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Last active July 26, 2021 13:27
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Save ZacSweers/8577232 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python code for getting like stats from posts in a Facebook group
from Queue import Queue # Threadsafe queue for threads to use
from collections import Counter # To count stuff for us
import datetime # Because datetime printing is hard
from pprint import pprint
import time # Should be obvious
import subprocess # Used to send notifications on mac
import sys # Get system info
import threading # Should be obvious
import json # Also obvious
# FB API wrapper ("pip install facebook-sdk")
import facebook
__author__ = 'Henri Sweers'
appeared = dict()
# For printing pretty colors in terminal
class color:
PURPLE = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
RED = '\033[91m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
END = '\033[0m'
# If you're on mac, install terminal-notifier ("brew install terminal-notifier")
# to get nifty notifications when it's done
def notify_mac():
if sys.platform == "darwin":
["terminal-notifier", "-message", "Done", "-title", "FB_Bot",
"-sound", "default"])
except OSError:
print "If you have terminal-notifier, this would be a notification"
# Log message with colors
# ... I never learned the proper way to log in python
def log(message, *colorargs):
if len(colorargs) > 0:
print colorargs[0] + message + color.END
print message
# Junk method used for testing
def test():
# Export method, recieves a jsonObj of style {"label": dictionary}
def exportData(jsonDict):
# Do stuff
print "Exported"
# print jsonDict
# Thread class. Each thread gets all the data from a certain date range
class RequestThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, queue, apikey, query, curr_time, num_weeks):
# Super class
# Queue object given from outside. Queues are threadsafe
self.queue = queue
# Graph object for our call, authenticated with a token
self.graph = facebook.GraphAPI(apikey)
# FQL query with specified date range
self.input_query = query
# Counters. t-total, p-posts, c-comments
self.tcounter = Counter()
self.pcounter = Counter()
self.ccounter = Counter()
self.tpcounter = Counter()
self.tccounter = Counter()
self.cccounter = Counter()
# Time range, for logging
self.time_range = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
curr_time - num_weeks).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "-" + \
# Main runner
def run(self):
log("\t(" + self.time_range + ') - Getting posts...')
# Get group posts
group_posts = self.graph.fql(query=self.input_query)
except facebook.GraphAPIError as e:
# 99% of the time this is just an expired API access token
log("Error: " + str(e), color.RED)
log("\t(" + self.time_range + ") - " +
str(len(group_posts)) + " posts")
# Iterate over posts
if len(group_posts) != 0:
for post in group_posts:
comments_query = \
"SELECT fromid, likes, id, time FROM comment WHERE post_id="
# If it's a new actor
if post['actor_id'] in appeared.keys():
if appeared[post['actor_id']] > int(post['created_time']):
appeared[post['actor_id']] = int(post['created_time'])
appeared[post['actor_id']] = int(post['created_time'])
# Add post's like count to that user in our total_likes_counter
self.tcounter[post['actor_id']] += post[
# Add to top like posts counter
self.pcounter[post['post_id']] = post['like_info'][
# Timestamp of post by
day_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(post['created_time']))
day_timestamp = day_timestamp.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
day_timestamp = (day_timestamp - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
# Add to post count
self.tpcounter[str(day_timestamp)] += 1
# Initialize controversial counter
self.cccounter[post['post_id']] += 1
# Get likes on comments
comments = self.graph.fql(
comments_query + "\"" + str(post['post_id']) +
"\" LIMIT 350")
# Iterate over comments
if len(comments) != 0:
log("\t(" + self.time_range + ") - " + str(
len(comments)) + " comments")
log("\t(" + self.time_range + ') - Getting comments...')
for c in comments:
# add their like counts to their respective users
# in our total_likes_counter
self.tcounter[c['fromid']] += c['likes']
# add like count to top_comments_likes_counter
self.ccounter[c['id']] = c['likes']
# Add to comment count
self.tccounter[str(day_timestamp)] += 1
# Add to controversial counter
self.cccounter[post['post_id']] += 1
# If it's a new actor
if c['fromid'] in appeared.keys():
if appeared[c['fromid']] > int(c['time']):
appeared[c['fromid']] = int(c['time'])
appeared[c['fromid']] = int(c['time'])
log("\tNo comments from this post")
log("\tNo posts from this time frame")
self.queue.put({'t': self.tcounter, 'p': self.pcounter, 'c':
self.ccounter, 'tp': self.tpcounter,
'tc': self.tccounter, 'cc': self.cccounter})
# Method for counting various total likes in a group
def count_group_likes():
# Access token can be obtained by doing the following:
# - Log into facebook
# - Go to this url:
fb_API_access_token = "token_goes_here"
# Only necessary if you want to get an extended access token
# You'll have to make a facebook app and generate a token with it
# You'll also need to get the following two values from it
fb_app_id = "id_goes_here"
fb_secret_key = "key_goes_here"
# Counter object to do the counting for us
total_likes_counter = Counter()
top_liked_posts_counter = Counter()
top_liked_comments_counter = Counter()
total_posts_counter = Counter()
total_comments_counter = Counter()
most_discussed_counter = Counter()
group_id = "id_goes_here" # Unique ID of the group to search.
num_of_items_to_return = 30 # Return the top ____ most liked ____
# Put the number of weeks you want it to increment by each time
# smaller is better, but too small and you could hit your rate limit
# ... which is 600 calls per 600 seconds. Maybe apps get more
num_weeks = int("2")
# Convert to unix time
num_weeks_unix = num_weeks * 604800
# Start date, in unix time (our group was made 2/13/12)
# You can use this to convert:
start_date = int("start_date_goes_here")
datetime_start_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_date)
# Query strings for FQL
posts_query = \
"SELECT post_id, like_info, actor_id, created_time FROM stream" + \
" WHERE source_id=" + group_id + " AND created_time<"
person_query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM user WHERE uid="
# Authorize our API wrapper
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(fb_API_access_token)
# Code to programatically extend key
if extend_key:
result = graph.extend_access_token(fb_app_id, fb_secret_key)
new_token = result['access_token']
new_time = int(result['expires']) + time.time()
# This will print out new extended token and new expiration date
# Copy them and replace your token above with this one
print 'New token: ' + new_token
print 'New expiration date: ' + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
new_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
log('Getting group posts', color.BLUE)
# Send end time to current time and work backward
end_time = int(time.time())
# Or manually set end time
# end_time = <end_time>
log('Current date is: ' + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
log('Incrementing by ' + str(num_weeks) + ' weeks at a time')
# List of thread objects
threads = []
# Threadsafe queue for the threads to dump their data in
final_queue = Queue()
log("Initializing threads...", color.BLUE)
# While loop that creates the threads
# Instantiates each thread with calculated time, keeps decrementing to
# start
while end_time > start_date:
# New query
new_query = posts_query + str(
end_time) + " AND created_time>" + \
str(end_time - num_weeks_unix) + " LIMIT 600"
# Thread creation
t = RequestThread(final_queue, fb_API_access_token, new_query,
end_time, num_weeks_unix)
# Add it to our list
# Decrement the time
end_time -= num_weeks_unix
# Start the thread
log("Joining threads...", color.BLUE)
# Wait for all the threads to finish before counting everything up
for t in threads:
log("Done, merging data...", color.BLUE)
# Count up all the data by merging all the counters from each thread result
for stuff in list(final_queue.queue):
total_likes_counter += stuff['t']
top_liked_posts_counter += stuff['p']
top_liked_comments_counter += stuff['c']
total_posts_counter += stuff['tp']
total_comments_counter += stuff['tc']
most_discussed_counter += stuff['cc']
most_active_day_counter = total_posts_counter + total_comments_counter
# Returns key-value list of most liked people
most_common_people = total_likes_counter.most_common(
top_posts = top_liked_posts_counter.most_common(num_of_items_to_return)
top_comments = top_liked_comments_counter.most_common(
total_posts = total_posts_counter.most_common(num_of_items_to_return)
total_comments = total_comments_counter.most_common(num_of_items_to_return)
most_active_days = most_active_day_counter.most_common(num_of_items_to_return)
most_discussed = most_discussed_counter.most_common(num_of_items_to_return)
top_people_stats = []
# Iterate over top people and retrieve names from their ID's
# Use enumerate to keep track of indices for rank numbers
log('\nPeople Stats', color.BOLD)
log("* = Weighted average calc'd from user's first post date")
for i, x in enumerate(most_common_people):
person = graph.fql(person_query + str(x[0]))[0]
now =
join_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(appeared[x[0]])
diff1 = now - datetime_start_date
diff2 = now - join_date
avg = x[1] / (diff1.total_seconds()/60/60/24/7)
weighted_avg = x[1] / (diff2.total_seconds()/60/60/24/7)
"name": person['first_name'] + " " + person['last_name'],
"likes": x[1],
"avg": avg,
"augmented_avg": weighted_avg,
"first": int((join_date - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
print '#' + str(i+1) + '. ' + person['first_name'] + " " + person['last_name']
print '-- Likes: ' + str(x[1])
print '-- Weekly average: ' + str(avg)
print '-- Weekly average*: ' + str(weighted_avg)
print '-- First post: ' + join_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Iterate over top posts and get info
log('\nTop posts!', color.BOLD)
for x in top_posts:
post = graph.get_object(str(x[0]))
s = str(x[1]) + " - " + post['from']['name'] + " - " + post['type']
print s
if 'message' in post:
m = str(post['message'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')).replace('\n', ' ')
if len(m) > 70:
print '-- ' + m[0:70] + "..."
print '-- ' + m
print '--' + post['id']
# Iterate over top comments and get info
log('\nTop comments!', color.BOLD)
for x in top_comments:
comment = graph.get_object(str(x[0]))
s = str(x[1]) + " - " + comment['from']['name']
print s
if 'message' in comment:
c = str(comment['message'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')).replace('\n', ' ')
if len(c) > 70:
print '-- ' + c[0:70] + "..."
print '-- ' + c
print '--' + comment['id']
# Iterate over total posts/comments and calculate info
log('\nMost active days (by number of posts and comments)', color.BOLD)
for x in most_active_days:
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(x[0])).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
print str(x[1]) + " - " + d
# Iterate over total posts and calculate info
log('\nMost active days (by number of posts)', color.BOLD)
for x in total_posts:
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(x[0])).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
print str(x[1]) + " - " + d
# Iterate over total comments and calculate info
log('\nMost active days (by number of comments)', color.BOLD)
for x in total_comments:
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(x[0])).strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
print str(x[1]) + " - " + d
# Iterate over top posts and get info
log('\nMost discussed', color.BOLD)
for x in most_discussed:
post = graph.get_object(str(x[0]))
s = str(x[1]) + " - " + post['from']['name'] + " - " + post['type']
print s
if 'message' in post:
m = str(post['message'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')).replace('\n', ' ')
if len(m) > 70:
print '-- ' + m[0:70] + "..."
print '-- ' + m
print '--' + post['id']
log('\nExporting...', color.BLUE)
dataDict = json.dumps({"top_people_stats": top_people_stats,
"top_liked_posts_counter": top_liked_posts_counter,
"top_liked_comments_counter": top_liked_comments_counter,
"total_posts_counter": total_posts_counter,
"total_comments_counter": total_comments_counter,
"most_active_day_counter": most_active_day_counter,
"most_common_people": most_common_people,
"top_posts": top_posts,
"top_comments": top_comments,
"total_posts": total_posts,
"total_comments": total_comments,
"most_active_days": most_active_days})
args = sys.argv
extend_key = False # boolean for if we want to extend token access
if len(args) > 1:
if "--extend" in args: # Pass in flag
extend_key = True
if "test" in args:
log('No args specified')
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rushikb commented Jan 27, 2014

I'm trying to teach myself to mine the GraphAPI, and this was so incredibly helpful. Thanks!

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No problem! Check out the revision I just pushed. I learned the hard way that you have to limit how much data you ask for in a single call, so I redid the implementation using threading and multiple calls

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I really wish I knew how to do this.haha

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I am facing an error while running this script.

(2014-05-30-2014-06-13) - Getting comments...
(2014-05-30-2014-06-13) - 350 comments
(2014-05-30-2014-06-13) - Getting comments...
(2014-05-30-2014-06-13) - 350 comments
(2014-05-30-2014-06-13) - Getting comments...
�[94mDone, merging data...�[0m
People Stats�[0m

  • = Weighted average calc'd from user's first post date

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\adhiraj8\Desktop\", line 441, in
File "C:\Users\adhiraj8\Desktop\", line 327, in count_group_likes
person = graph.fql(person_query + str(x[0]))[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

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