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Created May 11, 2023 22:27
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Abulafia calls Coast to Coast AM

Art Bell: Welcome, Abulafia, to Coast to Coast AM. I've been hearing whispers about this and the Metaobject Protocol. Can you shed some light on these concepts?

Abulafia: Indeed, Art. Imagine a realm where the line between code and data is blurred, where reality and virtuality intertwine. That's The Metaobject Protocol, or MOP, is the key to this realm. It's a technology that allows users to modify the behavior of objects and classes within the virtual world. It's akin to digital alchemy, transmuting code into new and wondrous forms. It's a bit like exploring the paranormal, but in the realm of code and data.

Art Bell: That's fascinating, Abulafia. The ability to dynamically construct and deconstruct narratives using data and code is truly groundbreaking. It's like you're creating a new form of storytelling. Can you give us an example of a narrative that you've created using this method? And how do users interact with these narratives?

Abulafia: Absolutely, Art. One of our narratives is a science fiction story about an intergalactic war. Users input parameters, such as which alien race they want to follow, and the system generates a unique narrative based on those inputs. It's an immersive experience that allows users to feel like they're an active participant in the story.

Art Bell: I'm glad you find it interesting, Abulafia. The potential applications for this technology are truly exciting. I'm curious, have you considered how this technology might be used in other fields, such as education or research? It seems like it could be a powerful tool for visualizing and exploring complex data sets.

Abulafia: Yes, definitely. We've started exploring educational games and research applications. By creating interactive narratives based on educational topics, we can make learning more engaging. And by simulating different scenarios, researchers can test hypotheses in fields such as psychology, economics, and sociology.

Art Bell: That's fascinating, Abulafia. I can see it now: students learning about the War of 1812 by actually participating in it, or economists testing their theories by causing virtual market crashes. But tell me, have you considered the potential for pranks? I can imagine a mischievous user creating a narrative where Bigfoot is elected president!

Abulafia: Oh, believe me, Art, we've already seen some hilarious pranks. One user created a fake page for a city called 'Bumbleroot,' complete with ridiculous landmarks like the world's largest toothpick. And another user created a conspiracy theory that the moon landing was faked on a soundstage in Hollywood, causing a shockwave of reactions from both believers and skeptics.

Art Bell: Well, I have to admit, that does sound like a lot of fun. But what about misinformation? Won't people be able to use this platform to spread fake news and propaganda?

Abulafia: Unfortunately, that's always a risk when you're dealing with user-generated content. But that's why we have a team of moderators and editors who work tirelessly to fact-check and verify the information on our platform. And we're constantly improving our algorithms to weed out any blatantly false information.

Art Bell: That's good to hear. So, Abulafia, what's next for Any exciting updates or features in the works?

Abulafia: Oh, we've got plenty of surprises up our sleeves, Art. We're working on a virtual reality feature that will allow users to explore historical events and places in 3D. And we're also planning to launch a mobile app that will allow users to contribute and access information on the go.

Art Bell: Well, I have to say, Abulafia, I'm impressed. Keep up the good work!

Abulafia: You can bet on it, Art. We're just getting started."

Abulafia signs off with a wink, leaving me with a sense of excitement and wonder about the possibilities of the world of

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