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Last active April 6, 2018 07:56
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sequential viterbi algorithm pseudocode
% use viterbi to calculate observation probability
% T: array of observations, length `t`
% S: array of states, length `m` (start and end states omitted for clarity)
% V: observations, length `n`
% A(m, m): state transition probability distribution
% B(m, n): observation probability distribution
function viterbi_obs(T, S, A, B)
V = zeros(t, m)
% iterate through each time step
for i in 1:t
% and consider each state
for s in 1:m
% calculate the sum of the probabilities of having been in every state
% before, times the state-transition probability
for o in 1:m
V(i, s) += V(i-1, o) * A(o, s)
% finally multiply that by the probability of seeing the current
% observation given this state
V(i, s) *= B(s, T(i))
return sum(V(t))
% use viterbi to decode a series of observations to the most likely
% series of states
% same input as before
function viterbi_decode(T, S, A, B)
V = zeros(t, m)
% store back-references to figure out the actual path taken to get there
P = zeros(t, m)
% iterate through each time step
for i in 1:t
% and consider each state
for s in 1:m
% get array of probabilities of having been in each previous step,
% multiplied by the probability of transitioning to the current state
X = zeros(m)
for x in 1:m
X(x) = V(i-1, x) * A(x, s)
V(i, s) = max(X) * B(s, T(i))
P(i, s) = argmax(X)
% build the output sequence by tracing the backpointers of the highest
% probabilities at each step
OS = zeros(t)
OS(t) = P(t, argmax(V(t)))
for i in t-1:1
prepend(OS, P(i, argmax(V(i))))
return OS
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