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#include <math.h>
int get_coord(int i, int center_x, int center_y){
if (i == 0) {
return (center_x, center_y);
int base = floor((sqrt(i) - 1) / 2) * 2 + 1; // side of the already filled square
int cur_i = pow(i - base, 2); // which tile are we on in this layer
int radius = (base + 1) / 2; // radius of this layer
int side = 2 * radius + 1;
ZeWaka / shitty_java_compiler
Created January 3, 2023 00:23
general arch for a shitty java compiler i worked on
1. lexer - braindead
2. parser - generates shitty ast
3. first ast pass
a. store class decls
b. store method decls
c. store instance variable decls
d. ditto for builtins
4. second ast pass
a. link class decls to parent
b. link class decls to children
gource -a 1 --seconds-per-day 0.08 --auto-skip-seconds 0.5 --hide mouse,usernames --title Goonstation --key -2560x1440 --colour-images --multi-sampling --disable-input --logo goon.png --logo-offset 10x10 -r 60 --bloom-multiplier 0.5 --bloom-intensity 0.5 -o gource.ppm
ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i gource.ppm -codec:a copy -vcodec h264_nvenc -preset hq -rc:v vbr_minqp -qmin:v 19 -qmax:v 21 -profile:v high -b:v 2500k -maxrate:v 5000k -rc-lookahead 32 -b_ref_mode: middle -loglevel error gource.mp4
"embeddings": [
"tensorName": "Goonstation Tensors",
"tensorShape": [
"tensorPath": "",
"metadataPath": ""
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
1.7756152 0.34008673 -0.24051952 -0.75279343 -0.28535584 -0.7557795 0.886205 0.77902174 -0.8061645 0.9125729 -0.04937771 0.17545587 0.4853787 -0.6029458 1.590752 -0.880252 0.53222024 1.5546734 0.5610721 0.2015354 0.29091448 -1.504581 0.5728916 -0.017807432 -0.24795112 -0.7038585 0.70644075 -0.6004138 0.072684355 0.43722665 0.037585467 0.64307755 0.2958434 1.0404391 -0.51436293 0.75049466 0.74407375 0.26011136 -0.401717 0.98737097 -0.09916136 -0.11776996 0.39011967 0.10483082 0.12737778 1.2986534 0.38273624 0.5070979 -0.19383155 0.4618827 0.25835508 0.90702367 -0.66633505 -0.26813063 -0.82585764 1.0966778 -0.2076881 -0.2546221 -0.035078384 0.0053637326
0.4757003 0.49573475 -0.40441948 -0.18084937 0.02493767 -1.4589593 1.2662562 0.20408225 -1.0091774 1.4259148 -0.1070075 0.6072901 0.40069085 -0.91905266 2.6993566 -1.1578097 0.2159615 1.7391882 -0.35307497 0.93423223 -0.17739359 -0.164599 0.8881426 -1.5561391 0.22493373 -1.125026 -0.31799668 -0.50291145 -0.21105292 -0.34807652 0.06232047 0.621606 0.2870291 1.398
name commits
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ZeWaka / scan.js
Created January 8, 2022 22:49
let doc = eval("document"),
f = ["CSEC", "avmnite-02h", "I.I.I.I", "run4theh111z", "w0r1d_d43m0n"],
css = `<style id="scanCSS">
.sc {white-space:pre; color:#ccc; font:14px monospace; line-height: 16px; }
.sc .s {color:#080;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline}
.sc .f {color:#088}
.sc .r {color:#6f3}
.sc .r.f {color:#0ff}
.sc .r::before {color:#6f3}
.sc .hack {display:inline-block; font:12px monospace}
ZeWaka /
Created February 10, 2021 23:13
/proc/CAGetSolid(var/L, var/currentX, var/currentY, var/generation)
var/default = 1 //1 = wall, 0 = empty
var/minSolid = 5 //Min amount of solid tiles in a given window to produce another solid tile, less = more dense map
var/fillLarge = 0 //If 1, put rocks in the middle of very large open caverns so they don't look so empty. Can create very tight maps.
var/endFill = -1 //Reduce minSolid by this much in the last few passes (produces tighter corridors)
var/passTwoRange = 2 //Range Threshold for second pass (fill pass, see fillLarge). The higher the number, the larger the cavern needs to be before it is filled in.
var/count = 0
for(var/xx=-1, xx<=1, xx++)
for(var/yy=-1, yy<=1, yy++)
ZeWaka /
Created February 2, 2021 03:07 for BYOND 513.1543
Standard definitions for Dream Maker
Const vars below are for backwards-compatibility only. The compiler will
prefer the #define macros instead which are faster to use at runtime.
// directions