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  • Save YuOhara/e11ae8842c04d91d2d34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save YuOhara/e11ae8842c04d91d2d34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script started on 2016年01月17日 17時40分23秒
]0;leus@leus-HP-Z620-Workstation: ~leus@leus-HP-Z620-Workstation:~$ rtmlaunch hrpsys_ros_bridge samplerobot.launch
[rtmlaunch] Start omniNames at port 15005 
Sun Jan 17 17:40:31 2016:
Starting omniNames for the first time.
Wrote initial log file.
Read log file successfully.
Root context is IOR:010000002b00000049444c3a6f6d672e6f72672f436f734e616d696e672f4e616d696e67436f6e746578744578743a312e300000010000000000000070000000010102000e0000003133332e31312e3231362e3431009d3a0b0000004e616d6553657276696365000300000000000000080000000100000000545441010000001c0000000100000001000100010000000100010509010100010000000901010003545441080000007f539b560100064f
Checkpointing Phase 1: Prepare.
Checkpointing Phase 2: Commit.
Checkpointing completed.
WARNING: Package name "VSProjects" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits and underscores.
... logging to /home/leus/.ros/log/bb7ccfd4-bcf2-11e5-8335-a0481cabf72e/roslaunch-leus-HP-Z620-Workstation-1609.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
WARNING: disk usage in log directory [/home/leus/.ros/log] is over 1GB.
It's recommended that you use the 'rosclean' command.
started roslaunch server http://leus-HP-Z620-Workstation:42239/
* /HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge/publish_sensor_transforms: True
* /controller_configuration: [{'group_name': '...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/contains: ['HD Temp', 'CPU ...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/path: Computers
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/contains: ['hrpEC', 'Emerge...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/path: Hrpsys
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/contains: ['Operating Mode'...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/path: Mode
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/contains: ['Motor']
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/path: Motor
* /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
* /diagnostic_aggregator/base_path:
* /diagnostic_aggregator/pub_rate: 1.0
* /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
* /robot_pose_ekf/debug: False
* /robot_pose_ekf/freq: 30.0
* /robot_pose_ekf/imu_used: False
* /robot_pose_ekf/odom_used: True
* /robot_pose_ekf/output_frame: odom
* /robot_pose_ekf/self_diagnose: False
* /robot_pose_ekf/sensor_timeout: 1.0
* /robot_pose_ekf/vo_used: False
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.16
* /use_sim_time: True
AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/AutoBalancerServiceROSBridgeComp)
CollisionDetectorServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/CollisionDetectorServiceROSBridgeComp)
DataLoggerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/DataLoggerServiceROSBridgeComp)
EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridgeComp)
ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridgeComp)
HardEmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridgeComp)
HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge)
HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge)
ImpedanceControllerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/ImpedanceControllerServiceROSBridgeComp)
KalmanFilterServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/KalmanFilterServiceROSBridgeComp)
RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServiceROSBridgeComp)
SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridgeComp)
SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridgeComp)
StabilizerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/StabilizerServiceROSBridgeComp)
StateHolderServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/StateHolderServiceROSBridgeComp)
base_footprint_rootlink (tf/static_transform_publisher)
collision_state (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
hrpsys (hrpsys/hrpsys-simulator)
hrpsys_profile (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
hrpsys_py (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
hrpsys_ros_diagnostics (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
hrpsys_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
modelloader (openhrp3/openhrp-model-loader)
robot_pose_ekf (robot_pose_ekf/robot_pose_ekf)
rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge (openrtm_tools/
samplerobot_rviz (rviz/rviz)
sensor_ros_bridge_connect (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag sphinxdoc
]2;/home/leus/ros/indigo/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_common/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/samplerobot.launch http://localhost:11311
core service [/rosout] found
process[modelloader-1]: started with pid [1632]
process[hrpsys-2]: started with pid [1637]
process[hrpsys_py-3]: started with pid [1638]
process[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-4]: started with pid [1639]
process[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge-5]: started with pid [1640]
process[hrpsys_state_publisher-6]: started with pid [1672]
loading /home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
Humanoid node
Joint node WAIST
Segment node WAIST_LINK0
Joint node WAIST_P
Segment node WAIST_LINK1
Joint node WAIST_R
Segment node WAIST_LINK2
Joint node CHEST
Segment node WAIST_LINK3
Segment node LARM_LINK1
Segment node LARM_LINK2
Segment node LARM_LINK3
Joint node LARM_ELBOW
Segment node LARM_LINK4
Joint node LARM_WRIST_Y
Segment node LARM_LINK5
Joint node LARM_WRIST_P
Segment node LARM_LINK6
Joint node LARM_WRIST_R
Segment node LARM_LINK7
Segment node RARM_LINK1
Segment node RARM_LINK2
Segment node RARM_LINK3
Joint node RARM_ELBOW
Segment node RARM_LINK4
Joint node RARM_WRIST_Y
Segment node RARM_LINK5
Joint node RARM_WRIST_P
Segment node RARM_LINK6
Joint node RARM_WRIST_R
Segment node RARM_LINK7
Joint node LLEG_HIP_R
Segment node LLEG_LINK1
Joint node LLEG_HIP_P
Segment node LLEG_LINK2
Joint node LLEG_HIP_Y
Segment node LLEG_LINK3
Joint node LLEG_KNEE
Segment node LLEG_LINK4
Joint node LLEG_ANKLE_P
Segment node LLEG_LINK5
Joint node LLEG_ANKLE_R
Segment node LLEG_LINK6
Joint node RLEG_HIP_R
Segment node RLEG_LINK1
Joint node RLEG_HIP_P
Segment node RLEG_LINK2
Joint node RLEG_HIP_Y
Segment node RLEG_LINK3
Joint node RLEG_KNEE
Segment node RLEG_LINK4
Joint node RLEG_ANKLE_P
Segment node RLEG_LINK5
Joint node RLEG_ANKLE_R
Segment node RLEG_LINK6
process[hrpsys_ros_diagnostics-7]: started with pid [1733]
The model was successfully loaded !
Loading body customizer "/home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for
Loading body customizer "/home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
cache found for /home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 2, name = lhsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 3, name = rhsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = gsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = gyrometer)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = VISION_SENSOR1)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = VISION_SENSOR2)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = lfsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = rfsensor)
[ INFO] [1453020034.615639220]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0 done
process[diagnostic_aggregator-8]: started with pid [1750]
process[hrpsys_profile-9]: started with pid [1783]
process[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-10]: started with pid [1785]
process[rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge-11]: started with pid [1788]
configuration ORB with localhost:15005
[] waiting ModelLoader
[] start hrpsys
[] finding RTCManager and RobotHardware
process[SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge-12]: started with pid [1796]
process[DataLoggerServiceROSBridge-13]: started with pid [1833]
process[ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge-14]: started with pid [1898]
process[StateHolderServiceROSBridge-15]: started with pid [1931]
process[AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge-16]: started with pid [1998]
[] start
configuration ORB with localhost:15005
process[StabilizerServiceROSBridge-17]: started with pid [2086]
loading file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl
Humanoid node
Joint node WAIST
Segment node BODY
The model was successfully loaded !
Loading body customizer "/home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for
Loading body customizer "/home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
loading file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
Humanoid node
Joint node WAIST
Segment node WAIST_LINK0
Joint node WAIST_P
Segment node WAIST_LINK1
Joint node WAIST_R
Segment node WAIST_LINK2
Joint node CHEST
Segment node WAIST_LINK3
Segment node LARM_LINK1
Segment node LARM_LINK2
Segment node LARM_LINK3
Joint node LARM_ELBOW
Segment node LARM_LINK4
Joint node LARM_WRIST_Y
Segment node LARM_LINK5
Joint node LARM_WRIST_P
Segment node LARM_LINK6
Joint node LARM_WRIST_R
Segment node LARM_LINK7
Segment node RARM_LINK1
Segment node RARM_LINK2
Segment node RARM_LINK3
Joint node RARM_ELBOW
Segment node RARM_LINK4
Joint node RARM_WRIST_Y
Segment node RARM_LINK5
Joint node RARM_WRIST_P
Segment node RARM_LINK6
Joint node RARM_WRIST_R
Segment node RARM_LINK7
Joint node LLEG_HIP_R
Segment node LLEG_LINK1
Joint node LLEG_HIP_P
Segment node LLEG_LINK2
Joint node LLEG_HIP_Y
Segment node LLEG_LINK3
Joint node LLEG_KNEE
Segment node LLEG_LINK4
Joint node LLEG_ANKLE_P
Segment node LLEG_LINK5
Joint node LLEG_ANKLE_R
Segment node LLEG_LINK6
Joint node RLEG_HIP_R
Segment node RLEG_LINK1
Joint node RLEG_HIP_P
Segment node RLEG_LINK2
Joint node RLEG_HIP_Y
Segment node RLEG_LINK3
Joint node RLEG_KNEE
Segment node RLEG_LINK4
Joint node RLEG_ANKLE_P
Segment node RLEG_LINK5
Joint node RLEG_ANKLE_R
Segment node RLEG_LINK6
The model was successfully loaded !
process[KalmanFilterServiceROSBridge-18]: started with pid [2123]
process[CollisionDetectorServiceROSBridge-19]: started with pid [2179]
/home/leus/ros/indigo/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_common/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information.
pub = rospy.Publisher('diagnostics', DiagnosticArray)
process[collision_state-20]: started with pid [2216]
process[ImpedanceControllerServiceROSBridge-21]: started with pid [2238]
process[RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServiceROSBridge-22]: started with pid [2252]
process[SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge-23]: started with pid [2283]
process[EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge-24]: started with pid [2314]
/home/leus/ros/indigo/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_common/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information.
pub = rospy.Publisher('diagnostics', DiagnosticArray)
process[HardEmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge-25]: started with pid [2381]
[ WARN] [1453020035.100151145]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] use_hrpsys_time
process[robot_pose_ekf-26]: started with pid [2420]
process[base_footprint_rootlink-27]: started with pid [2456]
[rtmlaunch] starting... /home/leus/ros/indigo/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_common/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS localhost:15005 localhost:15005
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME SampleRobot(Robot)0
process[samplerobot_rviz-28]: started with pid [2499]
[ INFO] [1453020035.157227097]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0
cache found for /home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
Loading body customizer "/home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for
Loading body customizer "/home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
cache found for /home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 2, name = lhsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 3, name = rhsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = gsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = gyrometer)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = VISION_SENSOR1)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = VISION_SENSOR2)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = lfsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = rfsensor)
0 physical force sensor : lfsensor
1 physical force sensor : rfsensor
2 physical force sensor : lhsensor
3 physical force sensor : rhsensor
0 acceleration sensor : gsensor
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
0 rate sensor : gyrometer
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] End Effector [lleg]LLEG_ANKLE_R WAIST
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] target = LLEG_LINK6, sensor_name = lfsensor
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] localPos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] End Effector [rleg]RLEG_ANKLE_R WAIST
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] target = RLEG_LINK6, sensor_name = rfsensor
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] localPos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] End Effector [larm]LARM_WRIST_P CHEST
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] target = LARM_LINK6, sensor_name = lhsensor
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] localPos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] End Effector [rarm]RARM_WRIST_P CHEST
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] target = RARM_LINK6, sensor_name = rhsensor
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] localPos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[ INFO] [1453020035.179920435]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] Loaded SampleRobot
[ INFO] [1453020035.180106735]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 done
[rtmlaunch] Wait for /localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle 0 /30
[] wait for RTCmanager : None
[] wait for SampleRobot(Robot)0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392b4cb0> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392b4cb0> isActive? = True
[] simulation_mode : True
[] bodyinfo URL = file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
loading file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
Humanoid node
Joint node WAIST
Segment node WAIST_LINK0
Joint node WAIST_P
Segment node WAIST_LINK1
Joint node WAIST_R
Segment node WAIST_LINK2
Joint node CHEST
Segment node WAIST_LINK3
Segment node LARM_LINK1
Segment node LARM_LINK2
Segment node LARM_LINK3
Joint node LARM_ELBOW
Segment node LARM_LINK4
Joint node LARM_WRIST_Y
Segment node LARM_LINK5
Joint node LARM_WRIST_P
Segment node LARM_LINK6
Joint node LARM_WRIST_R
Segment node LARM_LINK7
Segment node RARM_LINK1
Segment node RARM_LINK2
Segment node RARM_LINK3
Joint node RARM_ELBOW
Segment node RARM_LINK4
Joint node RARM_WRIST_Y
Segment node RARM_LINK5
Joint node RARM_WRIST_P
Segment node RARM_LINK6
Joint node RARM_WRIST_R
Segment node RARM_LINK7
Joint node LLEG_HIP_R
Segment node LLEG_LINK1
Joint node LLEG_HIP_P
Segment node LLEG_LINK2
Joint node LLEG_HIP_Y
Segment node LLEG_LINK3
Joint node LLEG_KNEE
Segment node LLEG_LINK4
Joint node LLEG_ANKLE_P
Segment node LLEG_LINK5
Joint node LLEG_ANKLE_R
Segment node LLEG_LINK6
Joint node RLEG_HIP_R
Segment node RLEG_LINK1
Joint node RLEG_HIP_P
Segment node RLEG_LINK2
Joint node RLEG_HIP_Y
Segment node RLEG_LINK3
Joint node RLEG_KNEE
Segment node RLEG_LINK4
Joint node RLEG_ANKLE_P
Segment node RLEG_LINK5
Joint node RLEG_ANKLE_R
Segment node RLEG_LINK6
The model was successfully loaded !
[] creating components
[] eval : [self.seq, self.seq_svc, self.seq_version] = self.createComp("SequencePlayer","seq")
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> SequencePlayer : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392bf998> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> SequencePlayer Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SequencePlayerService instance at 0x7f8f3921e7a0>
[] eval : [, self.sh_svc, self.sh_version] = self.createComp("StateHolder","sh")
[sh] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> StateHolder : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c3a28> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> StateHolder Service : <OpenHRP._objref_StateHolderService instance at 0x7f8f39223128>
[] eval : [, self.fk_svc, self.fk_version] = self.createComp("ForwardKinematics","fk")
/home/leus/ros/indigo/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_common/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information.
pub_diagnostics = rospy.Publisher('diagnostics', DiagnosticArray)
[fk] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
/home/leus/ros/indigo/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_common/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information.
pub_collision = rospy.Publisher('collision_detector_marker_array', MarkerArray)
configuration ORB with localhost:15005
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[WARN] [WallTime: 1453020035.799929] [0.000000] Could not found CollisionDetector(co), waiting...
[] create Comp -> ForwardKinematics : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f3920c488> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> ForwardKinematics Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ForwardKinematicsService instance at 0x7f8f392c5c68>
[] eval : [, self.tf_svc, self.tf_version] = self.createComp("TorqueFilter","tf")
[tf] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> TorqueFilter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f3920eef0> (315.7.0)
("can't find a service named", 'service0')
[] eval : [self.kf, self.kf_svc, self.kf_version] = self.createComp("KalmanFilter","kf")
[kf] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[kf] Q_angle=0.001, Q_rate=0.003, R_angle=1000
[] create Comp -> KalmanFilter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f3920cb00> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> KalmanFilter Service : <OpenHRP._objref_KalmanFilterService instance at 0x7f8f39212170>
[] eval : [self.vs, self.vs_svc, self.vs_version] = self.createComp("VirtualForceSensor","vs")
[vs] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> VirtualForceSensor : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c5830> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> VirtualForceSensor Service : <OpenHRP._objref_VirtualForceSensorService instance at 0x7f8f392c4368>
[] eval : [self.rmfo, self.rmfo_svc, self.rmfo_version] = self.createComp("RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset","rmfo")
[rmfo] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f3920e2d8> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset Service : <OpenHRP._objref_RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService instance at 0x7f8f392badd0>
[] eval : [, self.es_svc, self.es_version] = self.createComp("EmergencyStopper","es")
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[es] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> EmergencyStopper : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f39212098> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> EmergencyStopper Service : <OpenHRP._objref_EmergencyStopperService instance at 0x7f8f3921e3f8>
[] eval : [self.ic, self.ic_svc, self.ic_version] = self.createComp("ImpedanceController","ic")
[ic] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[ic] force sensor ports
[ic] name = lfsensor
[ic] name = rfsensor
[ic] name = lhsensor
[ic] name = rhsensor
[ic] End Effector [lleg]LLEG_ANKLE_R WAIST
[ic] target = LLEG_ANKLE_R, base = WAIST
[ic] localPos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[ic] localR = [1, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 1]
[ic] End Effector [rleg]RLEG_ANKLE_R WAIST
[ic] target = RLEG_ANKLE_R, base = WAIST
[ic] localPos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[ic] localR = [1, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 1]
[ic] End Effector [larm]LARM_WRIST_P CHEST
[ic] target = LARM_WRIST_P, base = CHEST
[ic] localPos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[ic] localR = [-3.67321e-06, 0, 1]
[ 0, 1, 0]
[ -1, 0, -3.67321e-06]
[ic] End Effector [rarm]RARM_WRIST_P CHEST
[ic] target = RARM_WRIST_P, base = CHEST
[ic] localPos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[ic] localR = [-3.67321e-06, 0, 1]
[ 0, 1, 0]
[ -1, 0, -3.67321e-06]
[ic] Add impedance params
[ic] sensor = lfsensor, sensor-link = LLEG_ANKLE_R, ee_name = lleg, ee-link = LLEG_ANKLE_R
[ic] sensor = rfsensor, sensor-link = RLEG_ANKLE_R, ee_name = rleg, ee-link = RLEG_ANKLE_R
[ic] sensor = lhsensor, sensor-link = LARM_WRIST_P, ee_name = larm, ee-link = LARM_WRIST_P
[ic] sensor = rhsensor, sensor-link = RARM_WRIST_P, ee_name = rarm, ee-link = RARM_WRIST_P
[] create Comp -> ImpedanceController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392ba758> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> ImpedanceController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ImpedanceControllerService instance at 0x7f8f39221f38>
[] eval : [, self.abc_svc, self.abc_version] = self.createComp("AutoBalancer","abc")
[abc] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[abc] End Effector [lleg]
[abc] target = LLEG_ANKLE_R, base = WAIST
[abc] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[abc] has_toe_joint = false
[abc] End Effector [rleg]
[abc] target = RLEG_ANKLE_R, base = WAIST
[abc] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[abc] has_toe_joint = false
[abc] End Effector [larm]
[abc] target = LARM_WRIST_P, base = CHEST
[abc] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[abc] has_toe_joint = false
[abc] End Effector [rarm]
[abc] target = RARM_WRIST_P, base = CHEST
[abc] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[abc] has_toe_joint = false
[abc] abc_leg_offset = [0, 0.09, 0][m]
[abc] abc_stride_parameter : 0.15[m], 0.05[m], 10[deg], 0.05[m]
[abc] force sensor ports (4)
[abc] name = ref_lfsensor
[abc] name = ref_rfsensor
[abc] name = ref_lhsensor
[abc] name = ref_rhsensor
[abc] name = lfsensor
[abc] name = rfsensor
[abc] name = lhsensor
[abc] name = rhsensor
[abc] limbCOPOffset ports (4)
[abc] name = limbCOPOffset_lfsensor
[abc] name = limbCOPOffset_rfsensor
[abc] name = limbCOPOffset_lhsensor
[abc] name = limbCOPOffset_rhsensor
[] wait for RTCmanager : leus-HP-Z620-Workstation
[] create Comp -> AutoBalancer : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f39212290> (315.7.0)
[] wait for SampleRobot(Robot)0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f3bd173ccf8> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f3bd173ccf8> isActive? = True
[] create CompSvc -> AutoBalancer Service : <OpenHRP._objref_AutoBalancerService instance at 0x7f8f39227a28>
[] eval : [, self.st_svc, self.st_version] = self.createComp("Stabilizer","st")
[] simulation_mode : True
[st] onInitialize()
[] bodyinfo URL = file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] connect gsensor SampleRobot(Robot)0.gsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.gsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.gsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.gsensor
[] connect gyrometer SampleRobot(Robot)0.gyrometer HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.gyrometer
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.gyrometer - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.gyrometer
[] connect lhsensor SampleRobot(Robot)0.lhsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.lhsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.lhsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.lhsensor
[] connect lhsensor rmfo.off_lhsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_lhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lhsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_lhsensor
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[st] force sensor ports (4)
[] connect lhsensor sh.lhsensorOut HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_lhsensor
[] Connect sh.lhsensorOut - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_lhsensor
[] connect rhsensor SampleRobot(Robot)0.rhsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rhsensor
[st] name = lfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.rhsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rhsensor
[] connect rhsensor rmfo.off_rhsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_rhsensor
[st] name = rfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rhsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_rhsensor
[] connect rhsensor sh.rhsensorOut HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_rhsensor
[] Connect sh.rhsensorOut - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_rhsensor
[st] name = lhsensor
[] connect lfsensor SampleRobot(Robot)0.lfsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.lfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.lfsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.lfsensor
[] connect lfsensor rmfo.off_lfsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_lfsensor
[st] name = rhsensor
[st] limbCOPOffset ports (4)
[] Connect rmfo.off_lfsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_lfsensor
[] connect lfsensor sh.lfsensorOut HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_lfsensor
[st] name = limbCOPOffset_lfsensor
[] Connect sh.lfsensorOut - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_lfsensor
[st] name = limbCOPOffset_rfsensor
[] connect rfsensor SampleRobot(Robot)0.rfsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.rfsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rfsensor
[st] name = limbCOPOffset_lhsensor
[] connect rfsensor rmfo.off_rfsensor HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_rfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rfsensor - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.off_rfsensor
[st] name = limbCOPOffset_rhsensor
[st] End Effector [lleg]
[st] target = LLEG_ANKLE_R, base = WAIST, sensor_name = lfsensor
[st] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[st] End Effector [rleg]
[st] target = RLEG_ANKLE_R, base = WAIST, sensor_name = rfsensor
[st] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[st] End Effector [larm]
[st] target = LARM_WRIST_P, base = CHEST, sensor_name = [] connect rfsensor sh.rfsensorOut HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_rfsensor
[st] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[st] End Effector [rarm]
[st] target = RARM_WRIST_P, base = CHEST, sensor_name = rhsensor
[st] offset_pos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[] Connect sh.rfsensorOut - HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.ref_rfsensor
[] create Comp -> Stabilizer : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f39212f80> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> Stabilizer Service : <OpenHRP._objref_StabilizerService instance at 0x7f8f391e1200>
[] eval : [, self.co_svc, self.co_version] = self.createComp("CollisionDetector","co")
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[co] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-10] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/leus/.ros/log/bb7ccfd4-bcf2-11e5-8335-a0481cabf72e/sensor_ros_bridge_connect-10*.log
[co] check collisions between RARM_WRIST_P and WAIST
[co] check collisions between LARM_WRIST_P and WAIST
[co] check collisions between RARM_WRIST_P and RLEG_HIP_R
[co] check collisions between LARM_WRIST_P and LLEG_HIP_R
[co] check collisions between RARM_WRIST_R and RLEG_HIP_R
[co] check collisions between LARM_WRIST_R and LLEG_HIP_R
[] create Comp -> CollisionDetector : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c3d88> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> CollisionDetector Service : <OpenHRP._objref_CollisionDetectorService instance at 0x7f8f3921e680>
[] eval : [, self.tc_svc, self.tc_version] = self.createComp("TorqueController","tc")
[tc] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[tc]torque_controller_params is not correct number, 0. Use default controller.
[tc]use TwoDofController
[tc]size of torque_controller_min_max_dq 0 is not correct number 58. Use default values.
[] create Comp -> TorqueController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c3680> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> TorqueController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_TorqueControllerService instance at 0x7f8f392c4488>
[] eval : [self.te, self.te_svc, self.te_version] = self.createComp("ThermoEstimator","te")
[te] : onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[te] : ambient temperature: 25
[te] [WARN]: size of motorHeatParams is 0, not equal to 2 * 29
[te] [WARN]: size of error2tau is 0, not equal to 29
[] create Comp -> ThermoEstimator : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392ba908> (315.7.0)
("can't find a service named", 'service0')
[] eval : [, self.tl_svc, self.tl_version] = self.createComp("ThermoLimiter","tl")
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[tl] : onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[tl] [WARN]: size of motor_temperature_limit is 0, not equal to 29
[tl] : ambient temperature: 25
[tl] [WARN]: size of motor_heat_param is 0, not equal to 2 * 29
[] create Comp -> ThermoLimiter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c3368> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> ThermoLimiter Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ThermoLimiterService instance at 0x7f8f39217440>
[] eval : [self.hes, self.hes_svc, self.hes_version] = self.createComp("EmergencyStopper","hes")
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[hes] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] create Comp -> EmergencyStopper : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c5c20> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> EmergencyStopper Service : <OpenHRP._objref_EmergencyStopperService instance at 0x7f8f39221cf8>
[] eval : [self.el, self.el_svc, self.el_version] = self.createComp("SoftErrorLimiter","el")
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[el] onInitialize()
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/OpenHRP-3.1/idl/../sample/model/sample1.wrl
[el] Do not load joint limit table
[] create Comp -> SoftErrorLimiter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c5a28> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> SoftErrorLimiter Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SoftErrorLimiterService instance at 0x7f8f392176c8>
[] eval : [self.log, self.log_svc, self.log_version] = self.createComp("DataLogger","log")
[log] onInitialize()
[] create Comp -> DataLogger : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f8f392c58c0> (315.7.0)
[] create CompSvc -> DataLogger Service : <OpenHRP._objref_DataLoggerService instance at 0x7f8f392227a0>
[] connecting components
[] Connect sh.qOut - es.qRef
[] Connect es.q - ic.qRef
[] Connect ic.q - abc.qRef
[] Connect abc.q - st.qRef
[] Connect st.q - co.qRef
[] Connect co.q - tc.qRef
[] Connect tc.q - hes.qRef
[] Connect hes.q - el.qRef
[] Connect el.q - HGcontroller0.qIn
[] Connect HGcontroller0.qOut - SampleRobot(Robot)0.qRef
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.gsensor - kf.acc
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.gyrometer - kf.rate
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - kf.qCurrent
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.servoState - te.servoStateIn
[] Connect te.servoStateOut - el.servoStateIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - sh.currentQIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - fk.q
[] Connect sh.qOut - fk.qRef
[] Connect seq.qRef - sh.qIn
[] Connect seq.tqRef - sh.tqIn
[] Connect seq.basePos - sh.basePosIn
[] Connect seq.baseRpy - sh.baseRpyIn
[] Connect seq.zmpRef - sh.zmpIn
[] Connect seq.optionalData - sh.optionalDataIn
[] Connect sh.basePosOut - seq.basePosInit
[] Connect sh.basePosOut - fk.basePosRef
[] Connect sh.baseRpyOut - seq.baseRpyInit
[] Connect sh.baseRpyOut - fk.baseRpyRef
[] Connect sh.qOut - seq.qInit
[] Connect sh.zmpOut - seq.zmpRefInit
[] Connect seq.lhsensorRef - sh.lhsensorIn
[] Connect seq.rhsensorRef - sh.rhsensorIn
[] Connect seq.lfsensorRef - sh.lfsensorIn
[] Connect seq.rfsensorRef - sh.rfsensorIn
[] Connect kf.rpy - st.rpy
[] Connect sh.zmpOut - abc.zmpIn
[] Connect sh.basePosOut - abc.basePosIn
[] Connect sh.baseRpyOut - abc.baseRpyIn
[] Connect sh.optionalDataOut - abc.optionalData
[] Connect abc.zmpOut - st.zmpRef
[] Connect abc.baseRpyOut - st.baseRpyIn
[] Connect abc.basePosOut - st.basePosIn
[] Connect abc.accRef - kf.accRef
[] Connect abc.contactStates - st.contactStates
[] Connect abc.controlSwingSupportTime - st.controlSwingSupportTime
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - st.qCurrent
[] Connect seq.qRef - st.qRefSeq
[] Connect abc.walkingStates - st.walkingStates
[] Connect abc.sbpCogOffset - st.sbpCogOffset
[] Connect st.emergencySignal - es.emergencySignal
[] Connect st.emergencySignal - abc.emergencySignal
[] Connect abc.lhsensor - st.lhsensorRef
[] Connect sh.lhsensorOut - es.lhsensorIn
[] Connect es.lhsensorOut - ic.ref_lhsensorIn
[] Connect es.lhsensorOut - abc.ref_lhsensor
[] Connect abc.limbCOPOffset_lhsensor - st.limbCOPOffset_lhsensor
[] Connect abc.rhsensor - st.rhsensorRef
[] Connect sh.rhsensorOut - es.rhsensorIn
[] Connect es.rhsensorOut - ic.ref_rhsensorIn
[] Connect es.rhsensorOut - abc.ref_rhsensor
[] Connect abc.limbCOPOffset_rhsensor - st.limbCOPOffset_rhsensor
[] Connect abc.lfsensor - st.lfsensorRef
[] Connect sh.lfsensorOut - es.lfsensorIn
[] Connect es.lfsensorOut - ic.ref_lfsensorIn
[] Connect es.lfsensorOut - abc.ref_lfsensor
[] Connect abc.limbCOPOffset_lfsensor - st.limbCOPOffset_lfsensor
[] Connect abc.rfsensor - st.rfsensorRef
[] Connect sh.rfsensorOut - es.rfsensorIn
[] Connect es.rfsensorOut - ic.ref_rfsensorIn
[] Connect es.rfsensorOut - abc.ref_rfsensor
[] Connect abc.limbCOPOffset_rfsensor - st.limbCOPOffset_rfsensor
[] Connect kf.rpy - rmfo.rpy
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - rmfo.qCurrent
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.lhsensor - rmfo.lhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lhsensor - ic.lhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lhsensor - st.lhsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.rhsensor - rmfo.rhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rhsensor - ic.rhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rhsensor - st.rhsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.lfsensor - rmfo.lfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lfsensor - ic.lfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lfsensor - st.lfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.rfsensor - rmfo.rfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rfsensor - ic.rfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rfsensor - st.rfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - ic.qCurrent
[] Connect sh.basePosOut - ic.basePosIn
[] Connect sh.baseRpyOut - ic.baseRpyIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.tau - tf.tauIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - tf.qCurrent
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - vs.qCurrent
[] Connect tf.tauOut - vs.tauIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - co.qCurrent
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.servoState - co.servoStateIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - te.qCurrentIn
[rtmlaunch] Wait for /localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle 1 /30
[] Connect sh.qOut - te.qRefIn
[] Connect tf.tauOut - te.tauIn
[] Connect te.tempOut - tl.tempIn
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - tc.qCurrent
[] Connect tf.tauOut - tc.tauCurrent
[] Connect tl.tauMax - tc.tauMax
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - el.qCurrent
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.servoState - es.servoStateIn
[] activating components
[fk] onActivated(1000)
[tf] onActivated(1000)
[kf] onActivated(1000)
[vs] onActivated(1000)
[rmfo] onActivated(1000)
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/SampleRobot(Robot)0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/SampleRobot(Robot)0.rtc:tau
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rstorque
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[es] onActivated(1000)
[ic] onActivated(1000)
[abc] onActivated(1000)
[st] onActivated(1000)
[co] onActivated(1000)
[tc] onActivated(1000)
[te] : onActivated(1000)
[tl] : onActivated(1000)
[hes] onActivated(1000)
[el] onActivated(1000)
[] setup logger
[log] Log max length is set to 4000
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to SampleRobot(Robot)0_q
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.q - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_q
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = dq to SampleRobot(Robot)0_dq
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.dq - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_dq
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = tau to SampleRobot(Robot)0_tau
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.tau - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_tau
[] sensor names for DataLogger
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedAcceleration3D, name = gsensor to SampleRobot(Robot)0_gsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.gsensor - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_gsensor
[rtmlaunch] Wait for /localhost:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService 0 /30
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc:StateHolderService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedAngularVelocity3D, name = gyrometer to SampleRobot(Robot)0_gyrometer
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.gyrometer - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_gyrometer
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = lhsensor to SampleRobot(Robot)0_lhsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.lhsensor - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_lhsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = rhsensor to SampleRobot(Robot)0_rhsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.rhsensor - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_rhsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = lfsensor to SampleRobot(Robot)0_lfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.lfsensor - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_lfsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = rfsensor to SampleRobot(Robot)0_rfsensor
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.rfsensor - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_rfsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedOrientation3D, name = rpy to kf_rpy
[] Connect kf.rpy - log.kf_rpy
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = qOut to sh_qOut
[] Connect sh.qOut - log.sh_qOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = tqOut to sh_tqOut
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020036.805309] [0.000000] bodyinfo URL = file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
cache found for file:///home/leus/ros/indigo_parent/devel/share/openhrp3/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/sample1.wrl
[] Connect sh.tqOut - log.sh_tqOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = basePosOut to sh_basePosOut
[] Connect sh.basePosOut - log.sh_basePosOut
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/sh.rtc:qOut
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:mcangle
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc:DataLoggerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/log.rtc:DataLoggerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc:ForwardKinematicsService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/fk.rtc:ForwardKinematicsService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/abc.rtc:baseTformOut
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:baseTform
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedOrientation3D, name = baseRpyOut to sh_baseRpyOut
[] Connect sh.baseRpyOut - log.sh_baseRpyOut
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/abc.rtc:contactStates
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:refContactStates
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/abc.rtc:controlSwingSupportTime
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:controlSwingSupportTime
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = zmpOut to sh_zmpOut
[] Connect sh.zmpOut - log.sh_zmpOut
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/kf.rtc:rpy
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:baseRpy
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to ic_q
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/st.rtc:zmp
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rszmp
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/st.rtc:refCapturePoint
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsrefCapturePoint
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/st.rtc:actCapturePoint
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsactCapturePoint
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/st.rtc:actContactStates
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:actContactStates
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] Connect ic.q - log.ic_q
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge.rtc:AutoBalancerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/abc.rtc:AutoBalancerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/StabilizerServiceROSBridge.rtc:StabilizerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/st.rtc:StabilizerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/KalmanFilterServiceROSBridge.rtc:KalmanFilterService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/kf.rtc:KalmanFilterService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/st.rtc:COPInfo
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsCOPInfo
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/CollisionDetectorServiceROSBridge.rtc:CollisionDetectorService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/co.rtc:CollisionDetectorService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/ImpedanceControllerServiceROSBridge.rtc:ImpedanceControllerService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/ic.rtc:ImpedanceControllerService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServiceROSBridge.rtc:RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/rmfo.rtc:RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge.rtc:SoftErrorLimiterService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/el.rtc:SoftErrorLimiterService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/el.rtc:servoStateOut
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/es.rtc:emergencyMode
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:emergencyMode
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = zmpOut to abc_zmpOut
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge.rtc:EmergencyStopperService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/es.rtc:EmergencyStopperService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from localhost:15005/HardEmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge.rtc:EmergencyStopperService
[rtmlaunch] to localhost:15005/hes.rtc:EmergencyStopperService
[rtmlaunch] with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1453020036.967989212, 2.039999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 0[Hz] (exec 1 Hz, dropped 0)
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/StabilizerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/KalmanFilterServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/CollisionDetectorServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/ImpedanceControllerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge.rtc
[] Connect abc.zmpOut - log.abc_zmpOut
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /localhost:15005/HardEmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1453020036.972669612, 2.055999999]: ADD_GROUP: rarm (/rarm_controller)
[addJointGroup] group name = rarm
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = baseTformOut to abc_baseTformOut
[] Connect abc.baseTformOut - log.abc_baseTformOut
[ INFO] [1453020037.017942487, 2.099999999]: ADD_GROUP: larm (/larm_controller)
[addJointGroup] group name = larm
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to abc_q
[ INFO] [1453020037.039741068, 2.125999999]: ADD_GROUP: torso (/torso_controller)
[ INFO] [1453020037.039779787, 2.125999999]: JOINT: WAIST_P WAIST_R CHEST
[addJointGroup] group name = torso
[] Connect abc.q - log.abc_q
[ INFO] [1453020037.062585558, 2.147999999]: ADD_GROUP: rhand (/rhand_controller)
[ INFO] [1453020037.062622754, 2.147999999]: JOINT: RARM_WRIST_R
[addJointGroup] group name = rhand
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedBooleanSeq, name = contactStates to abc_contactStates
[ INFO] [1453020037.087006266, 2.171999999]: ADD_GROUP: lhand (/lhand_controller)
[ INFO] [1453020037.087034822, 2.171999999]: JOINT: LARM_WRIST_R
[addJointGroup] group name = lhand
[] Connect abc.contactStates - log.abc_contactStates
[ INFO] [1453020037.111720932, 2.197999999]: ADD_GROUP: rleg (/rleg_controller)
[addJointGroup] group name = rleg
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = controlSwingSupportTime to abc_controlSwingSupportTime
[] Connect abc.controlSwingSupportTime - log.abc_controlSwingSupportTime
[ INFO] [1453020037.139233635, 2.225999999]: ADD_GROUP: lleg (/lleg_controller)
[addJointGroup] group name = lleg
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = cogOut to abc_cogOut
[] Connect abc.cogOut - log.abc_cogOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = zmp to st_zmp
[] Connect st.zmp - log.st_zmp
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originRefZmp to st_originRefZmp
[] Connect st.originRefZmp - log.st_originRefZmp
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originRefCog to st_originRefCog
[] Connect st.originRefCog - log.st_originRefCog
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originRefCogVel to st_originRefCogVel
[] Connect st.originRefCogVel - log.st_originRefCogVel
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originNewZmp to st_originNewZmp
[] Connect st.originNewZmp - log.st_originNewZmp
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originActZmp to st_originActZmp
[] Connect st.originActZmp - log.st_originActZmp
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originActCog to st_originActCog
[] Connect st.originActCog - log.st_originActCog
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = originActCogVel to st_originActCogVel
[] Connect st.originActCogVel - log.st_originActCogVel
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = allRefWrench to st_allRefWrench
[] Connect st.allRefWrench - log.st_allRefWrench
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = allEEComp to st_allEEComp
[] Connect st.allEEComp - log.st_allEEComp
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to st_q
[] Connect st.q - log.st_q
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedOrientation3D, name = actBaseRpy to st_actBaseRpy
[] Connect st.actBaseRpy - log.st_actBaseRpy
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = currentBasePos to st_currentBasePos
[ INFO] [1453020037.969616024, 3.057999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 509[Hz] (exec 1798 Hz, dropped 1)
[] Connect st.currentBasePos - log.st_currentBasePos
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedOrientation3D, name = currentBaseRpy to st_currentBaseRpy
[] Connect st.currentBaseRpy - log.st_currentBaseRpy
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = debugData to st_debugData
[] Connect st.debugData - log.st_debugData
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to el_q
[] Connect el.q - log.el_q
[] setupLogger : emergencySignal arleady exists in DataLogger
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.emergencySignal - log.emergencySignal
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedLongSeqSeq, name = servoState to SampleRobot(Robot)0_servoState
[] Connect SampleRobot(Robot)0.servoState - log.SampleRobot(Robot)0_servoState
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = lhsensorOut to sh_lhsensorOut
[] Connect sh.lhsensorOut - log.sh_lhsensorOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = rhsensorOut to sh_rhsensorOut
[] Connect sh.rhsensorOut - log.sh_rhsensorOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = lfsensorOut to sh_lfsensorOut
[] Connect sh.lfsensorOut - log.sh_lfsensorOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = rfsensorOut to sh_rfsensorOut
[] Connect sh.rfsensorOut - log.sh_rfsensorOut
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = off_lhsensor to rmfo_off_lhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lhsensor - log.rmfo_off_lhsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = off_rhsensor to rmfo_off_rhsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rhsensor - log.rmfo_off_rhsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = off_lfsensor to rmfo_off_lfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_lfsensor - log.rmfo_off_lfsensor
[] setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = off_rfsensor to rmfo_off_rfsensor
[] Connect rmfo.off_rfsensor - log.rmfo_off_rfsensor
[log] Log cleared
[] setup joint groups
[addJointGroup] group name = rleg
[addJointGroup] group name RLEG is already installed
[addJointGroup] group name = lleg
[addJointGroup] group name LLEG is already installed
[addJointGroup] group name = torso
[addJointGroup] group name TORSO is already installed
[addJointGroup] group name = head
[addJointGroup] group name = rarm
[addJointGroup] group name RARM is already installed
[addJointGroup] group name = larm
[addJointGroup] group name LARM is already installed
[addJointGroup] group name = rhand
[addJointGroup] group name RHAND is already installed
[addJointGroup] group name = lhand
[addJointGroup] group name LHAND is already installed
[] initialized successfully
initialize rtc parameters
[tl] setThermoLimiterParam
[tl] m_debug_print_freq = 5000
[tl] m_alarmRatio = 1
[st] getParameter
[st] setParameter
[st] TPCC
[st] k_tpcc_p = [0.2, 0.2]
[st] k_tpcc_x = [4, 4]
[st] k_brot_p = [0, 0]
[st] k_brot_tc = [0.1, 0.1]
[st] EEFM
[st] eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence set
[st] vs = [0.182 0.07112] [0.182 -0.07112] [-0.072 -0.07112] [-0.072 0.07112] [m]
[st] vs = [0.182 0.07112] [0.182 -0.07112] [-0.072 -0.07112] [-0.072 0.07112] [m]
[st] vs = [0.182 0.07112] [0.182 -0.07112] [-0.072 -0.07112] [-0.072 0.07112] [m]
[st] vs = [0.182 0.07112] [0.182 -0.07112] [-0.072 -0.07112] [-0.072 0.07112] [m]
[st] is_ik_enable is [1][1][0][0]
[st] is_feedback_control_enable is [1][1][0][0]
[st] is_zmp_calc_enable is [1][1][0][0]
[st] End Effector [lleg]
[st] localpos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[st] localR = [1, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 1]
[st] End Effector [rleg]
[st] localpos = [0, 0, -0.07][m]
[st] localR = [1, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 1]
[st] End Effector [larm]
[st] localpos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[st] localR = [-3.67321e-06, 0, 1]
[ 0, 1, 0]
[ -1, 0, -3.67321e-06]
[st] End Effector [rarm]
[st] localpos = [0, 0, -0.12][m]
[st] localR = [-3.67321e-06, 0, 1]
[ 0, 1, 0]
[ -1, 0, -3.67321e-06]
[st] foot_origin_offset is [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0][m]
[st] eefm_k1 = [-1.39899, -1.39899]
[st] eefm_k2 = [-0.386111, -0.386111]
[st] eefm_k3 = [-0.175068, -0.175068]
[st] eefm_zmp_delay_time_const = [0.055, 0.055][s]
[st] eefm_ref_zmp_aux = [0, 0][m]
[st] eefm_body_attitude_control_gain = [0.5, 0.5]
[st] eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const = [100000, 100000][s]
[st] [lleg] eefm_rot_damping_gain = [48, 48, 100000], eefm_rot_time_const = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [lleg] eefm_pos_damping_gain = [175000, 175000, 5250], eefm_pos_time_const_support = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [lleg] eefm_pos_compensation_limit = 0.025[m], eefm_rot_compensation_limit = 0.174533[rad]
[st] [lleg] eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0], eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0]
[st] [lleg] eefm_ee_moment_limit = [10000, 10000, 10000][Nm]
[st] [rleg] eefm_rot_damping_gain = [48, 48, 100000], eefm_rot_time_const = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [rleg] eefm_pos_damping_gain = [175000, 175000, 5250], eefm_pos_time_const_support = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [rleg] eefm_pos_compensation_limit = 0.025[m], eefm_rot_compensation_limit = 0.174533[rad]
[st] [rleg] eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0], eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0]
[st] [rleg] eefm_ee_moment_limit = [10000, 10000, 10000][Nm]
[st] [larm] eefm_rot_damping_gain = [48, 48, 100000], eefm_rot_time_const = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [larm] eefm_pos_damping_gain = [175000, 175000, 5250], eefm_pos_time_const_support = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [larm] eefm_pos_compensation_limit = 0.025[m], eefm_rot_compensation_limit = 0.174533[rad]
[st] [larm] eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0], eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0]
[st] [larm] eefm_ee_moment_limit = [10000, 10000, 10000][Nm]
[st] [rarm] eefm_rot_damping_gain = [48, 48, 100000], eefm_rot_time_const = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [rarm] eefm_pos_damping_gain = [175000, 175000, 5250], eefm_pos_time_const_support = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5][s]
[st] [rarm] eefm_pos_compensation_limit = 0.025[m], eefm_rot_compensation_limit = 0.174533[rad]
[st] [rarm] eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0], eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain = [0, 0, 0]
[st] [rarm] eefm_ee_moment_limit = [10000, 10000, 10000][Nm]
[st] eefm_pos_transition_time = 0.01[s], eefm_pos_margin_time = 0.02[s] eefm_pos_time_const_swing = 0.08[s]
[st] cogvel_cutoff_freq = 4[Hz]
[st] leg_inside_margin = 0.07112[m], leg_outside_margin = 0.07112[m], leg_front_margin = 0.182[m], leg_rear_margin = 0.072[m]
[st] wrench_alpha_blending = 0.5, alpha_cutoff_freq = 1e+07[Hz]
[st] eefm_gravitational_acceleration = 9.80665[m/s^2], eefm_use_force_difference_control = true
[st] eefm_ee_pos_error_p_gain = 0, eefm_ee_rot_error_p_gain = 0, eefm_ee_error_cutoff_freq = 50[Hz]
[st] st_algorithm changed to [EEFMQP]
[st] emergency_check_mode changed to [NO_CHECK]
[st] transition_time = 2[s]
[st] cop_check_margin = 0.02[m]
[st] cp_check_margin = [0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03] [m]
[st] contact_decision_threshold = 50[N]
[hrpsys_py-3] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/leus/.ros/log/bb7ccfd4-bcf2-11e5-8335-a0481cabf72e/hrpsys_py-3*.log
[ INFO] [1453020038.970464194, 4.059999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1796 Hz, dropped 0)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020039.913637] [5.004000] check 6 collision status, 1.199041 Hz
[ INFO] [1453020039.971251685, 5.061999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1793 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020040.971906952, 6.063999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1800 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020041.972855321, 7.065999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1797 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020042.974044298, 8.067999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1801 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020043.975988336, 9.071999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1800 Hz, dropped 0)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020044.910138] [10.006000] check 6 collision status, 1.199520 Hz
[ INFO] [1453020044.977145422, 10.074000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1802 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020045.977719767, 11.076000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1795 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020046.980391051, 12.080000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1802 Hz, dropped 0)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[ INFO] [1453020047.981089406, 13.082000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1798 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020048.982308928, 14.084000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1803 Hz, dropped 0)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020049.921779] [15.026000] check 6 collision status, 1.195219 Hz
[ INFO] [1453020049.984417055, 15.088000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1803 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020050.984880116, 16.090000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1799 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020051.985838136, 17.092000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1801 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020052.542106612, 17.648000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onJointTrajectoryAction 
[ INFO] [1453020052.542205027, 17.648000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onJointTrajectoryAction : time_from_start 5
[ INFO] [1453020052.986746200, 18.094000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1793 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020053.987329226, 19.096000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1800 Hz, dropped 0)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020054.935562] [20.044000] check 6 collision status, 1.195695 Hz
[ INFO] [1453020054.988142363, 20.097999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1801 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020055.988860890, 21.099999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1799 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020056.993329010, 22.101999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1804 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020057.738916293, 22.849999999]: AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge::startAutoBalancer() called
[abc] start auto balancer mode
[abc] limb [rleg]
[abc] limb [lleg]
[abc] limb [rarm]
[abc] limb [larm]
[ INFO] [1453020057.995041904, 23.107999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 503[Hz] (exec 1798 Hz, dropped 0)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[ INFO] [1453020058.997626599, 24.111999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1803 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020059.735367355, 24.849999999]: AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge::startAutoBalancer() succeeded
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020059.948218] [25.064000] check 6 collision status, 1.195219 Hz
[ INFO] [1453020059.999928319, 25.113999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1803 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020061.001921855, 26.115999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1799 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020062.002039897, 27.119999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1799 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020063.003359500, 28.121999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1798 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020064.005125530, 29.125999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1801 Hz, dropped 0)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020064.963787] [30.086000] check 6 collision status, 1.195219 Hz
[ INFO] [1453020065.007942769, 30.129999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1803 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020066.010243821, 31.131999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1800 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020067.014346352, 32.135999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1803 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020067.468725982, 32.591999999]: StabilizerServiceROSBridge::startStabilizer() called
[st] Start ST
[st] Sync IDLE => ST
[ INFO] [1453020068.014489011, 33.139999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1797 Hz, dropped 0)
[el] velocity limit over LLEG_ANKLE_R(18), qvel=-40.3284, lvlimit =-39.9998, uvlimit =39.9998, servo_state = ON
[el] velocity limit over RLEG_ANKLE_R(5), qvel=45.9272, lvlimit =-39.9998, uvlimit =39.9998, servo_state = ON
[el] velocity limit over RLEG_ANKLE_P(4), qvel=-42.8238, lvlimit =-39.9998, uvlimit =39.9998, servo_state = ON
[el] velocity limit over RLEG_ANKLE_P(4), qvel=-55.4257, lvlimit =-39.9998, uvlimit =39.9998, servo_state = ON
[ INFO] [1453020069.015342927, 34.143999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1799 Hz, dropped 0)
[el] velocity limit over RLEG_ANKLE_P(4), qvel=-64.2491, lvlimit =-39.9998, uvlimit =39.9998, servo_state = ON
[el] error limit over RLEG_ANKLE_P(4), qRef=-0.478725, qCurrent=-0.296358 , Error=-0.182367 > 0.18 (limit), servo_state = ON, q=-0.478725
[st] CP too large error [-0.0231795,-0.389333] [m]
[st] Start ST DONE
[ INFO] [1453020069.465744582, 34.591999999]: StabilizerServiceROSBridge::startStabilizer() succeeded
[el] velocity limit over RLEG_ANKLE_P(4), qvel=-66.2056, lvlimit =-39.9998, uvlimit =39.9998, servo_state = ON
[el] error limit over RLEG_ANKLE_P(4), qRef=-0.467676, qCurrent=-0.275486 , Error=-0.192191 > 0.18 (limit), servo_state = ON, q=-0.467676
[st] Sync ST => IDLE
[INFO] [WallTime: 1453020069.957607] [35.086000] check 6 collision status, 1.199520 Hz
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[ INFO] [1453020070.018394437, 35.145999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1800 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020071.021341444, 36.149999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1802 Hz, dropped 0)
[st] Move to MODE_IDLE
[st] Sync IDLE => ST
[es] emergencySignal is reset!
[ INFO] [1453020072.021708285, 37.153999999]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1799 Hz, dropped 0)
[ INFO] [1453020073.024125336, 38.156000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1801 Hz, dropped 0)
[st] Sync ST => IDLE
[ INFO] [1453020074.026737067, 39.158000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 501[Hz] (exec 1801 Hz, dropped 0)
^C[samplerobot_rviz-28] killing on exit
[base_footprint_rootlink-27] killing on exit
[robot_pose_ekf-26] killing on exit
[HardEmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge-25] killing on exit
[EmergencyStopperServiceROSBridge-24] killing on exit
[SoftErrorLimiterServiceROSBridge-23] killing on exit
[RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetServiceROSBridge-22] killing on exit
[ImpedanceControllerServiceROSBridge-21] killing on exit
[collision_state-20] killing on exit
[CollisionDetectorServiceROSBridge-19] killing on exit
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
[ INFO] [1453020075.027390334, 40.162000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 502[Hz] (exec 1796 Hz, dropped 0)
[KalmanFilterServiceROSBridge-18] killing on exit
[StabilizerServiceROSBridge-17] killing on exit
[AutoBalancerServiceROSBridge-16] killing on exit
[StateHolderServiceROSBridge-15] killing on exit
[ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge-14] killing on exit
[DataLoggerServiceROSBridge-13] killing on exit
[SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge-12] killing on exit
[rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge-11] killing on exit
[hrpsys_profile-9] killing on exit
[rtmlaunch] Catch signal 'SIGINT', exitting...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
[diagnostic_aggregator-8] killing on exit
[hrpsys_ros_diagnostics-7] killing on exit
[hrpsys_state_publisher-6] killing on exit
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge-5] killing on exit
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-4] killing on exit
[hrpsys-2] killing on exit
[modelloader-1] killing on exit
[ INFO] [1453020075.357189404, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @onFinalize : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0
[ INFO] [1453020075.357412842, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (rarm
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'
[ INFO] [1453020075.370301844, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (larm
[ INFO] [1453020075.376902191, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (torso
[ INFO] [1453020075.383503238, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (rhand
[ INFO] [1453020075.392804924, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (lhand
[ INFO] [1453020075.441798869, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (rleg
[ INFO] [1453020075.449850694, 40.486000000]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0] @~jointTrajectoryActionObj (lleg
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::COMM_FAILURE'
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
[rtmlaunch] terminate omniNames at port 15005 
]0;leus@leus-HP-Z620-Workstation: ~leus@leus-HP-Z620-Workstation:~$ exit
Script done on 2016年01月17日 17時41分17秒
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