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mmozeiko / !
Last active June 8, 2024 14:03
Download MSVC compiler/linker & Windows SDK without installing full Visual Studio

This downloads standalone 64-bit MSVC compiler, linker & other tools, also headers/libraries from Windows SDK into portable folder, without installing Visual Studio. Has bare minimum components - no UWP/Store/WindowsRT stuff, just files & tools for 64-bit native desktop app development.

Run python.exe and it will download output into msvc folder. By default it will download latest available MSVC & Windows SDK - currently v14.32.17.2 and v10.0.22621.0.

You can list available versions with python.exe --show-versions and then pass versions you want with --msvc-version and --sdk-version arguments.

To use cl.exe/link.exe from output folder, first run setup.bat - after that PATH/INCLUDE/LIB env variables will be setup to use all the tools as usual. You can also use clang-cl.exe with these includes & libraries.

To use clang-cl.exe without running setup.bat, pass extra /winsysroot msvc argument (msvc is folder name where output is stored).

PJB3005 /
Last active May 30, 2024 06:37
Summary of all problems I have with the Linux Desktop

Linux Desktop Issues

This is basically my manifesto of why Linux sucks and I keep using Windows as a desktop OS. This is both as a developer platform and end-user targeting.

Look: I would love to be able to use Linux as a daily driver. KDE is amazing and they clearly put far more effort into the desktop experience/UI than Windows (just the volume mixer alone). There are simply far too many underlying and infrastructural problems to the Linux desktop that none of KDE's great UI changes can make up for. I want Linux fanboys, developers, etc... to stop sticking their damn head in the sand about these issues and admit that Linux is still decades behind in some basic infrastructure. This shit can't get fixed if people refuse to admit it's broken in the first place, which some people are far too happy to do.

Desktop App Experience & Developer Tools

Windows has far better desktop apps than Linux, and thanks to WSL, I have all the CLI apps of Linux too. While I do believe KDE Plasma is a much better desk

alexkar598 / ss13 on
Last active June 10, 2023 20:58
ss13 on linux
  1. Use ubuntu (or debian works too for this guide) because i dont know the other distros lmao

  2. Run sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 to enable 32 bits package lists

  3. Run sudo apt update to make sure package lists are updated

  4. Run sudo apt install libstdc++6:i386 to get the dependencies for BYOND

  5. Find the download link for BYOND's linux version from, looks like

ciiqr /
Last active May 3, 2024 19:47
github actions, repository_dispatch with client_payload
# TODO: replace :token, :user, and :repo
curl -H "Authorization: token :token" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json' \
"" \
-d '{"event_type": "awesomeness", "client_payload": {"foo": "bar"}}'
duncathan /
Last active December 20, 2021 08:50
work in progress


1. Preamble

Dunc's avatar

Figure 1.1: My avatar on github, the /tg/station forums, and BYOND

Hi friends! My name is Dunc. As some background, I have been contributing to /tg/ atmos in various ways since 2015. I was tutored by Aranclanos and eventually followed in his footsteps in writing several major refactors of the atmos system. I am a maintainer for the /tg/ codebase and any atmos issues or PRs are my concern. Most importantly, however, is the fact that as of the time of writing I am the only person who understands each component of the current atmos system. That fact is by far the most important reason for the existence of this document; it is my responsibility to share what I know.

Atmospherics is a very complicated and intimidating system of SS13, and as such very few contributors have ever made changes to it. Even fewer is the number of contributors who have made changes to the more fundamental aspects of atmos, such as Environmental Atmos or