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Last active May 25, 2021 21:11
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Save aaronjensen/a46f88dbd1ab9bb3aa22 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enables tab to complete and cycle completions with company-mode, similar to neocomplete in vim
;; Modify company so that tab and S-tab cycle through completions without
;; needing to hit enter.
(defvar-local company-simple-complete--previous-prefix nil)
(defvar-local company-simple-complete--before-complete-point nil)
(defun company-simple-complete-frontend (command)
(when (or (eq command 'show)
(and (eq command 'update)
(not (equal company-prefix company-simple-complete--previous-prefix))))
(setq company-selection -1
company-simple-complete--previous-prefix company-prefix
company-simple-complete--before-complete-point nil)))
(defun company-simple-complete-next (&optional arg)
(interactive "p")
(company-select-next arg)
(defun company-simple-complete-previous (&optional arg)
(interactive "p")
(company-select-previous arg)
(defun company-simple-complete//complete-selection-and-stay ()
(if (cdr company-candidates)
(when (company-manual-begin)
(when company-simple-complete--before-complete-point
(delete-region company-simple-complete--before-complete-point (point)))
(setq company-simple-complete--before-complete-point (point))
(unless (eq company-selection -1)
(company--insert-candidate (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
(company-call-frontends 'update)
(company-call-frontends 'post-command))
(defadvice company-set-selection (around allow-no-selection (selection &optional force-update))
"Allow selection to be -1"
(setq selection
;; TODO deal w/ wrap-around
(if company-selection-wrap-around
(mod selection company-candidates-length)
(max -1 (min (1- company-candidates-length) selection))))
(when (or force-update (not (equal selection company-selection)))
(setq company-selection selection
company-selection-changed t)
(company-call-frontends 'update)))
(defadvice company-tooltip--lines-update-offset (before allow-no-selection (selection _num-lines _limit))
"Allow selection to be -1"
(when (eq selection -1)
(ad-set-arg 0 0)))
(defadvice company-tooltip--simple-update-offset (before allow-no-selection (selection _num-lines limit))
"Allow selection to be -1"
(when (eq selection -1)
(ad-set-arg 0 0)))
(with-eval-after-load 'company
(define-key company-active-map [tab] 'company-simple-complete-next)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "TAB") 'company-simple-complete-next)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "<S-tab>") 'company-simple-complete-previous)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "RET") nil)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "<return>") nil)
(put 'company-simple-complete-next 'company-keep t)
(put 'company-simple-complete-previous 'company-keep t)
(setq company-require-match nil)
(ad-activate 'company-set-selection)
(ad-activate 'company-tooltip--simple-update-offset)
(ad-activate 'company-tooltip--lines-update-offset)
(add-to-list 'company-frontends 'company-simple-complete-frontend))
(provide 'company-simple-complete)
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kassick commented Jun 3, 2016

Hey aaron, I did some modifications to your code to enable selecting options with arguments templates rather then just completing them (C-return and M-)

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nikital commented Apr 22, 2017

Hello @aaronjensen, thanks for the very useful snippet!
One problem I had is broken repeat functionality (dot) with evil-mode. To fix it:

(evil-declare-change-repeat 'company-simple-complete-next)
(evil-declare-change-repeat 'company-simple-complete-previous)

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