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Created October 17, 2015 14:05
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(load "package://jsk_footstep_planner/euslisp/footplace_planner_for_manipulation.l")
(load "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/samplerobot-interface.l")
(require "models/arrow-object.l")
(defun setup
(setq *robot* *sr*)
(setq *coords-list* (list (make-coords :pos (float-vector 1000 -200 1000) :rpy (list 0 0 0)) (make-coords :pos (float-vector 1000 200 1000) :rpy (list 0 0 0)) (make-coords :pos (float-vector 1000 200 1200) :rpy (list 0 0 0)) (make-coords :pos (float-vector 1000 -200 1200) :rpy (list 0 0 0))))
(setq *arrow-list* nil)
(dotimes (i (length *coords-list*))
(let ((single-arrow (arrow)))
(send single-arrow :newcoords (elt *coords-list* i))
(setq *arrow-list* (append *arrow-list* (list single-arrow)))
(objects (append *arrow-list* (list *robot*)))
(defun re-setup
(send *robot* :reset-manip-pose)
(send *robot* :fix-leg-to-coords (make-coords))
(defun calc
(setq *answer* (fullbody-inverse-kinematics-with-standcoords *robot* *coords-list* :rotation-axis :z :debug t :move-centroid t))
(send *robot* :fix-leg-to-coords (car *answer*))
(defun send-to-robot
(let ((dest-coords (car *answer-list*))
(angle-seq (cadr *answer-list*))
(send *ri* :go-pos (*0.001 (elt (send dest-coords :pos) 0)) (*0.001 (elt (send dest-coords :pos) 1)) (rad2deg (elt (car (rpy-angle (send dest-coords :rot))) 0)))
(send *ri* :angle-vector-sequence angle-seq)
; (send-to-robot)
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