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Last active June 14, 2022 13:44
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some sort of hierarchical shell-esque language?

I'm just ~braindumping something to (hopefully) get it out of my head.

status quo

Part of what I like about shell is how squishy/pliable the language is. For a while I've had the nagging sense that it is really close to being an interesting format for a lot of different kinds of plain-text ~DSLs...

  • go to the store later is a perfectly-good shell invocation. If you wanted some little task/TODO DSL, you could dive right in by writing shell functions that handle a few starting verbs and you could already have wind in your sails (even if you rewrite the DSL in something else later).
  • But, shell still parses a few bits syntax/furniture in ways that make full-throated versions unworkable:
    • We get broad control over how parsing works at the line level, but it isn't total. We can't repurpose shell metacharacters and control operators such as | and &&.
    • Nested/multiline structures require leaning on shell syntax/idioms.

For a more concrete example, here's an example of a bats test from the bats repo:

@test 'files in \$src_dir are added to tar archive' {
  run main
  [ "${status}" -eq 0 ]

  run tar tf "$dst_tarball"
  [ "${status}" -eq 0 ]
  [[ "${output}" =~ a ]]
  [[ "${output}" =~ b ]]
  [[ "${output}" =~ c ]]

I wasn't really happy with how obtuse this was, because I want resholve's test suite to be clearer than this allows:

  • invocations are hidden behind the run command
  • magic internal variables
  • shell/bash syntax that isn't broadly understood and adds friction to understanding the test's ~semantics/intent

I ended up hacking my way to something I was happy with, but it was more work than it needed to be, and it entailed some tradeoffs:

@test "invoking resholve with missing interpreter prints an error" {
  require <({
    status 2
    line -1 equals "resholve: error: argument --interpreter: Interpreter must exist or be the string 'none'"
resholve --interpreter /blah <
resholve --interpreter /blah

I'm using the same basic framework, but I've added support for:

  • a ~list of cases that should all produce the same result
  • simpler assertions with clearer structure and semantics


  • Grouping test cases entailed shell furniture (shoehorning them into a heredoc)
  • the assertions require shell furniture to group and pass them to their parsing function
  • the assertions are backed by a function that parses them and generates code that has to be evaled again later


A more minimal version could've been:

test "invoking resholve with missing interpreter prints an error"
  status 2
  line -1 equals "resholve: error: argument --interpreter: Interpreter must exist or be the string 'none'"
    resholve --interpreter /blah <
    resholve --interpreter /blah

Key features of the supporting language seem to be simple ways to:

  • modify global and local scoping rules
    • Something like the shell/bash builtin test might still be available here, but it is easy to declare an overriding idiomatic test command in the global scope of the test file.
    • But then within the scope of that test command, it's simple to say whether a nested test is valid or not, and which test command it'll be.
    • This mechanism supports hard grammar constraints when you want them. In the example above, for example, imagine the interpreter can emit an error explaining that the only valid first-words inside of test are status, line, and cases.
  • declare what configuration of positional and/or block args a command accepts
  • declare what kind of ownership vs. delegation (and whether they are eager/on-demand) applies in a given context. i.e., test declares whether it wants:
    • the interpreter to evaluate the cases block (i.e., pass the contents to the cases command) and give it the result
    • the ability to modify the cases block's argument, choose whether to eval it, etc.
  • strong control over what syntax affordances work at a given site/time
    • It isn't that the language wouldn't support the input redirect in resholve --interpreter /blah <, for example (though it might just outsource this to a primary shell ala make?), but more like the cases command declares whether it takes a block of completely unparsed lines, or if they should undergo whitespace stripping, and/or different kinds of word/parameter/etc. expansion.
  • since the rules will be squishy, it likely needs a good way to introspect what rules apply in a given context and perhaps to step through their application

Writing these out helped me stumble into more ways to see/frame this:

  • an unbundled Shell-toolkit
  • an extremely broad/flexible superset of Shell

(plus, in both cases, declarative syntax for granularly annotating what rules apply in what contexts)

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