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Created December 20, 2009 02:10
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public class Cache<TKey, TValue> : IIndexer<TKey, TValue> where TValue : class
readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _lock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> _values;
Func<TValue, TKey> _getKey = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
Action<TValue> _onAddition = x => { };
Func<TKey, TValue> _onMissing = delegate(TKey key)
string message = string.Format("Key '{0}' could not be found", key);
throw new KeyNotFoundException(message);
public Cache()
: this(new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>())
public Cache(Func<TKey, TValue> onMissing)
: this(new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>(), onMissing)
public Cache(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, Func<TKey, TValue> onMissing)
: this(dictionary)
_onMissing = onMissing;
public Cache(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
_values = dictionary;
public Func<TKey, TValue> OnMissing { set { _onMissing = value; } }
public Action<TValue> OnAddition { set { _onAddition = value; } }
public Func<TValue, TKey> GetKey { get { return _getKey; } set { _getKey = value; } }
public int Count
using (ReadLock())
return _values.Count;
public TValue First
using (ReadLock())
foreach (var pair in _values)
return pair.Value;
return null;
public TValue this[TKey key]
using (var @lock = ReadLock())
if (!_values.ContainsKey(key))
if (!_values.ContainsKey(key))
TValue value = _onMissing(key);
_values.Add(key, value);
return _values[key];
using (var @lock = WriteLock())
if (_values.ContainsKey(key))
_values[key] = value;
_values.Add(key, value);
public void Fill(TKey key, TValue value)
using (WriteLock())
if (_values.ContainsKey(key))
_values.Add(key, value);
public void Each(Action<TValue> action)
using (ReadLock())
foreach (var pair in _values)
public void Each(Action<TKey, TValue> action)
using (ReadLock())
foreach (var pair in _values)
action(pair.Key, pair.Value);
public bool Has(TKey key)
using (ReadLock())
return _values.ContainsKey(key);
public bool Exists(Predicate<TValue> predicate)
bool returnValue = false;
Each(delegate(TValue value) { returnValue |= predicate(value); });
return returnValue;
public TValue Find(Predicate<TValue> predicate)
using (ReadLock())
foreach (var pair in _values)
if (predicate(pair.Value))
return pair.Value;
return null;
public TKey Find(TValue value)
using (ReadLock())
foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> pair in _values)
if (pair.Value == value)
return pair.Key;
return default(TKey);
public TValue[] GetAll()
var returnValue = new TValue[Count];
using (ReadLock())
_values.Values.CopyTo(returnValue, 0);
return returnValue;
public void Remove(TKey key)
using (ReadLock())
if (_values.ContainsKey(key))
public void ClearAll()
using (WriteLock())
public void WithValue(TKey key, Action<TValue> callback)
using (ReadLock())
_values.TryGet(key, callback);
ReadLockToken ReadLock()
return new ReadLockToken(_lock);
WriteLockToken WriteLock()
return new WriteLockToken(_lock);
class ReadLockToken : IDisposable
readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _lock;
bool upgraded;
public ReadLockToken(ReaderWriterLockSlim @lock)
_lock = @lock;
public void Upgrade()
upgraded = true;
public void Dispose()
if (upgraded)
class WriteLockToken : IDisposable
ReaderWriterLockSlim _lock;
public WriteLockToken(ReaderWriterLockSlim @lock)
_lock = @lock;
public void Dispose()
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