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Forked from bhauman/core.cljs
Created August 20, 2016 14:11
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Helpful patterns when developing with ClojureScript Figwheel and Express js
(ns todo-server.core
[cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
[figwheel.client :as fw]))
(defonce express (nodejs/require "express"))
(defonce serve-static (nodejs/require "serve-static"))
(defonce http (nodejs/require "http"))
;; app gets redefined on reload
(def app (express))
;; routes get redefined on each reload
(. app (get "/hello"
(fn [req res] (. res (send "Hello world")))))
(. app (use (serve-static "resources/public" #js {:index "index.html"})))
(def -main
(fn []
;; This is the secret sauce. you want to capture a reference to
;; the app function (don't use it directly) this allows it to be redefined on each reload
;; this allows you to change routes and have them hot loaded as you
;; code.
(doto (.createServer http #(app %1 %2))
(.listen 3000))))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
(fw/start { })
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