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Created October 21, 2022 13:19
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ClappingCommander with M5StickC Plus
#include <M5StickCPlus.h>
#include <driver/i2s.h>
// --- I2S MIC address and command
#define PIN_CLK 0
#define PIN_DATA 34
#define SAMPLE_RATE 44100
#define DATA_POINTS 128
#define READ_LEN (2 * DATA_POINTS)
uint8_t BUFFER[READ_LEN] = {0};
int16_t *adcBuffer = NULL;
float totalPower = 0;
// --- DISO COLOR LED LAMP address and command
#define BUTTONA 37 // M BUTTON
#define BUTTONB 39 // Side BUTTON
#define DATAPIN 9 // M5StackC (IR PIN)
#define HBYTE(x) ((x >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define LBYTE(x) (x & 0xFF)
uint16_t IRAddr = 0x807F ;
uint8_t IRCmdPowerON = 0x12 ;
uint8_t IRCmdPowerOFF = 0x1A ;
uint8_t IRCmdMode = 0x1E ;
uint8_t IRCmdColor = 0x03 ;
int IRCmdCOLORNum = 9 ;
uint8_t IRCmdCOLOR[] = {0x04,0x05,0x06 ,
0x07,0x08,0x09 ,
0x0A,0x1B,0x1F ,
0x0C,0x0D,0x0E } ;
// ▲▼▲▼ MIC ▲▼▲▼
void i2sInit()
i2s_config_t i2s_config = {
.mode = (i2s_mode_t)(I2S_MODE_MASTER | I2S_MODE_RX | I2S_MODE_PDM),
.sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE, // sampling frequency
.bits_per_sample = I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT, // is fixed at 12bit, stereo, MSB
.channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ALL_RIGHT, // monaural right channel
.communication_format = I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S, // I2S Format
.intr_alloc_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1, // Interrupt level 1
.dma_buf_count = 2, // number of buffers
.dma_buf_len = 128, // sampling buffer length
i2s_pin_config_t pin_config;
pin_config.bck_io_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE;
pin_config.ws_io_num = PIN_CLK;
pin_config.data_out_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE;
pin_config.data_in_num = PIN_DATA;
i2s_driver_install(I2S_NUM_0, &i2s_config, 0, NULL);
i2s_set_pin(I2S_NUM_0, &pin_config);
void mic_record_task (void* arg)
size_t bytesread;
i2s_read(I2S_NUM_0,(char*) BUFFER, READ_LEN, &bytesread, (100 / portTICK_RATE_MS));
adcBuffer = (int16_t *)BUFFER;
for (int n = 0; n < DATA_POINTS; n++){
totalPower += adcBuffer[n];
totalPower /= DATA_POINTS;
// Send command in NEC format
void SendIRCommand(uint16_t Addr,uint8_t cmd) {
int i ,n ,m ;
uint8_t data[4] = { HBYTE(Addr) , LBYTE(Addr) , cmd , ~cmd } ;
// 1ms = 38 Loops : T=(562μS)21.356 Loops
for (i=0;i<341;i++) { // Send 16T(8992μS) - HIGH
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,HIGH) ;
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
for (i=0;i<170;i++) { // Send 8T(4496μS) - LOW
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
for (n=0;n<8;n++) {
uint8_t mask = 0x01 ;
for (m=0;m<8;m++) {
int t = ((data[n] & mask) == 0) ? 21 : 64 ;
for (i=0;i<21;i++) { // Send T - HIGH
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,HIGH) ;
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
for (i=0;i<t;i++) { // Send t - LOW
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
mask <<=1 ;
// end mark. probably not necessary
for (i=0;i<21;i++) { // Send T - HIGH
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,HIGH) ;
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
// ▲▼▲▼ Control
bool readStat ;
unsigned long startTime ;
unsigned long checkTime ;
unsigned long passtTime ;
int clapCommandNum ;
unsigned long clapCommand[4] ;
int cnt = 0 ;
int color = 0 ;
bool switchStatus = false ;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600) ;
xTaskCreate(mic_record_task, "mic_record_task", 2048, NULL, 1, NULL);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(26, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(10,HIGH) ;
digitalWrite(26,HIGH) ;
startTime = millis();
clapCommandNum = 0 ;
readStat = true ;
digitalWrite(DATAPIN,LOW) ;
M5.Lcd.setTextSize(1); //Set the character size (1 (minimum) to 7 (maximum))
String str1 = "CLAPING" ;
String str2 = "COMMANDER" ;
M5.Lcd.drawString(str1, 25, 10);
M5.Lcd.drawString(str2, 60, 40);
M5.Lcd.drawString(str1, 23, 8);
M5.Lcd.drawString(str2, 58, 38);
M5.Lcd.drawRect( 49, 84, 32, 32, BLACK);
M5.Lcd.drawRect( 109, 84, 32, 32, BLACK);
M5.Lcd.drawRect( 169, 84, 32, 32, BLACK);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 50, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 110, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 170, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(26,(readStat?HIGH:LOW)) ;
int p = totalPower ;
p = abs(p - 1500) ;
if (p > 150) {
passtTime = millis();
Serial.print("Level=") ;
Serial.print(p) ;
Serial.print(" readStat=") ;
Serial.print(readStat) ;
Serial.print(" clapCommandNum=") ;
Serial.println(clapCommandNum) ;
if (readStat) {
readStat = false ;
startTime = passtTime ;
checkTime = passtTime ;
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 50, 85, 30, 30, BLUE);
} else {
clapCommand[clapCommandNum] = passtTime - checkTime ;
checkTime = passtTime ;
clapCommandNum ++ ;
switch(clapCommandNum) {
case 1: M5.Lcd.fillRect( 110, 85, 30, 30, BLUE); break ;
case 2: M5.Lcd.fillRect( 170, 85, 30, 30, BLUE); break ;
if (clapCommandNum >= 2) {
// Command parsing
Serial.print("COMMAND=") ;
Serial.print(clapCommand[0]) ;
Serial.print(" / ") ;
Serial.println(clapCommand[1]) ;
int cmdNo = 0;
if (350 <= clapCommand[0] && clapCommand[0] <= 500) {
if (clapCommand[1] <= clapCommand[0] * 1.3 && clapCommand[0] * 0.7 <= clapCommand[0]) {
cmdNo = 1 ;
if (450 <= clapCommand[0] && clapCommand[0] <= 600) {
if (clapCommand[0] / 3 <= clapCommand[1] && clapCommand[1] <= clapCommand[0] / 2 ) {
cmdNo = 2 ;
Serial.print("COMMAND-2:") ;
Serial.print(clapCommand[0] / 3) ;
Serial.print("-") ;
Serial.println(clapCommand[0] / 2) ;
} else
if (140 <= clapCommand[0] && clapCommand[0] <= 270) {
if (clapCommand[0] * 2 <= clapCommand[1] && clapCommand[1] <= clapCommand[0] * 3) {
cmdNo = 3 ;
Serial.print("COMMAND-3:") ;
Serial.print(clapCommand[0] * 3) ;
Serial.print("-") ;
Serial.println(clapCommand[0] * 4) ;
Serial.print("COMMAND-") ;
Serial.println(cmdNo) ;
if (cmdNo != 0) {
if (cmdNo == 1) {
if (switchStatus) {
switchStatus = false ;
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdPowerOFF) ;
} else {
switchStatus = true ;
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdPowerON) ;
} else
if (cmdNo == 2) {
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdColor) ;
} else
if (cmdNo == 3) {
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdMode) ;
delay(200) ;
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 50, 85, 30, 30, MAGENTA);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 110, 85, 30, 30, MAGENTA);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 170, 85, 30, 30, MAGENTA);
delay(500) ;
clapCommandNum = 0 ;
readStat = true ;
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 50, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 110, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 170, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
// Wait to ignore noise
digitalWrite(10,LOW) ;
delay(50) ;
digitalWrite(10,HIGH) ;
} else {
if (!readStat) {
passtTime = millis() - checkTime ;
if (passtTime > 1000) {
clapCommandNum = 0 ;
readStat = true ;
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 50, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 110, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
M5.Lcd.fillRect( 170, 85, 30, 30, GREEN);
Serial.println("Command Cancel") ;
} else {
// manual operation
if (digitalRead(BUTTONA) == LOW) {
if (switchStatus) {
switchStatus = false ;
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdPowerOFF) ;
} else {
switchStatus = true ;
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdPowerON) ;
delay(500) ;
if (digitalRead(BUTTONB) == LOW) {
cnt = (cnt + 1) % 10 ;
if (cnt == 0) {
SendIRCommand(IRAddr,IRCmdCOLOR[color]) ;
color = (color + 1) % IRCmdCOLORNum ;
delay(500) ;
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