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Created February 10, 2021 23:13
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/proc/CAGetSolid(var/L, var/currentX, var/currentY, var/generation)
var/default = 1 //1 = wall, 0 = empty
var/minSolid = 5 //Min amount of solid tiles in a given window to produce another solid tile, less = more dense map
var/fillLarge = 0 //If 1, put rocks in the middle of very large open caverns so they don't look so empty. Can create very tight maps.
var/endFill = -1 //Reduce minSolid by this much in the last few passes (produces tighter corridors)
var/passTwoRange = 2 //Range Threshold for second pass (fill pass, see fillLarge). The higher the number, the larger the cavern needs to be before it is filled in.
var/count = 0
for(var/xx=-1, xx<=1, xx++)
for(var/yy=-1, yy<=1, yy++)
if(currentX+xx <= world.maxx && currentX+xx >= 1 && currentY+yy <= world.maxy && currentY+yy >= 1)
count += L[currentX+xx][currentY+yy]
else //OOB, count as wall.
count += default
var/count2 = 0
for(var/xx=-passTwoRange, xx<=passTwoRange, xx++)
for(var/yy=-passTwoRange, yy<=passTwoRange, yy++)
if(abs(xx)==passTwoRange && abs(yy)==passTwoRange) continue //Skip diagonals for this one. Better results
if(currentX+xx <= world.maxx && currentX+xx >= 1 && currentY+yy <= world.maxy && currentY+yy >= 1)
count2 += L[currentX+xx][currentY+yy]
else //OOB, count as wall.
count2 += default
return (count >= minSolid + ((generation==4||generation==3) ? endFill : 0 ) || (count2<=(generation==4?1:2) && fillLarge && (generation==3 || generation==4)) ) //Remove ((generation==4||generation==3)?-1:0) for larger corridors
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