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Christophe Bonnefoy Xophe92

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//run me at
contract signatureManagement {
address[] signatureAllocatorPartner;
mapping (address => uint) signatureAllocatorPartnerId;
Mandate[] mandates;
authorizedSigningPartnerForMandate[] authorisationsGranted;
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import json
import random
import copy
import googlemaps
import math
import os.path
import datetime
def distanceFromLarAndLon(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
<!DOCTYPE html>
#map {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
Xophe92 /
Created February 10, 2018 00:52
Expérimentation avec Dask
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Feb 10 22:10:31 2018
@author: Xophe92
Découverte de DASK/DataFrames (pandas en multicoeur ou en clusters...)
Préféré à PySpark car
* code natif python (pandas et numpy sous le manteau)
G28 ;Home
M92 X79.6 Y79 Z401 ;calibration lors de lachat
;2do calibration M92 E[93]
M117 Cleaning ; Indicate nozzle clean in progress on LCD
M109 S210 ; Temperature 210C
M107 ; Turn layer fan off
G21 ; Set to metric
Xophe92 /
Created August 31, 2019 23:23
playing with encodings
# coding: utf8
a = "Père Noël"
print(f"a = \"{a}\"")
print(f"type(a) => {type(a)} \n")
b = a.encode('utf-8')
print(f"b = {b}")
print(f"type(b) => {type(b)} \n")
print("{encoding} \t {b.decode(encoding)}")
Xophe92 /
Last active October 8, 2019 19:29
b00tl3gRSA2 - Points: 400 - (Solves: 1076)
import binascii
n = 62452183886922897079565462589532968595884552052214229613445442774743423725102737845742975666636854617775795947653844346559950723662263034642750426162273832839101527738528294467648817519626232830075222929548053450371355548382455233416933866954353433351778542716327032301670100608617444861845487978703599835379
c = 56347572031538334377661578217905779910490772992642826875089038058436862705266996954941611050094273478907514997960956816289297147965363014381184730266460034420695156137130424878759263215224108315562552968913202468760795267651517029708252934757877155640216359411075081754078898540094203891997354635495949480953
e = 61897578533882795669670180546914170241934801387789726178209999472564491631659190026553473372696292044152567645449981835158789679959142094011319619930275962936609685337352059111535711982420122060517738442734450137974442442074077044188542576386785694404751980458638816026283776944151705012059689090902604045873
for d in range(65537,65537): # 0, 100000000
if pow(pow(c, d, n)
Star reduction in Siril with pixelmath
Forumula given by
In Siril Pixelmath
S is the image with stars, SL is the starless
K is a parameter between 0 and 1
formula "transfert approach": max(SL, ~(~((K-1)*S/((2*K-1)*S-K)) / ~((K-1)*SL/((2*K-1)*SL-K)) * ~SL))
formula "Halo-1" max(SL, S-max(0,((S-(K-1)*S/((2*K-1)*S-K))*~(SL/S))*~SL))
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