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Created July 3, 2012 15:20
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Playing with Primes in Python
import math
import random
class PrimeBuilder:
_p = set()
_maxChecked = 0
def __init__(self, p = {2, 3, 5}):
self._p = p
self._maxChecked = max(p)
def _appendPrimes(self, x):
x = int(x)
if x <= self._maxChecked:
for i in range(self._maxChecked + 1, x + 1):
hasPrimeFactor = False
for p in sorted(self._p): # sort should improve branch prediction
if p <= math.sqrt(i) and i%p == 0:
hasPrimeFactor = True
if not hasPrimeFactor:
self._maxChecked = x
def getPrimes(self, x):
"""Check to see if x is prime"""
return {p for p in self._p if p <= x}
class Naturals:
_P = PrimeBuilder()
def isPrime(self, x):
return x in self._P.getPrimes(x)
def primeFactors(self, x):
"""Prime factors of x"""
factors = set()
for p in self._P.getPrimes(math.sqrt(x)):
if x%p == 0:
factors |= self.primeFactors(x//p) | {p}
# If x is prime
if len(factors) == 0:
_ = self._P.getPrimes(x)
return factors
def primeFactorise(self, x):
"""Prime factorisation of x"""
factorisation = {}
for p in self.primeFactors(x):
if p == 1:
factorisation = {1:1}
i = 1
while x / (p**i) == x // (p**i):
i += 1
factorisation[p] = i - 1
return factorisation
def isHamming(self, x, t = 5):
"""Highest prime factor of x is <= t"""
if x <= t:
return True
return max(self.primeFactors(x)) <= t
def prettyFactorisation(factorisation):
"""Pretty prints factorisation dictionary"""
output = ''
for p in sorted(factorisation):
if len(output) > 0:
output += ' * '
output += str(p)
if factorisation[p] > 1:
output += '^' + str(factorisation[p])
return output
N = Naturals()
print(N.isPrime(1)) # False
print(N.isPrime(5)) # True
print(N.isPrime(27)) # False
print(N.primeFactors(30030)) # {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
print(N.primeFactors(28)) # {2, 7}
print({i for i in range(1,16) if N.isHamming(i)}) # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15}
n = random.randint(1,1000)
print(n, "=", prettyFactorisation(N.primeFactorise(n)))
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