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Created May 21, 2014 18:21
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Save aaronj1335/db544761e295ae9ce6d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using worker:
Installing an SSH key
$ git clone --depth=50 WaterfallEngineering/frontend
Cloning into 'WaterfallEngineering/frontend'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
remote: Counting objects: 1382, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1035/1035), done.
remote: Total 1382 (delta 433), reused 956 (delta 230)
Receiving objects: 100% (1382/1382), 2.45 MiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (433/433), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd WaterfallEngineering/frontend
$ git fetch origin +refs/pull/725/merge:
remote: Counting objects: 46, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 17 (delta 13), reused 3 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (17/17), done.
* branch refs/pull/725/merge -> FETCH_HEAD
$ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
setup build cache
attempting to download cache archive
found cache
adding /home/travis/build/WaterfallEngineering/frontend/webapps/msgme3.0/node_modules to cache
$ nvm use 0.8
Now using node v0.8.26
$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ cd webapps/msgme3.0
$ npm install
npm WARN package.json expect.js@0.2.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json growl@1.5.1 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json ms@0.3.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json pause@0.0.1 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json bytes@0.2.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json cookie-signature@1.0.1 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json fresh@0.1.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json uglify-js@2.2.5 'repositories' (plural) Not supported.
npm WARN package.json Please pick one as the 'repository' field
npm WARN package.json css@1.0.8 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json faye-websocket@0.4.4 'repositories' (plural) Not supported.
npm WARN package.json Please pick one as the 'repository' field
npm WARN package.json range-parser@0.0.4 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json growl@1.7.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json css-parse@1.0.4 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json css-stringify@1.0.5 No repository field.
$ npm test
> three@0.1.0 test /home/travis/build/WaterfallEngineering/frontend/webapps/msgme3.0
> grunt citest
Running "shell:showNpmDeps" (shell) task
three@0.1.0 /home/travis/build/WaterfallEngineering/frontend/webapps/msgme3.0
├── expect.js@0.2.0
├── grunt@0.4.1
├── grunt-bg-shell@2.0.3
├── grunt-browserstack@0.1.1
├── grunt-cli@0.1.9
├── grunt-contrib-clean@0.5.0
├── grunt-contrib-connect@0.3.0
├── grunt-contrib-copy@0.4.1
├── grunt-contrib-jade@0.8.0
├── grunt-contrib-jshint@0.6.4
├── grunt-contrib-less@0.5.2
├── grunt-contrib-requirejs@0.4.1
├── grunt-contrib-watch@0.4.3
├── grunt-mocha-phantomjs@0.2.8
├── grunt-shell@0.6.0
├── grunt-yaml@0.2.1
├── jade@0.35.0
├── js-yaml@1.0.3
├── mocha@1.6.0
├── proxy-middleware@0.4.0
├── requirejs@2.1.9
├── shelljs@0.1.4
└── sinon@1.7.3
Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task
>> 162 files lint free.
Running "copy:environment_dev" (copy) task
Copied 1 files
Running "jade:test" (jade) task
File "tests/runner.html" created.
File "tests/integration-runner.html" created.
Running "jade:app" (jade) task
File "dist/index.html" created.
Running "jade:widgets" (jade) task
File "widgets/async-button/template.html" created.
File "widgets/async-button/test-template.html" created.
File "widgets/audience-filter/template.html" created.
File "widgets/audience-row/template.html" created.
File "widgets/bar-chart/template.html" created.
File "widgets/character-counter/template.html" created.
File "widgets/contact-stat-card/template.html" created.
File "widgets/create-report/template.html" created.
File "widgets/dashboard-tour/popover.html" created.
File "widgets/dashboard-tour/restart.html" created.
File "widgets/dashboard/template.html" created.
File "widgets/datetimepicker/template.html" created.
File "widgets/dynamic-insertion/template.html" created.
File "widgets/facebook-message-body/template.html" created.
File "widgets/file-uploader/template.html" created.
File "widgets/follower-stat-card/template.html" created.
File "widgets/footer/template.html" created.
File "widgets/likes-stat-card/template.html" created.
File "widgets/line-chart/template.html" created.
File "widgets/message-body/template.html" created.
File "widgets/message-preview/template.html" created.
File "widgets/message-preview/test-message-modal.html" created.
File "widgets/metadata-value/template.html" created.
File "widgets/mobile-message-body/template.html" created.
File "widgets/navbar/template.html" created.
File "widgets/push-message-body/template.html" created.
File "widgets/report-parameters/template.html" created.
File "widgets/select/test-template.html" created.
File "widgets/sms-engagement-chart/popover-template.html" created.
File "widgets/sms-engagement-chart/template.html" created.
File "widgets/sms-message-body/template.html" created.
File "widgets/spinner/test-template.html" created.
File "widgets/stat-card/template.html" created.
File "widgets/stream-entry/sub-widgets/add-metadata.html" created.
File "widgets/stream-entry/sub-widgets/add-to-list.html" created.
File "widgets/stream-entry/sub-widgets/remove-from-list.html" created.
File "widgets/stream-entry/template.html" created.
File "widgets/stream/template.html" created.
File "widgets/subscriber-growth-chart/template.html" created.
File "widgets/subscriber-search/template.html" created.
File "widgets/subscriber-stat-card/template.html" created.
File "widgets/toolbar/template.html" created.
File "widgets/twitter-message-body/template.html" created.
Running "jade:widgetsIncremental" (jade) task
Running "less:app" (less) task
File dist/css/three.css created.
Running "yaml:strings" (yaml) task
Compiled widgets/audience-filter/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/audience-filter/strings.json
Compiled widgets/audience-row/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/audience-row/strings.json
Compiled widgets/character-counter/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/character-counter/strings.json
Compiled widgets/contact-stat-card/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/contact-stat-card/strings.json
Compiled widgets/create-report/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/create-report/strings.json
Compiled widgets/dashboard-tour/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/dashboard-tour/strings.json
Compiled widgets/dashboard/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/dashboard/strings.json
Compiled widgets/datetimepicker/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/datetimepicker/strings.json
Compiled widgets/dynamic-insertion/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/dynamic-insertion/strings.json
Compiled widgets/facebook-message-body/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/facebook-message-body/strings.json
Compiled widgets/file-uploader/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/file-uploader/strings.json
Compiled widgets/follower-stat-card/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/follower-stat-card/strings.json
Compiled widgets/likes-stat-card/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/likes-stat-card/strings.json
Compiled widgets/message-body/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/message-body/strings.json
Compiled widgets/message-preview/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/message-preview/strings.json
Compiled widgets/mobile-message-body/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/mobile-message-body/strings.json
Compiled widgets/navbar/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/navbar/strings.json
Compiled widgets/report-parameters/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/report-parameters/strings.json
Compiled widgets/shared-strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/shared-strings.json
Compiled widgets/sms-engagement-chart/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/sms-engagement-chart/strings.json
Compiled widgets/sms-message-body/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/sms-message-body/strings.json
Compiled widgets/stat-card/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/stat-card/strings.json
Compiled widgets/stream-entry/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/stream-entry/strings.json
Compiled widgets/stream/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/stream/strings.json
Compiled widgets/subscriber-growth-chart/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/subscriber-growth-chart/strings.json
Compiled widgets/subscriber-search/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/subscriber-search/strings.json
Compiled widgets/subscriber-stat-card/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/subscriber-stat-card/strings.json
Compiled widgets/toolbar/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/toolbar/strings.json
Compiled widgets/twitter-message-body/strings/en-us.yaml -> widgets/twitter-message-body/strings.json
Running "connect:test" (connect) task
Started connect web server on localhost:8890.
Running "mocha_phantomjs:all" (mocha_phantomjs) task
GET /tests/runner.html 200 5ms - 7.55kb
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GET /scripts/modernizr-2.5.3.js 200 10ms - 46.99kb
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GET /scripts/require-jquery.js 200 18ms - 340.67kb
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GET /scripts/waterfall-jquery.js 200 3ms - 103.5kb
GET /scripts/jquery-ui.js 200 3ms - 154.33kb
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Reg-webfont.woff 404 2ms
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GET /scripts/msgme/ko.js 200 7ms - 1.83kb
GET /tests/util/mock-xhr-server.js 200 7ms - 3.32kb
GET /tests/util/expect-assertions.js 200 5ms - 1.01kb
GET /tests/util/mock-account-features.js 200 6ms - 252b
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GET /scripts/lib/knockout.mapping.js 200 5ms - 25.04kb
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GET /scripts/msgme/util/format.js 200 1ms - 5.44kb
GET /scripts/lib/sugar.js 200 1ms - 94.83kb
Loading specs
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GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/extenders/index-by.js 200 3ms - 7.31kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/mapping.subscribe.js 200 7ms - 3.77kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/mapping.local.js 200 7ms - 1.04kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/mapping.extend.js 200 6ms - 1.45kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/mapping.js 200 6ms - 23.64kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/mapping.validation.js 200 6ms - 8.21kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/validation.js 200 1ms - 5kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/validation/all-are-valid.js 200 2ms - 5.96kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/ko/validation/unique.js 200 2ms - 6.78kb
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GET /tests/spec/msgme/util/promise.js 200 1ms - 9.93kb
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GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/pass.js 200 4ms - 61.26kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/keywords.js 200 1ms - 625b
GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/list.js 200 3ms - 5.61kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/metadata.js 200 2ms - 8.69kb
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GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/report.js 200 0ms - 9.85kb
GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/subscriber.js 200 3ms - 460b
GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/role.js 200 3ms - 6.64kb
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GET /tests/spec/msgme/viewmodel/query-filter.js 200 2ms - 17.24kb
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GET /scripts/msgme/util/is-mms-enabled.js 200 1ms - 247b
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GET /tests/fixtures/metadata.json 200 1ms - 10.12kb
GET /tests/fixtures/filter.json 200 1ms - 257b
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GET /tests/fixtures/coupon.json 200 1ms - 4.62kb
GET /tests/fixtures/channel.json 200 1ms - 171b
GET /tests/fixtures/post.json 200 1ms - 177b
GET /tests/fixtures/facebookAudience.json 200 1ms - 1.74kb
GET /tests/fixtures/facebookProfile.json 200 1ms - 545b
GET /tests/fixtures/report.subscriberGrowth.json 200 1ms - 12.6kb
GET /tests/fixtures/report.messageSummary.MOBILEFLOW.json 200 1ms - 21.44kb
GET /tests/fixtures/subscriber.json 200 0ms - 430b
GET /tests/fixtures/whoami.json 200 1ms - 2.28kb
GET /tests/fixtures/twitterAudience.json 200 1ms - 233b
GET /widgets/shared-strings.json 200 1ms - 6.38kb
GET /widgets/report-parameters/strings.json 200 1ms - 794b
GET /widgets/create-report/strings.json 200 0ms - 2.54kb
GET /tests/fixtures/line-chart.json 200 1ms - 1019b
GET /widgets/stream-entry/strings.json 200 1ms - 2.01kb
GET /widgets/stat-card/strings.json 200 1ms - 468b
GET /widgets/mobile-message-body/strings.json 200 1ms - 456b
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GET /widgets/subscriber-search/strings.json 200 2ms - 263b
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GET /widgets/sms-message-body/strings.json 200 1ms - 342b
GET /widgets/message-body/strings.json 200 1ms - 325b
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GET /widgets/sms-engagement-chart/strings.json 200 1ms - 48b
GET /widgets/stream/template.html 200 1ms - 817b
GET /widgets/stream/strings.json 200 1ms - 165b
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GET /widgets/stat-card/template.html 200 2ms - 538b
GET /widgets/dashboard/strings.json 200 1ms - 187b
GET /widgets/dashboard/template.html 200 1ms - 1.51kb
GET /widgets/subscriber-stat-card/template.html 200 1ms - 752b
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GET /widgets/follower-stat-card/template.html 200 1ms - 740b
GET /widgets/likes-stat-card/template.html 200 1ms - 854b
GET /widgets/dashboard-tour/strings.json 200 2ms - 1018b
GET /widgets/dashboard-tour/popover.html 200 2ms - 447b
GET /widgets/dashboard-tour/restart.html 200 2ms - 93b
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GET /widgets/mobile-message-body/template.html 200 1ms - 1.4kb
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GET /widgets/toolbar/template.html 200 1ms - 332b
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GET /widgets/subscriber-search/template.html 200 1ms - 865b
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GET /widgets/character-counter/strings.json 200 1ms - 97b
GET /widgets/character-counter/template.html 200 1ms - 74b
Specs loaded
the apiDate extender
when read
◦ if null, returns null:
✓ if null, returns null
◦ if a Date instance, returns its value formatted as an API date:
✓ if a Date instance, returns its value formatted as an API date
◦ if a valid date string, returns it formatted as an API date:
✓ if a valid date string, returns it formatted as an API date
◦ if an epoch date, returns it formatted as an API date:
✓ if an epoch date, returns it formatted as an API date
◦ if an invalid date string, returns null:
✓ if an invalid date string, returns null
when written
◦ accepts a Date instance:
✓ accepts a Date instance
- accepts a Date instance for today
◦ accepts a valid date string:
✓ accepts a valid date string
◦ accepts a null:
✓ accepts a null
◦ ignores values that result in an invalid date:
✓ ignores values that result in an invalid date
adds a seconds subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the seconds:
✓ if value is a date, returns the seconds
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid seconds value, sets the seconds:
✓ if arg is a valid seconds value, sets the seconds
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a minutes subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the minutes:
✓ if value is a date, returns the minutes
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid minutes value, sets the minutes:
✓ if arg is a valid minutes value, sets the minutes
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a hours subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the hours:
✓ if value is a date, returns the hours
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid hours value, sets the hours:
✓ if arg is a valid hours value, sets the hours
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a period subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the period:
✓ if value is a date, returns the period
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid period value, sets the period and hours:
✓ if arg is a valid period value, sets the period and hours
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a date subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the date:
✓ if value is a date, returns the date
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid date value, sets the date:
✓ if arg is a valid date value, sets the date
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a month subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the month:
✓ if value is a date, returns the month
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid month value, sets the month:
✓ if arg is a valid month value, sets the month
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a year subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the year:
✓ if value is a date, returns the year
called with an argument
◦ throws if apiDate value is null:
✓ throws if apiDate value is null
◦ if arg is a valid year value, sets the year:
✓ if arg is a valid year value, sets the year
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds an offsetMinutes subcomputed
called with no argument
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns the offsetMinutes from UTC in minutes:
✓ if value is a date, returns the offsetMinutes from UTC in minutes
called with an argument
◦ if arg is an integer, sets offsetMinutes of API date:
✓ if arg is an integer, sets offsetMinutes of API date
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds an offset subcomputed
◦ can be set by the "offset" config option:
✓ can be set by the "offset" config option
called with no argument
◦ if value is a date, returns the offset from UTC:
✓ if value is a date, returns the offset from UTC
called with an argument
◦ if arg is a valid offset string, sets offset:
✓ if arg is a valid offset string, sets offset
◦ if arg is an integer, interprets it as minutes from UTC:
✓ if arg is an integer, interprets it as minutes from UTC
◦ otherwise it throws:
✓ otherwise it throws
adds a format subobservable
◦ can be set by the "format" config option:
✓ can be set by the "format" config option
◦ defaults to m/d/yyyy h:MM TT:
✓ defaults to m/d/yyyy h:MM TT
adds a formatted subcomputed
◦ if value is null, formatted returns null:
✓ if value is null, formatted returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns it formatted by format:
✓ if value is a date, returns it formatted by format
adds an asDate subcomputed
when read
◦ if value is null, returns null:
✓ if value is null, returns null
◦ if value is a date, returns a Date instance:
✓ if value is a date, returns a Date instance
when written
◦ accepts a Date instance:
✓ accepts a Date instance
◦ accepts a valid date string:
✓ accepts a valid date string
◦ accepts a null:
✓ accepts a null
◦ ignores values that result in an invalid date:
✓ ignores values that result in an invalid date
the indexBy extender
◦ throws if extending an observable not containing an array:
✓ throws if extending an observable not containing an array
◦ unwraps observable values if necessary:
✓ unwraps observable values if necessary
when passed a string "foo"
◦ indexes the array by "foo":
✓ indexes the array by "foo"
when passed an array of strings
◦ indexes the array by each string:
✓ indexes the array by each string
when passed a config object
◦ throws if config.keys is not a non-empty array:
✓ throws if config.keys is not a non-empty array
◦ indexes the array by config.keys:
✓ indexes the array by config.keys
◦ returns one element per key if config.unique is `true`:
✓ returns one element per key if config.unique is `true`
when indexing an observableArray
◦ reindexes if the observableArray changes:
✓ reindexes if the observableArray changes
◦ the index notifies subscribers if the observableArray changes:
✓ the index notifies subscribers if the observableArray changes
the local plugin
◦ provides the root model to subcomputeds and computeds:
✓ provides the root model to subcomputeds and computeds
the extend plugin
◦ calls extend on the mapped field, passing the value of the mapping:
✓ calls extend on the mapped field, passing the value of the mapping
◦ overwrites the mapped field with the result of the extender:
✓ overwrites the mapped field with the result of the extender
◦ throws if the mapping value names a non-existent extender:
✓ throws if the mapping value names a non-existent extender
the subscribe plugin
◦ calls subscribe on the mapped field, passing a function that calls the subscriber:
✓ calls subscribe on the mapped field, passing a function that calls the subscriber
◦ calls the subscriber for initial values:
✓ calls the subscriber for initial values
◦ calls the subscriber in the context of the model:
✓ calls the subscriber in the context of the model
◦ throws if the mapping value is not a function:
✓ throws if the mapping value is not a function
the validation plugin
◦ adds validation to the mapped observable:
✓ adds validation to the mapped observable
◦ extend is called on the observable and passed the mapped value:
✓ extend is called on the observable and passed the mapped value
◦ calls anonymous validators in a context that provides observable, parent, and root as properties:
✓ calls anonymous validators in a context that provides observable, parent, and root as properties
◦ calls message functions in a context that provides observable, parent, and root as properties:
✓ calls message functions in a context that provides observable, parent, and root as properties
◦ calls onlyIf functions in a context that provides observable, parent, and root as properties:
✓ calls onlyIf functions in a context that provides observable, parent, and root as properties
if the mapped value is a function
◦ the function is used as an anonymous validator:
✓ the function is used as an anonymous validator
if the mapped value is an object w/ a "validator" key
◦ the function is used as an anonymous validator:
✓ the function is used as an anonymous validator
ignore binding handler
◦ prevents ko from applying bindings to descendents:
✓ prevents ko from applying bindings to descendents
◦ performs a deep update of an object with defaults:
✓ performs a deep update of an object with defaults
◦ doesnt overwrite null with a string:
✓ doesnt overwrite null with a string
◦ doesnt overwrite null with an array:
✓ doesnt overwrite null with an array
◦ doesnt overwrite null with an object:
✓ doesnt overwrite null with an object
◦ preserves functions passed in as defaults:
✓ preserves functions passed in as defaults
◦ returns a formatted date if passed a valid Date:
✓ returns a formatted date if passed a valid Date
◦ returns a formatted date if passed a valid date string:
✓ returns a formatted date if passed a valid date string
◦ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid Date:
✓ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid Date
◦ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid date string:
✓ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid date string
◦ handes the format MM/DD/YYYY:
✓ handes the format MM/DD/YYYY
◦ handes the format YYYY/MM/D:
✓ handes the format YYYY/MM/D
◦ handes the format MM-DD-YYYY:
✓ handes the format MM-DD-YYYY
◦ returns a formatted date if passed a valid Date:
✓ returns a formatted date if passed a valid Date
◦ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid Date:
✓ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid Date
◦ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid date string:
✓ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid date string
◦ returns a formatted date if passed a valid Date:
✓ returns a formatted date if passed a valid Date
◦ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid Date:
✓ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid Date
◦ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid date string:
✓ returns "Invalid Date" if passed an invalid date string
◦ returns a short relative date if passed a date in the past:
✓ returns a short relative date if passed a date in the past
◦ returns an absolute date if passed a date in the future:
✓ returns an absolute date if passed a date in the future
returns an integer as a string with commas inserted as expected
◦ for zero:
✓ for zero
◦ for positive integers:
✓ for positive integers
- for negative
◦ for floating-point numbers:
✓ for floating-point numbers
◦ for string, date:
✓ for string, date
◦ returns a string as a US telephone number if passed a string:
✓ returns a string as a US telephone number if passed a string
◦ returns a string as a US telephone number if passed a number:
✓ returns a string as a US telephone number if passed a number
- returns "invalid" if passed a non string or number > No Test
◦ returns a string if passed an incomplete string:
✓ returns a string if passed an incomplete string
◦ returns a number if passed an incomplete number:
✓ returns a number if passed an incomplete number
◦ returns null or undefined as "":
✓ returns null or undefined as ""
◦ returns a string url-encoded, in lowercase:
✓ returns a string url-encoded, in lowercase
◦ returns a string url-decoded, with pluses as spaces:
✓ returns a string url-decoded, with pluses as spaces
◦ returns a ten digit telephone number:
✓ returns a ten digit telephone number
◦ strips formatting and returns telephone number:
✓ strips formatting and returns telephone number
◦ passing in null/undefined:
✓ passing in null/undefined
◦ passing in a number:
✓ passing in a number
◦ applies mappings to the current nesting level only:
✓ applies mappings to the current nesting level only
◦ handles undefined fields:
✓ handles undefined fields
◦ calls create handlers for fields with nested mappings:
✓ calls create handlers for fields with nested mappings
◦ correctly maps a nested array:
✓ correctly maps a nested array
◦ does not define default mappings for array elements:
✓ does not define default mappings for array elements
◦ does not recursively map children if mapping === false:
✓ does not recursively map children if mapping === false
◦ uses the original mapping when updating:
✓ uses the original mapping when updating
◦ does not recursively map plugin mappings:
✓ does not recursively map plugin mappings
accepts an optional root model argument
◦ uses target as the root if none is provided:
✓ uses target as the root if none is provided
◦ overrides the root if passed:
✓ overrides the root if passed
defines an isValid computed on mapped models
◦ is true only if all validatable children are valid:
✓ is true only if all validatable children are valid
◦ validates child models recursively:
✓ validates child models recursively
defines a default isValid on observableArrays
◦ listens for changes in array member validity:
✓ listens for changes in array member validity
◦ recursively validates unvalidated arrays:
✓ recursively validates unvalidated arrays
◦ does not alter validation of validated arrays:
✓ does not alter validation of validated arrays
defines an errors computed on mapped models
◦ returns an array containing child errors:
✓ returns an array containing child errors
◦ flattens child model errors:
✓ flattens child model errors
describe a recursive isModified on recursively mapped models
◦ returns true if any descendant returns true:
✓ returns true if any descendant returns true
◦ returns false if all descendants define isModified:
✓ returns false if all descendants define isModified
◦ returns false if no descendants define isModified:
✓ returns false if no descendants define isModified
◦ passes its argument to its descendants:
✓ passes its argument to its descendants
◦ recurses into observable array descendants:
✓ recurses into observable array descendants
◦ unwraps observables that do not define isModified:
✓ unwraps observables that do not define isModified
◦ unwraps observable array members that do not define isModified:
✓ unwraps observable array members that do not define isModified
◦ returns a promise:
✓ returns a promise
◦ calls the function on a later turn of the event loop:
✓ calls the function on a later turn of the event loop
◦ resolves with the function return value:
✓ resolves with the function return value
◦ rejects with the error if one is thrown:
✓ rejects with the error if one is thrown
◦ uses identity function for default param:
✓ uses identity function for default param
◦ resolves the deferred after the specified timeout in ms:
✓ resolves the deferred after the specified timeout in ms (112ms)
◦ resolves with the given args:
✓ resolves with the given args
◦ returns a promise:
✓ returns a promise
◦ resolves to the passed value on a later event loop turn:
✓ resolves to the passed value on a later event loop turn
◦ returns a promise:
✓ returns a promise
◦ immediately executes the first function passed:
✓ immediately executes the first function passed
◦ executes subsequent functions serially:
✓ executes subsequent functions serially
◦ passes each function the result of the previous:
✓ passes each function the result of the previous
◦ resolves with the result of the final function:
✓ resolves with the result of the final function
◦ rejects with the error if the first function rejects:
✓ rejects with the error if the first function rejects
◦ rejects with the error if any subsequent function rejects:
✓ rejects with the error if any subsequent function rejects
◦ returns a promise:
✓ returns a promise
◦ executes the functions serially, on their own event loop turn:
✓ executes the functions serially, on their own event loop turn
◦ passes each function the result of the previous:
✓ passes each function the result of the previous
◦ resolves with the result of the final function:
✓ resolves with the result of the final function
◦ rejects with the error if any function throws:
✓ rejects with the error if any function throws
◦ returns a RecordModel:
✓ returns a RecordModel
◦ populates the returned RecordModel with configured default data:
✓ populates the returned RecordModel with configured default data
◦ overrides default data with if passed:
✓ overrides default data with if passed
◦ calls create on the source on the first call to save:
✓ calls create on the source on the first call to save
◦ calls create on the source on the first call to save:
✓ calls create on the source on the first call to save
Passed an observable
◦ Return an observable:
✓ Return an observable
◦ Return same value wrapped in an observable:
✓ Return same value wrapped in an observable
◦ Return the same observable:
✓ Return the same observable
Passed an non-observable
◦ Return an observable:
✓ Return an observable
◦ Return same value wrapped in an observable:
✓ Return same value wrapped in an observable
standalone mapping for flow viewmodel
◦ exports model:
✓ exports model
◦ exports collection:
✓ exports collection
standalone mapping for keywords viewmodel
◦ is exported correctly:
✓ is exported correctly
◦ has the correct defaults:
✓ has the correct defaults
standalone mapping for list viewmodel
◦ exports model:
✓ exports model
◦ exports collection:
✓ exports collection
sets the correct collection defaults
◦ for rows:
✓ for rows
◦ for pageIndex:
✓ for pageIndex
◦ for pageCount:
✓ for pageCount
◦ for pageSize:
✓ for pageSize
◦ for links:
✓ for links
◦ for url:
✓ for url
sets the correct subscribers defaults
◦ for rows:
✓ for rows
◦ for pageIndex:
✓ for pageIndex
◦ for pageCount:
✓ for pageCount
◦ for pageSize:
✓ for pageSize
◦ for links:
✓ for links
◦ for url:
✓ for url
provides a urlName computed
◦ is "" if no name is set:
✓ is "" if no name is set
◦ is the list name in lowercase:
✓ is the list name in lowercase
provides a url computed
◦ is /lists if no name is set:
✓ is /lists if no name is set
◦ is /lists/ + the list name, url-encoded and lowercase:
✓ is /lists/ + the list name, url-encoded and lowercase
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
flowmodule-tagmetadata viewmodel
◦ sets default values:
✓ sets default values
◦ metadata field is required:
✓ metadata field is required
◦ metadata freeValue is required if no validValues:
✓ metadata freeValue is required if no validValues
◦ metadata fixedValue is required if validValues:
✓ metadata fixedValue is required if validValues
computed value
◦ metadataId:
✓ metadataId
◦ returns the params value if validValues is not null and params is set:
✓ returns the params value if validValues is not null and params is set
◦ returns an empty string if validValues is not null and params is an empty object:
✓ returns an empty string if validValues is not null and params is an empty object
◦ is set when validValues is set:
✓ is set when validValues is set
◦ is not set when validValues is not set:
✓ is not set when validValues is not set
◦ is not set when metadataId is null:
✓ is not set when metadataId is null
◦ returns the params value if it exists and validValues is null:
✓ returns the params value if it exists and validValues is null
◦ returns an empty string if params is an empty object andvalidValues is null:
✓ returns an empty string if params is an empty object andvalidValues is null
◦ is not set when validValues is set:
✓ is not set when validValues is set
◦ is not set when metadataId is null:
✓ is not set when metadataId is null
◦ is set when validValues is null and metadataId is set:
✓ is set when validValues is null and metadataId is set
flowmodule-collectmetadata mapping
◦ metadataId is required:
✓ metadataId is required
sets the correct defaults
◦ title:
✓ title
◦ metadataId:
✓ metadataId
◦ requestMessage:
✓ requestMessage
◦ responseMessage:
✓ responseMessage
provides a subcomputed widgetId
◦ for request:
✓ for request
◦ for response:
✓ for response
◦ for invalidFormat:
✓ for invalidFormat
add to list viewmodel
shared tests
sets the correct defaults
◦ default opt-in type is single:
✓ default opt-in type is single
◦ default confirm message string:
✓ default confirm message string
◦ default opt-in message string:
✓ default opt-in message string
◦ default subscribed message is empty:
✓ default subscribed message is empty
provides a widgetId computed
◦ returns widgetId:
✓ returns widgetId
provides a widgetId subcomputed
◦ for optIn:
✓ for optIn
◦ for confirm:
✓ for confirm
◦ for subscribed:
✓ for subscribed
widgetId computed
◦ increments:
✓ increments
◦ returns a single record model:
✓ returns a single record model
◦ triggers a change on oneById when a new model is fetched:
✓ triggers a change on oneById when a new model is fetched
◦ updates existing models when items change:
✓ updates existing models when items change
◦ returns a list of record models that matches _items:
✓ returns a list of record models that matches _items (50ms)
◦ adds new items to existing items:
✓ adds new items to existing items
◦ triggers a change on _items only on change:
✓ triggers a change on _items only on change
◦ indexes id if available:
✓ indexes id if available
◦ maps items to an object keyed by their ids:
✓ maps items to an object keyed by their ids (55ms)
◦ changes when items are added to _items:
✓ changes when items are added to _items
◦ changes when _items is spliced:
✓ changes when _items is spliced
◦ changes when something is appended to _items:
✓ changes when something is appended to _items
◦ changes when an item is removed to _items:
✓ changes when an item is removed to _items
◦ throws when a model does not have the prop:
✓ throws when a model does not have the prop
◦ returns an object of lists for prop values:
✓ returns an object of lists for prop values
◦ throws when a model does not have the prop:
✓ throws when a model does not have the prop
◦ returns a record model instance:
✓ returns a record model instance
◦ overrides the save method to call Collection#create:
✓ overrides the save method to call Collection#create
◦ adds the new recordmodel to the collection:
✓ adds the new recordmodel to the collection
send message viewmodel
send message mapping sets the correct defaults
◦ for message:
✓ for message
provides a send-message widgetId computed
◦ returns widgetId:
✓ returns widgetId
widgetId computed
◦ increments:
✓ increments
provides a message-textbox widgetId subcomputed
◦ returns widgetId:
✓ returns widgetId
remove from list viewmodel
widgetId computed
◦ increments:
✓ increments
shared tests
sets the correct defaults
◦ for listId:
✓ for listId
◦ for lists:
✓ for lists
provides a widgetId computed
◦ returns widgetId:
✓ returns widgetId
add metadata viewmodel
widgetId computed
◦ increments:
✓ increments
shared tests
sets the correct defaults
◦ for validValues:
✓ for validValues
◦ for format:
✓ for format
◦ for metadataId:
✓ for metadataId
◦ for value:
✓ for value
provides a widgetId computed
◦ returns a widgetId:
✓ returns a widgetId
provides subcomputeds for
free value
when there are no validValues
◦ returns the correct value:
✓ returns the correct value
◦ sets value:
✓ sets value
when validValues exist
◦ returns the correct value:
✓ returns the correct value
◦ value does not get set:
✓ value does not get set
fixed value
if no validValues
◦ returns the correct value:
✓ returns the correct value
◦ value does not get set:
✓ value does not get set
if validValues
◦ returns the correct value:
✓ returns the correct value
◦ sets value:
✓ sets value
subscriber profile viewmodel
◦ sets the correct defaults:
✓ sets the correct defaults
◦ sets modals.sendmessage.isValid based on children:
✓ sets modals.sendmessage.isValid based on children
◦ requires modals.sendmessage.message to be truthy:
✓ requires modals.sendmessage.message to be truthy
◦ sets modals.subscribe.isValid based on children:
✓ sets modals.subscribe.isValid based on children
◦ requires modals.subscribe.listId to be truthy:
✓ requires modals.subscribe.listId to be truthy
◦ requires modals.subscribe.optInMessage to be nonempty for non-single-optin:
✓ requires modals.subscribe.optInMessage to be nonempty for non-single-optin
◦ sets modals.unsubscribe.isValid based on child:
✓ sets modals.unsubscribe.isValid based on child
◦ requires modals.unsubscribe.listId to be truthy:
✓ requires modals.unsubscribe.listId to be truthy
◦ sets modals.metadata.isValid based on children:
✓ sets modals.metadata.isValid based on children
◦ requires to be truthy:
✓ requires to be truthy
◦ requires modals.metadata.value to be truthy:
✓ requires modals.metadata.value to be truthy
computed value
◦ modals.sendmessage.widgetId is provided:
✓ modals.sendmessage.widgetId is provided
◦ modals.subscribe.optIn.widgetId is provided:
✓ modals.subscribe.optIn.widgetId is provided
◦ modals.subscribe.confirm.widgetId is provided:
✓ modals.subscribe.confirm.widgetId is provided
◦ modals.subscribe.subscribed.widgetId is provided:
✓ modals.subscribe.subscribed.widgetId is provided
◦ only returns value if validValues isnt set:
✓ only returns value if validValues isnt set
◦ only updates value if validValues isnt set:
✓ only updates value if validValues isnt set
◦ modals.metadata.value.fixed only returns value if validValues is set:
✓ modals.metadata.value.fixed only returns value if validValues is set
◦ modals.metadata.value.fixed only updates value if validValues is set:
✓ modals.metadata.value.fixed only updates value if validValues is set
standalone mapping for subscriber viewmodel
◦ exports model:
✓ exports model
◦ exports collection:
✓ exports collection
user preferences
◦ is a function that returns a promise:
✓ is a function that returns a promise
◦ resolves to a RecordModel-like instance:
✓ resolves to a RecordModel-like instance
◦ provides a clear method which removes the preferences:
✓ provides a clear method which removes the preferences
record model
◦ persists values to localStorage:
✓ persists values to localStorage
◦ removes the value from local storage:
✓ removes the value from local storage
◦ initializes a preference to the given value:
✓ initializes a preference to the given value
◦ adds the preference to the mapping:
✓ adds the preference to the mapping
◦ doesn't overwrite an existing value:
✓ doesn't overwrite an existing value
◦ returns the prefs:
✓ returns the prefs
◦ initializes multiple values:
✓ initializes multiple values
defines a has method
◦ returns true if the user has permision for the actions exactly:
✓ returns true if the user has permision for the actions exactly
◦ returns true if user has permision for the actions by account:
✓ returns true if user has permision for the actions by account
◦ returns false if the user does not have permision for the actions by account:
✓ returns false if the user does not have permision for the actions by account
◦ returns true if user has permision for the actions by group:
✓ returns true if user has permision for the actions by group
◦ returns false if the user does not have permision for the actions by group:
✓ returns false if the user does not have permision for the actions by group
◦ returns true if the user has permission for the actions on the type:
✓ returns true if the user has permission for the actions on the type
◦ returns true if the user has permission for the actions on all types:
✓ returns true if the user has permission for the actions on all types
◦ returns false if the user does not have permission for the actions on the type:
✓ returns false if the user does not have permission for the actions on the type
◦ returns true if the user has permission for more actions than needed:
✓ returns true if the user has permission for more actions than needed
◦ returns false if the user has permission for fewer actions than needed:
✓ returns false if the user has permission for fewer actions than needed
◦ returns false if the user does not have the passed permission:
✓ returns false if the user does not have the passed permission
defines a hasAny method
◦ returns true if the user has any of the passed permissions:
✓ returns true if the user has any of the passed permissions
◦ returns false if the user has none of the passed permissions:
✓ returns false if the user has none of the passed permissions
◦ returns true if the group is included in a list:
✓ returns true if the group is included in a list
◦ returns false if the group is not included in a list:
✓ returns false if the group is not included in a list
defines a hasAll method
◦ returns true if the user has all of the passed permissions:
✓ returns true if the user has all of the passed permissions
◦ returns false if the user is missing any of the passed permissions:
✓ returns false if the user is missing any of the passed permissions
promise method
◦ is attached to the isValid observable of asynchronously validated observables:
✓ is attached to the isValid observable of asynchronously validated observables
◦ is not attached to the isValid observable of synchronously validated observables:
✓ is not attached to the isValid observable of synchronously validated observables
◦ the promise resolves with the value of isValid when isValidating is next true:
✓ the promise resolves with the value of isValid when isValidating is next true
◦ gives isValid a chance to update before resolving:
✓ gives isValid a chance to update before resolving (88ms)
◦ resolves on a later tick if async validation not in progress:
✓ resolves on a later tick if async validation not in progress
◦ queries the provided cursor model:
✓ queries the provided cursor model
◦ is valid if no results are returned:
✓ is valid if no results are returned
◦ aborts any pending previous query:
✓ aborts any pending previous query
if results are returned
◦ is invalid if the id does not match:
✓ is invalid if the id does not match
◦ is valid if the id matches:
✓ is valid if the id matches
◦ is invalid if no id is provided:
✓ is invalid if no id is provided
if fetch fails
it tries again
◦ unless the fetch was aborted:
✓ unless the fetch was aborted (204ms)
◦ a default of 3 times:
✓ a default of 3 times (303ms)
◦ as many times as specified by retries:
✓ as many times as specified by retries (703ms)
◦ the field is still validating after max retries exhausted:
✓ the field is still validating after max retries exhausted (703ms)
validates observable arrays
◦ asynchronously if no element is validated async:
✓ asynchronously if no element is validated async
◦ asynchronously if at least one element is validated async:
✓ asynchronously if at least one element is validated async
◦ calls isValid on every element that defines it:
✓ calls isValid on every element that defines it
◦ unwraps observables if they do not define isValid:
✓ unwraps observables if they do not define isValid
◦ does not unwrap observables if that define isValid:
✓ does not unwrap observables if that define isValid
◦ resolves to true if all elements are valid:
✓ resolves to true if all elements are valid
◦ resolves to false if any element is invalid:
✓ resolves to false if any element is invalid
The flowmodule-posttourl viewmodel
◦ url is required:
✓ url is required
◦ url must be a valid URL:
✓ url must be a valid URL
mapping sets the correct defaults
◦ for title:
✓ for title
◦ for url:
✓ for url
The flowmodule-dynamiccontent viewmodel
◦ url is required:
✓ url is required
◦ url must be a valid URL:
✓ url must be a valid URL
mapping sets the correct defaults
◦ for title:
✓ for title
◦ for url:
✓ for url
flowmodule-subscription mapping
sets the correct defaults
◦ title:
✓ title
◦ default opt-in type is single:
✓ default opt-in type is single
◦ default confirm message string:
✓ default confirm message string
◦ default opt-in message string:
✓ default opt-in message string
◦ default subscribed message is empty:
✓ default subscribed message is empty
provides a widgetId subcomputed
◦ for optIn:
✓ for optIn
◦ for confirm:
✓ for confirm
◦ for subscribed:
✓ for subscribed
The coupon viewmodel
◦ sets correct defaults:
✓ sets correct defaults
◦ provides a delivered computable which is === total - available:
✓ provides a delivered computable which is === total - available
◦ is a CursorModel:
✓ is a CursorModel
◦ is exported:
✓ is exported
◦ is exported:
✓ is exported
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
◦ allows the user to set a Date of noon:
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Reg-webfont.svg 404 0ms
✓ allows the user to set a Date of noon (55ms)
◦ allows the user to change from 12 PM to 12 AM:
✓ allows the user to change from 12 PM to 12 AM
The pass viewmodel
sets correct defaults
◦ for system values:
✓ for system values
◦ for the settings pane:
✓ for the settings pane
◦ for the color & images pane:
✓ for the color & images pane
◦ for the front content pane:
✓ for the front content pane
◦ for the back content pane:
✓ for the back content pane
◦ for the locations pane:
✓ for the locations pane
◦ for the distribution pane:
✓ for the distribution pane
provides a lock screen datetime computed
◦ returns passbook.relevantDate.formatted:
✓ returns passbook.relevantDate.formatted (70ms)
◦ sets passbook.relevantDate:
✓ sets passbook.relevantDate
provides an adamId computed
◦ has value "" if passbook.associatedStoreIdentifiers is empty:
✓ has value "" if passbook.associatedStoreIdentifiers is empty
◦ otherwise, joins the elements of passbook.associatedStoreIdentifiers:
✓ otherwise, joins the elements of passbook.associatedStoreIdentifiers
◦ accepts a comma-delimited string of integers and sets passbook.associatedStoreIdentifiers to the equivalent array:
✓ accepts a comma-delimited string of integers and sets passbook.associatedStoreIdentifiers to the equivalent array
◦ ignores values that cannot be parsed as integers:
✓ ignores values that cannot be parsed as integers
provides a dateRestrictionChoice computed
◦ has value "UNRESTRICTED" if dateRestriction is null:
✓ has value "UNRESTRICTED" if dateRestriction is null
◦ has value "RESTRICTED" otherwise:
✓ has value "RESTRICTED" otherwise
◦ sets dateRestriction to null if set to "UNRESTRICTED":
✓ sets dateRestriction to null if set to "UNRESTRICTED"
◦ sets dateRestriction to if set to "RESTRICTED":
✓ sets dateRestriction to if set to "RESTRICTED"
provides a previewPayload computed
◦ outputs a valid landing page template payload by default:
✓ outputs a valid landing page template payload by default
◦ listens for changes to the model:
✓ listens for changes to the model
provides a limitQuantity computed
◦ returns true when passbook.barcode.messageType is "DYNAMICCODE":
✓ returns true when passbook.barcode.messageType is "DYNAMICCODE"
when passbook.barcode.messageType is "STATIC"
◦ returns true if quantityRestriction is >= 0:
✓ returns true if quantityRestriction is >= 0
◦ returns false if quantityRestriction is -1:
✓ returns false if quantityRestriction is -1
◦ sets quantityRestriction to -1 if set to false:
✓ sets quantityRestriction to -1 if set to false
◦ sets quantityRestriction to 0 if set to true:
✓ sets quantityRestriction to 0 if set to true (108ms)
provides a src subcomputed
◦ returns "/api/v1/file/" + images.icon if images.logo is not null:
✓ returns "/api/v1/file/" + images.icon if images.logo is not null
◦ return "" if images.icon is falsy:
✓ return "" if images.icon is falsy
provides a src subcomputed
◦ returns "/api/v1/file/" + images.logo if images.logo is not null:
✓ returns "/api/v1/file/" + images.logo if images.logo is not null
◦ return "" if images.logo is falsy:
✓ return "" if images.logo is falsy
provides a src subcomputed
◦ returns "/api/v1/file/" + images.strip if images.logo is not null:
✓ returns "/api/v1/file/" + images.strip if images.logo is not null
◦ return "" if images.strip is falsy:
✓ return "" if images.strip is falsy
provides a statik subcomputed
◦ returns the value of message if messageType is STATIC:
✓ returns the value of message if messageType is STATIC
◦ otherwise it returns null:
✓ otherwise it returns null
◦ sets the value of message if messageType is STATIC:
✓ sets the value of message if messageType is STATIC
◦ otherwise it has no effect:
✓ otherwise it has no effect
provides a dynamic subcomputed
◦ returns the value of message if messageType is DYNAMICCODE:
✓ returns the value of message if messageType is DYNAMICCODE
◦ otherwise it returns null:
✓ otherwise it returns null
◦ sets message if messageType is DYNAMICCODE:
✓ sets message if messageType is DYNAMICCODE
◦ otherwise it has no effect:
✓ otherwise it has no effect
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected (135ms)
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected and is "coupon":
✓ is selected and is "coupon"
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ accepts valid descriptions:
✓ accepts valid descriptions
◦ is selected and is a hex color:
✓ is selected and is a hex color
◦ is selected and is a hex color:
✓ is selected and is a hex color
◦ is selected and is a hex color:
✓ is selected and is a hex color
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid texts:
✓ accepts valid texts
header fields
◦ is required:
✓ is required
primary fields
◦ is required:
✓ is required
secondary fields
◦ is required:
✓ is required
back fields
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ valid if altTextType not null:
✓ valid if altTextType not null
◦ cant be "DYNAMICCODE" if messageType "DYNAMICCODE":
✓ cant be "DYNAMICCODE" if messageType "DYNAMICCODE"
◦ is valid:
✓ is valid
◦ is valid:
✓ is valid
◦ required if latitude or longitude are with values:
✓ required if latitude or longitude are with values
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 50 characters:
✓ is less than 50 characters
◦ is valid:
✓ is valid
◦ is required if limitQuantity is true:
✓ is required if limitQuantity is true
◦ is required if dateRestrictionChoice is RESTRICTED:
✓ is required if dateRestrictionChoice is RESTRICTED
◦ is valid if noPassbook.action is "MESSAGE":
✓ is valid if noPassbook.action is "MESSAGE"
◦ is required:
✓ is required (154ms)
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 50 characters:
✓ is less than 50 characters
◦ accepts valid values:
✓ accepts valid values
◦ is available:
✓ is available
message viewmodel
◦ exports model:
✓ exports model
◦ exports collection:
✓ exports collection
◦ collection sets the correct defaults:
✓ collection sets the correct defaults
◦ sets correct defaults for the message:
✓ sets correct defaults for the message
◦ sets correct defaults for content:
✓ sets correct defaults for content
◦ sets correct defaults for content slices:
✓ sets correct defaults for content slices
targetAudiences computed
◦ is an empty object if no content:
✓ is an empty object if no content
◦ has an array per unique targeted channel:
✓ has an array per unique targeted channel
◦ each array contains unique audiences for the channel:
✓ each array contains unique audiences for the channel
◦ slice percentages must be > 0:
✓ slice percentages must be > 0
◦ slice percentages must be <= 100:
✓ slice percentages must be <= 100
◦ multiple slice percentages must sum to 100:
✓ multiple slice percentages must sum to 100 (48ms)
◦ be required only for MMS:
✓ be required only for MMS
◦ maximum length 80 characters:
✓ maximum length 80 characters
mms message
◦ must be present if no files are present:
✓ must be present if no files are present
◦ can be empty if files are present:
✓ can be empty if files are present
◦ is valid if it's a date in the future (i.e. after page load):
✓ is valid if it's a date in the future (i.e. after page load)
◦ is invalid if it's a date in the past (i.e. before page load):
✓ is invalid if it's a date in the past (i.e. before page load)
isFuture computed
◦ returns true if date is in the future:
✓ returns true if date is in the future
◦ returns false if date is not in the future:
✓ returns false if date is not in the future
isQuietTime computed
◦ does not throw an error if `sendAt` is null:
✓ does not throw an error if `sendAt` is null
◦ returns true if `sendAt`is between 10pm and 10am:
✓ returns true if `sendAt`is between 10pm and 10am
◦ returns false if `sendAt` is not between 10pm and 10am:
✓ returns false if `sendAt` is not between 10pm and 10am
standalone metadata viewmodel
◦ model:
✓ model
◦ collection:
✓ collection
computed property
◦ overwrite is the inverse of multiValue:
✓ overwrite is the inverse of multiValue
◦ event is a boolean version of eventUrl:
✓ event is a boolean version of eventUrl
◦ returns format name, but defaults to Text:
✓ returns format name, but defaults to Text
◦ sets format correctly:
✓ sets format correctly
◦ returns value based on validValues:
✓ returns value based on validValues
◦ sets validValues based on its value:
✓ sets validValues based on its value
validValues asString
◦ just acts like toString when getting:
✓ just acts like toString when getting
◦ is the inverse of toString when setting:
✓ is the inverse of toString when setting
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is required if values is "open":
✓ is required if values is "open"
◦ is required if values is "predefined":
✓ is required if values is "predefined"
◦ is required and is an url if event is true:
✓ is required and is an url if event is true
The flowmodule-basictext viewmodel
mapping sets the correct defaults
◦ for title:
✓ for title
◦ for response:
✓ for response
report viewmodel
◦ set id:
✓ set id
◦ set account:
✓ set account
◦ set group:
✓ set group
◦ set shortCode:
✓ set shortCode
◦ set name:
✓ set name
◦ set query:
✓ set query
◦ set query type:
✓ set query type
◦ set query summaryType:
✓ set query summaryType
◦ set query mobileFlow:
✓ set query mobileFlow
◦ set query campaign:
✓ set query campaign
◦ set query keyword:
✓ set query keyword
◦ set query contentType:
✓ set query contentType
◦ set query messageType:
✓ set query messageType
◦ set query timeframe:
✓ set query timeframe
◦ set query beginOn:
✓ set query beginOn
◦ set query endOn:
✓ set query endOn
◦ set query lists:
✓ set query lists
◦ submits a null value for custom timeframe:
✓ submits a null value for custom timeframe
◦ requires query type:
✓ requires query type
◦ requires summaryType for messageSummary:
✓ requires summaryType for messageSummary
◦ ensures mobileFlow campaign and keyword are mutually exclusive:
✓ ensures mobileFlow campaign and keyword are mutually exclusive
◦ ensures that either timeframe or start and end is set:
✓ ensures that either timeframe or start and end is set (234ms)
◦ ensures start date is after limit:
✓ ensures start date is after limit
◦ ensures end date is within limit:
✓ ensures end date is within limit
flowmodule passbook viewmodel
◦ defines the correct defaults:
✓ defines the correct defaults
◦ validates passbookTemplateId is truthy:
✓ validates passbookTemplateId is truthy
◦ defines responseMessage.widgetId:
✓ defines responseMessage.widgetId
◦ defines outOfCoupons.widgetId:
✓ defines outOfCoupons.widgetId
flowmodule-validation mapping
sets the correct defaults
◦ defaults:
validating rightHand
✓ defaults
◦ local:
validating rightHand
✓ local
provides a computed
◦ sendConsequentResponse:
validating rightHand
✓ sendConsequentResponse
◦ sendAlternativeResponse:
validating rightHand
✓ sendAlternativeResponse
◦ alternativeNextStep:
validating rightHand
✓ alternativeNextStep
◦ alternativeMobileFlow:
validating rightHand
✓ alternativeMobileFlow
◦ consequentNextStep:
validating rightHand
✓ consequentNextStep
◦ consequentMobileFlow:
validating rightHand
✓ consequentMobileFlow
◦ consequentResponse:
validating rightHand
✓ consequentResponse
◦ alternativeResponse:
validating rightHand
✓ alternativeResponse
conditions mapping
◦ defaults:
validating rightHand
✓ defaults
provides a subcomputed
◦ innerOperator selected:
validating rightHand
✓ innerOperator selected
◦ hasMetadatumValue hasValue:
validating rightHand
✓ hasMetadatumValue hasValue
◦ hasMetadatumValue doesNotHaveValue:
validating rightHand
✓ hasMetadatumValue doesNotHaveValue
◦ list:
validating rightHand
✓ list
◦ metadatum:
validating rightHand
✓ metadatum
◦ read:
validating rightHand
✓ read
◦ write:
validating rightHand
validating rightHand
✓ write
◦ read:
validating rightHand
✓ read
◦ write:
validating rightHand
validating rightHand
✓ write
◦ read:
validating rightHand
✓ read
◦ write:
validating rightHand
✓ write
◦ read:
validating rightHand
✓ read
◦ write:
validating rightHand
✓ write
◦ operator:
validating rightHand
✓ operator
◦ rightHandValue required for "hasValue" and "doesNotHaveValue" operators:
validating rightHand
✓ rightHandValue required for "hasValue" and "doesNotHaveValue" operators
- is required for "on" operators
- required for "hasValue" and "doesNotHaveValue"operators
- required for "has" and "doesNotHave" operators
flowmodule sweeps viewmodel
◦ correctly defines defaults:
✓ correctly defines defaults
◦ correctly defines params subcomputed widgetIds:
✓ correctly defines params subcomputed widgetIds
◦ fails when endDate < startDate:
✓ fails when endDate < startDate
◦ fails when listId is falsy:
✓ fails when listId is falsy
startDateTime date parts
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ setting 12PM does not increment the day:
✓ setting 12PM does not increment the day
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
endDateTime date parts
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ setting 12PM does not increment the day:
✓ setting 12PM does not increment the day
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
◦ correctly gets value:
✓ correctly gets value
◦ correctly sets value:
✓ correctly sets value
flowmodule-poll mapping
◦ sets the correct defaults:
✓ sets the correct defaults
provides a computed
◦ widgetId:
✓ widgetId
◦ choiceCount:
✓ choiceCount
◦ choicesList:
✓ choicesList
◦ pollQuestion:
✓ pollQuestion
choices mapping
◦ sets the correct defaults:
✓ sets the correct defaults
provides a computed
◦ widgetId:
✓ widgetId
◦ read:
✓ read
◦ write:
✓ write
◦ nextStep:
✓ nextStep
◦ description:
✓ description
◦ mobileFlow:
✓ mobileFlow
◦ message:
✓ message
flowmodule-agegate mapping
◦ sets the correct defaults:
✓ sets the correct defaults
◦ correctly defines params subcomputed widgetIds:
✓ correctly defines params subcomputed widgetIds
◦ requires that metadataId is truthy:
✓ requires that metadataId is truthy
◦ requires that ageRequestMessage is truthy:
✓ requires that ageRequestMessage is truthy
◦ requires that invalidFormatMessage is truthy:
✓ requires that invalidFormatMessage is truthy
◦ ageThreshold is a number greater than 0:
✓ ageThreshold is a number greater than 0
◦ mobileFlowId required if nextStep is forwardToMobileFlow:
✓ mobileFlowId required if nextStep is forwardToMobileFlow
◦ notOfAgeMessage required if nextStep is terminate:
✓ notOfAgeMessage required if nextStep is terminate
optIn actions
◦ opt in message is hidden when single opt in is selected:
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Sbold-webfont.woff 404 1ms
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Sbold-webfont.ttf 404 1ms
✓ opt in message is hidden when single opt in is selected
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Sbold-webfont.svg 404 1ms
◦ opt in message is shown when double opt in is selected:
✓ opt in message is shown when double opt in is selected
text in textarea are displayed correctly
◦ opt in message text:
✓ opt in message text
◦ confirm message text:
✓ confirm message text
◦ subscribed message text:
✓ subscribed message text
◦ displays the correct text in the textarea:
✓ displays the correct text in the textarea
knockout binding
◦ instantiates a three widget from a string:
✓ instantiates a three widget from a string
◦ ignores descendent bindings:
✓ ignores descendent bindings
◦ only instantiates one widget:
✓ only instantiates one widget
◦ works for /campaigns:
✓ works for /campaigns
◦ works for /campaigns/page/2:
✓ works for /campaigns/page/2
◦ works for /campaigns/new:
✓ works for /campaigns/new
◦ works for /campaigns/5181fddb0cf2916da07ff6df:
✓ works for /campaigns/5181fddb0cf2916da07ff6df
◦ works for /campaigns/5181fddb0cf2916da07ff6df/clone:
✓ works for /campaigns/5181fddb0cf2916da07ff6df/clone
◦ works for /lists:
✓ works for /lists
◦ works for /lists/page/2:
✓ works for /lists/page/2
◦ works for /lists/0+astacy+deploy+test+2+deleteme:
✓ works for /lists/0+astacy+deploy+test+2+deleteme
◦ works for /lists/new:
✓ works for /lists/new
renders bars
◦ one bar per datum:
✓ one bar per datum (304ms)
◦ adjacent, with desired spacing:
✓ adjacent, with desired spacing (312ms)
◦ filling the root element vertically:
✓ filling the root element vertically (304ms)
◦ filling the root element horizontally:
✓ filling the root element horizontally (303ms)
◦ height proportional to datum value:
✓ height proportional to datum value (314ms)
◦ width proportional to data length:
✓ width proportional to data length (308ms)
◦ updates when data changes:
✓ updates when data changes (605ms)
visual test
- instantiates the widget
flowmodule-texttowin mapping
◦ sets the correct defaults:
✓ sets the correct defaults
◦ requires that methodology is truthy:
✓ requires that methodology is truthy
◦ metadataId required if tagMetadata:
✓ metadataId required if tagMetadata
◦ defaults:
✓ defaults
◦ freeValue required if tagMetadata and no valid values:
✓ freeValue required if tagMetadata and no valid values
◦ fixedValue required if tagMetadata and valid values:
✓ fixedValue required if tagMetadata and valid values
◦ required if winners limited:
✓ required if winners limited
◦ is a number:
✓ is a number
◦ required for PATTERN methodology:
✓ required for PATTERN methodology
◦ is a number:
✓ is a number
◦ required for RANDOM methodology:
✓ required for RANDOM methodology
◦ is a number between 1 and 99:
✓ is a number between 1 and 99 (39ms)
◦ fixed value dropdown shown if validValues contains values:
✓ fixed value dropdown shown if validValues contains values
◦ free value input is hidden if validValues contains values:
✓ free value input is hidden if validValues contains values
◦ fixed value dropdown hidden if validValues is empty:
✓ fixed value dropdown hidden if validValues is empty
◦ free value input is shown if validValues is empty:
✓ free value input is shown if validValues is empty
◦ value in fixed value is displayed correctly:
✓ value in fixed value is displayed correctly
◦ value in free value input is displayed correctly:
✓ value in free value input is displayed correctly
toggling date and time
◦ works twice in a row:
GET /dist/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=3.2.1 404 0ms
GET /dist/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=3.2.1 404 0ms
✓ works twice in a row (137ms)
GET /dist/font/fontawesome-webfont.svg 404 1ms
calendar button
◦ if date was empty, sets it to the next hour from now, on the hour:
✓ if date was empty, sets it to the next hour from now, on the hour
◦ if date wasn't empty, preserves the old value:
✓ if date wasn't empty, preserves the old value
clear button
◦ clears the input:
✓ clears the input
◦ is set up between the widget and the data:
✓ is set up between the widget and the data
visual test
- instantiates the widget
◦ sets the value on blur:
GET /img/select2/select2.png 200 1ms - 613b
✓ sets the value on blur
value binding
◦ updates the observable:
✓ updates the observable
◦ is updated by the observable:
✓ is updated by the observable
◦ is displayed for null value:
✓ is displayed for null value
◦ displays correctly:
✓ displays correctly
async button
◦ shows the spinner when the pending observable is truthy:
✓ shows the spinner when the pending observable is truthy
◦ disables the button when pending observable is truthy:
✓ disables the button when pending observable is truthy
◦ shows the original content when pending observable is falsy:
✓ shows the original content when pending observable is falsy
with a promise as an observable
◦ shows the spinner when promise is pending:
✓ shows the spinner when promise is pending
◦ hides the spinner the promise resolves:
✓ hides the spinner the promise resolves
◦ hides the spinner the promise rejects:
✓ hides the spinner the promise rejects
line chart
◦ updates the chart with new data:
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Light-webfont.woff 404 1ms
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Light-webfont.ttf 404 1ms
GET /dist/font/ProximaNova-Light-webfont.svg 404 1ms
✓ updates the chart with new data (614ms)
visual test
- instantiates the widget
feature flags
when whoami fails
◦ should reject the promise:
✓ should reject the promise
when whoami succeeds
◦ should provide access to the flags via promise:
✓ should provide access to the flags via promise
◦ should reject the promise for falsy flags:
✓ should reject the promise for falsy flags
◦ is not affected by changes to its array:
✓ is not affected by changes to its array
group viewmodel
◦ model:
✓ model
◦ collection:
✓ collection
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 3 characters:
✓ is at least 3 characters
◦ is less than 26 characters:
✓ is less than 26 characters
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
computed value
◦ adds groupName and noOfUsers to group models:
✓ adds groupName and noOfUsers to group models (263ms)
◦ returns an object with the rows set properly:
✓ returns an object with the rows set properly
◦ adds groupName and roleName to user models:
✓ adds groupName and roleName to user models
◦ returns an object with the rows set properly:
✓ returns an object with the rows set properly
The queryFilter viewmodel
◦ sets correct defaults:
✓ sets correct defaults
◦ metadata is required:
✓ metadata is required
◦ operator is required:
✓ operator is required
operators allowing one value
◦ fixed values must be in validValues:
✓ fixed values must be in validValues
◦ free values must match format when trimmed:
✓ free values must match format when trimmed
◦ gives a relevant error message when possible:
✓ gives a relevant error message when possible
◦ gives a default error message otherwise:
✓ gives a default error message otherwise
operators allowing multiple values
◦ each fixed value must be in validValues:
✓ each fixed value must be in validValues
◦ each free value must match format when trimmed:
✓ each free value must match format when trimmed (48ms)
◦ gives a relevant error message when possible:
✓ gives a relevant error message when possible
◦ gives a default error message otherwise:
✓ gives a default error message otherwise
"exists" operator
◦ validates only when the value is true or false:
✓ validates only when the value is true or false
◦ does not apply the format regex:
✓ does not apply the format regex
role viewmodel tests
◦ exports model:
✓ exports model
◦ exports collection:
✓ exports collection
◦ correctly initialize account:
✓ correctly initialize account
◦ correctly initialize group:
✓ correctly initialize group
◦ correctly initialize groupsVisible:
✓ correctly initialize groupsVisible
◦ correctly initialize name:
✓ correctly initialize name
◦ correctly initialize permissions:
✓ correctly initialize permissions
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
computed permissions
◦ are correctly calculated:
✓ are correctly calculated
◦ are correctly updated:
✓ are correctly updated
user viewmodel
◦ model:
✓ model
◦ collection:
✓ collection
default values
◦ correctly initialize group:
✓ correctly initialize group
◦ correctly initialize password:
✓ correctly initialize password
◦ correctly initialize name:
✓ correctly initialize name
◦ correctly initialize role:
✓ correctly initialize role
◦ correctly initialize defaultShortCode:
✓ correctly initialize defaultShortCode
◦ correctly initialize shortCodes:
✓ correctly initialize shortCodes
computed values
◦ rolesByGroup:
✓ rolesByGroup
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ accepts valid names:
✓ accepts valid names
◦ is required:
✓ is required
◦ is at least 5 characters:
✓ is at least 5 characters
◦ is less than 30 characters:
✓ is less than 30 characters
◦ accepts valid values:
✓ accepts valid values
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
◦ is selected:
✓ is selected
audience filter
add segment button
◦ adds a row:
✓ adds a row (191ms)
◦ preserves values of previous rows:
✓ preserves values of previous rows (224ms)
trash button
◦ removes a row:
✓ removes a row (225ms)
◦ preserves values of rows not removed:
✓ preserves values of rows not removed (256ms)
metadata types
◦ shows radius inputs for geo:
✓ shows radius inputs for geo (188ms)
◦ produces a list of zipcodes for geo:
check 1
check 2
check 3
check 4
check 5
1) produces a list of zipcodes for geo
◦ shows no inputs for exists:
✓ shows no inputs for exists (204ms)
◦ correctly sets the value for exists:
✓ correctly sets the value for exists (209ms)
◦ shows free value input for equal to:
✓ shows free value input for equal to (165ms)
◦ clears the true value when switching from exists:
✓ clears the true value when switching from exists (194ms)
◦ clears the true value when switching from notexists:
✓ clears the true value when switching from notexists
◦ works for snapshot:
check 1
check 2
check 3
check 4
check 5
check 6
check 7
check 8
✓ works for snapshot (407ms)
◦ ensures correct geoValues:
✓ ensures correct geoValues (234ms)
◦ fails unless geo values validate:
check 1
check 2
check 3
check 5
failed zipcode validation test:
'' is not a function (evaluating 'fn()') message
22 "line"
140067702576896 "sourceId"
http://localhost:8890/scripts/msgme/util/promise.js sourceURL
TypeError: '' is not a function (evaluating 'fn()')
at http://localhost:8890/scripts/msgme/util/promise.js:22
at http://localhost:8890/scripts/waterfall-jquery.js:667 stack
[{"sourceURL":"http://localhost:8890/scripts/msgme/util/promise.js","line":22},{"sourceURL":"http://localhost:8890/scripts/waterfall-jquery.js","line":667}] "stackArray"
2) fails unless geo values validate
Error: expected { message: '\'\' is not a function (evaluating \'fn()\')',
line: 22,
sourceId: 140067702576896,
sourceURL: 'http://localhost:8890/scripts/msgme/util/promise.js',
stack: 'TypeError: \'\' is not a function (evaluating \'fn()\')\n at http://localhost:8890/scripts/msgme/util/promise.js:22\n at http://localhost:8890/scripts/waterfall-jquery.js:667',
[ { sourceURL: 'http://localhost:8890/scripts/msgme/util/promise.js',
line: 22 },
{ sourceURL: 'http://localhost:8890/scripts/waterfall-jquery.js',
line: 667 } ] } to be falsy
Warning: 1 tests failed Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
npm ERR! weird error 6
npm ERR! not ok code 0
The command "npm test" exited with 1.
Done. Your build exited with 1.
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