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Last active August 18, 2023 18:01
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testing rdfox examples
;; If you want to store your databases locally use ~/.datomic/local.edn
;; to configure a path :storage-dir pointing to the directory to keep the Datomic Local databases
;; or update the dev/system.edn to use :storage-dir :mem
;; clojure -A:dev
;; user=> (reset)
;; dev=>
(def boot-db (net.wikipunk.datomic.boot/test-bootstrap (:db system)))
(defn make-test-db
[db all-tx-data]
(reduce (fn [with-db tx-data]
(:db-after (d/with with-db {:tx-data tx-data}))
(catch Throwable ex
(throw (ex-info (.getMessage ex) {:tx-data tx-data})))))
(if (instance? datomic.dev_local.with_db.WithDb db)
(d/with-db db))
(def agg-test-tx-data
[[{:db/ident :bob
:rdf/type :schema/Person}
{:db/ident :mary
:rdf/type :schema/Person}
{:db/ident :jen
:rdf/type :schema/Person}
{:db/ident :accounting
:rdf/type :schema/Organization}
{:db/ident :hr
:rdf/type :schema/Organization}]
[{:db/ident :acme
:rdf/type :schema/Organization
:schema/department [:accounting :hr]}]
[[:db/add :bob :schema/worksFor :accounting]
[:db/add :bob :schema/baseSalary 50000M]
[:db/add :mary :schema/worksFor :hr]
[:db/add :mary :schema/baseSalary 47000M]
[:db/add :jen :schema/worksFor :accounting]
[:db/add :jen :schema/baseSalary 60000M]]])
(defn dept-avg-salary
(d/q '[:find ?did (avg ?s)
:in $ %
(dept-salaries ?d ?s)
[?d :db/ident ?did]]
db '[[(dept-salaries ?d ?s)
[?org :schema/department ?d]
[?d :rdf/type :schema/Organization]
[?x :schema/worksFor ?d]
[?x :schema/baseSalary ?s]]]))
(dept-avg-salary (make-test-db boot-db agg-test-tx-data))
; => [[:accounting 55000.0] [:hr 47000.0]]
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