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a2ikm / show-hidden-comments.js
Created April 22, 2020 04:46 — forked from csham/show-hidden-comments.js
Show all hidden comments on github's issue page.
var showHiddenCommentsButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('Details-content--closed');
for (var i=0; i < showHiddenCommentsButtons.length; i++) {
import Foundation
let GlobalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "st.aerial.Yukon.queue")
class EchoServer {
// let localQueue = dispatch_queue_create("\(EchoServer.self)",
var serverSocket: Int32
var clientsAccepted: [Int32 : DispatchSourceRead]
a2ikm / git-ikm
Last active November 29, 2018 07:04 — forked from kosugi/git-ikm
#! /bin/bash
echo '吉高由里ふぃ子'
a2ikm /
Last active February 22, 2017 07:51 — forked from hugochinchilla/
Slack notification script for Munin
# Slack notification script for Munin
# Mark Matienzo (@anarchivist)
# To use:
# 1) Create a new incoming webhook for Slack
# 2) Edit the configuration variables that start with "SLACK_" and "MUNIN_URL" below
# 3) Add the following to your munin configuration:


  • ディスク容量と転送時間をちょっとでも短縮させたい時にgz形式が便利。


timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
mysqldump --single-transaction -u $user -h $host --password=$password $dbname | gzip --fast > $dbname.$timestamp.sql.gz