; $i < @msg_words; $i++) {
if (exists $melds{$msg_words[$i]}) {
foreach my $c (split //, $msg_words[$i]) {
$k = index $pile, $c;
if ($k == -1) {
$pile = '!';
} else {
$pile = substr($pile, 0, $k).substr($pile, $k + 1);
} else {
$pile = '!';
last if ($pile eq '!');
if ($pile ne '!') {
my $longcat = "@table";
foreach my $c (split //, $pile) {
$k = index $longcat, $c;
if ($k == -1) {
$longcat = '!';
} else {
$longcat = substr($longcat, 0, $k).substr($longcat, $k + 1);
if ($longcat ne '!') {
if (exists $melds{$guess}) {
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $melds{$guess} already has '$guess'; no duplicates allowed."
} else {
@table = ();
foreach my $c (split //, $longcat) {
push @table, $c if $c =~ /[a-z]/;
# that was original in a terrifying way
for (my $i = 1; $i < @msg_words; $i++) {
$scorers{$melds{$msg_words[$i]}} -= $words{$msg_words[$i]};
delete $melds{$msg_words[$i]};
$melds{$guess} = $player;
$k = $words{$guess};
if (exists $scorers{$player}) {
$scorers{$player} += $k;
$longcat = $scorers{$player};
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player got $guess($k), and now has $longcat points: free tiles: @table";
my @builder = ();
while (my ($entry, $melder) = each %melds) {
push @builder, $entry.'('.$words{$entry}.')' if $melder eq $player;
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player\'s words: @builder";
} else {
$scorers{$player} = $k;
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- $player got $guess($k), and now has $k points: free tiles: @table";
} elsif (exists $scorers{$player}) {
$scorers{$player} -= 4;
Xchat::command "msg $channel -- '$guess' is not a word (four-point penalty to $player)!"
# expose next letter
sub draw {
Xchat::unhook $timer_hook;
push @table, pop @tiles;
if (@tiles > 0) {
Xchat::command "msg $timer_channel -- Free tiles: @table";
my $n = 3200 * sqrt(@table) + 8000 - 90 * @tiles;
$timer_hook = Xchat::hook_timer $n, 'draw';
} else {
Xchat::command "msg $timer_channel -- Tile stock depleted; free tiles: @table";
my $n = 3200 * sqrt(@table) + 16000;
$timer_hook = Xchat::hook_timer $n, 'stop';
sub stop {
Xchat::unhook $timer_hook;
my @max = (-1000);
my @builder = ();
while (my ($player, $score) = each %scorers) {
if ($score > $max[0]) {
@max = ($score, $player);
} elsif ($score == $max[0]) {
push @max, $player;
push @builder, "$player($score)";
if (@max > 1) {
Xchat::command "msg $timer_channel -- Game over; scores: @builder";
my $score = $max[0];
for (my $i = 1; $i < @max; $i++) {
my $player = $max[$i];
@builder = ();
while (my ($entry, $melder) = each %melds) {
push @builder, $entry.'('.$words{$entry}.')' if $melder eq $player;
my $life = $lifetime{$player};
Xchat::command "msg $timer_channel -- $player won with $score points and now has $life lifetime points: @builder";
# store lifetime points
sub record {
while (my ($player, $score) = each %scorers) {
if (exists $lifetime{$player}) {
$lifetime{$player} += $score;
} else {
$lifetime{$player} = $score;
if (open WPTS, '>', $points_file) {
while (my ($player, $score) = each %lifetime) {
print WPTS sprintf "%u|%s\n", $score, $player;
close WPTS;
} else {
Xchat::command 'msg Xom -- Failed opening \'anapts.txt\' for write!';
# restore initial state
sub restore {
%scorers = ();
%melds = ();
@table = ();
@tiles = (
'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e',
'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a',
'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i',
'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o',
'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n',
'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r',
't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't',
'l', 'l', 'l', 'l', 's', 's', 's', 's',
'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd',
'g', 'g', 'g', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'm', 'm',
'p', 'p', 'f', 'f', 'h', 'h',
'v', 'v', 'w', 'w', 'y', 'y',
'k', 'j', 'x', 'q', 'z'
my $j = 0;
for (my $i = $#tiles; $i >= 0; $i--)
$j = int rand($i + 1);
@tiles[$i, $j] = @tiles[$j, $i];
splice @tiles, -10;
$status = 1;
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