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Last active March 4, 2021 19:36
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{ callPackage, lib, fetchFromGitHub }:
version = "0.5.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "abathur";
repo = "resholve";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-+9MjvO1H+A3Ol2to5tWqdpNR7osQsYcbkX9avAqyrKw=";
in callPackage src {}

eyJhb: Why do people see the need to hardcode paths to bins?

This is one of the reasons resholve treats existing absolute executable paths as an error unless you intentionally exempt them:

$ resholve --interpreter none --path $PATH
  smartctl_version="$(/usr/sbin/smartctl -V | head -n1 | awk '$1 == "smartctl" {print $2}')"
/Users/abathur/work/resholved/ Unexpected absolute command path (not supplied by a listed dependency). You should patch/substitute it.

You can also tell resholve to resolve such a path from inputs:

$ resholve --interpreter none --path $PATH --fix /usr/sbin/smartctl
  smartctl_version="$(/usr/sbin/smartctl -V | head -n1 | awk '$1 == "smartctl" {print $2}')"
/Users/abathur/work/resholved/ Can't resolve command 'smartctl' to a known function or executable

(this would work if I had smartmontools in my inputs/path)

smartmon = pkgs.resholvePackage {
name = "";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub{
owner = "prometheus-community";
repo = "node-exporter-textfile-collector-scripts";
rev = "414fb44693444cb96a55c7152cdd84d531888e1f";
sha256 = "13ja3l78bb47xhdfsmsim5sqggb9avg3x872jqah1m7jm9my7m98";
installPhase = ''
install -D -m 0755 $out/bin/
solutions.smartmon = {
scripts = [ "bin/" ];
interpreter = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
inputs = with pkgs; [ smartmontools coreutils findutils gawk gnugrep gnused ];
fix = {
"/usr/bin/smartctl" = true;
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