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Zoe Harvey ZoeKHarvey

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Before recently researching .NET, I barely knew anything about it besides that a lot of job listings are asking for experience with it. I was hoping to dig into why so many jobs are looking for developers with .NET experience and after researching it, I know why this is.

The .NET framework was developed by Microsoft in 2002. .NET components include the Common Language Runtime, Class Library and Languages. Although the components are a part of what makes this framework unique, in my readings I've discovered that its framework design principle is a vital reason of why companies create .NET based applications. Along with this, developers are able to choose from various different languages (perhaps the most common choice being C#).

As I found reasons why .NET is having a major comeback from the 90's, I found something else that peaked my interest even more: the idea that learning the framework helps you pick up other skills. Apparently, .NET is quickly moving towards improved cross-compatibility and inc

Outreach and Networking Plan

  1. My contact is my mentor. She's been working in the industry for a year now and we've talked about the interview questions she's asked so I think she'll have some good insights as to how to ask the right questions. She also has friends in the industry so I'm sure she can give me advice as to what to expect with certain companies.
  2. I'll contact her over slack because that's the route we usually take to set up times to meet. If I'm busy with school work/she's busy with work we'll probably end up chatting about it over the phone or slack.
  3. My follow up with her will most likely come after I've talked to more people or get more of an opinion on what I'm looking for in a job. If new questions arise throughout the next mod/job shadowing, I'll be able to ask her more specific questions about her experiences.
  4. I want to start going to meet-ups and events. I haven't done anything like that yet, but hoping towards the next mod I'll have more time and confidence to start networking

Dom Traversal

Describe what DOM traversal is and why it is useful.

  • AKA-walking or navigating the DOM.
  • The act of selecting an element from another element
  • It's easier to move from one element to another rather than starting from the beginning and re-searching
  • Ex: it's easier to move from your house to your friend's when you already know their address instead of having to google search and get directions.

What can the siblings(), parent(), and children() methods do?

  • .children()

I moved from small town Vermont to Austin, Texas when I was 17 with no idea what I wanted to do for a living or what I wanted to study. I started with a plan to get a degree in economics but quickly realized I only did so because I felt like I needed to stay on this make-believe set timeline for your education. After bartending to put me through those school years, I began managing multiple venues. This role was far out of my comfort zone which is the exact reason I fell in love with the industry. Although I wouldn't trade that experience for the world, I did eventually realize that I no longer had that drive to move up in the companies I worked for. I started to miss being constantly challenged. I began thinking about what I wanted my next steps in life to be and ended up falling in love all over again, but this time with the tech industry. I decided to move to Colorado to attend Turing where I began to feel that rush of constructive stress again. Every day I come home knowing more, and also realizing

I've learned that agile workflow is really important to be able to catch bugs or re-structure your work as you go. It pays off in the long run to be able to have a solid project after each step of the process.
How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?
I was focused a lot on keeping communication solid with each team member and try to always be on the same page with what we're working on and what's next to work on.
I think next time I'll try to be more focused on getting my ideas accross and re-DTR'ing so that if someone starts going off track we can regroup and stay on the same page.
Team retros helps a lot to keep checking in and taking time to all reflect on where we are and how we've been doing with the project.

Template for DTR Memo Project:

Group Member Names: Zoë Harvey and Melinda McRae

  • Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?): We'd like to become more competent in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Ideally we will be able to finish at least Phase Two.

  • Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here): We both have flexible schedules and would rather work together in person. We're both introverts so we understand each other. We're both more on the empathetic side than controntational.

Career Development Assessment

I think my greatest strength is my ability to stay level through stressful situations. When I feel my stress levels or emotions getting a little heightened it I know who to bring myself back down to a calmness where I can continue to move forward. Being self-aware with thos internal struggles is something I've worked hard on in the past and I've improved a lot on. I know that I can improve on my confident level when it comes to group settings. I tend to be a bit reserved especially if there's a more outgoing personality in the group. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help with every aspect of life. Learning something new like becoming a developer can test your perserverence. It's a tedious process to learn something so complex, so to know how to correct your faults while being aware of what strenghts you can lean on will help with both collaborative aspects and personal growth.

Career Development Assessment

I think my greatest strength is my ability to stay level through stressful situations. I know myself very well and when I feel my stress levels or emotion getting a little heightened it doesn't take much to bring myself back down to a calmness where I can continue to move forward. I know that I can improve on my confident level when it comes to group settings. I tend to be a bit reserved especially if there's a more outgoing personality in the group. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help with every aspect of life. As far as becoming a developer, a lot of that process includes testing every part of yourself. To know how to correct your faults while knowing what strenghts you can lean on will help with both collaborative aspects and personal growth.

ZoeKHarvey /
Last active June 10, 2019 18:42
Gear Up 1906 Capstone

Gear Up

Getting to know your target audience and what drives them and affects them is an important part of developing anything. Beyohd this, though, just coming up with software ideas relies on empathy as much as creativity. Using your own experiences is obviously a good starting point to brainstorm ways to improve certain aspects of technology, but it's so incredibly limiting. Being able to use others' experiences is what opens the windows to endless possibilities for improvement and innovation.

Being able to see where someone else's head is at in important in a collaborative setting. No two people work or think the exact same so the more you can try to relate and open your mind the more supportive that team becomes.

My most recent job I was managing a family of bars in Austin. One of the biggest things I've learned is that sometimes life happens and there are things you can't change. Sometimes people are just having a bad day or got stuck in traffic or had something terrible in their personal lif

ZoeKHarvey /
Last active June 4, 2019 21:49 — forked from rwarbelow/
Mod 0 Technical Assessment Checklist


Part I: Creating Directories and Files; Initializing Git and Pushing to GitHub

  • I named my directories correctly.
  • I named my files correctly.
  • I structured my files and directories correctly.
  • I made one initial commit.
  • I pushed my initial commit to GitHub.