I hereby claim:
- I am acm1 on github.
- I am acm (https://keybase.io/acm) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is D565 65CE 206B 54D4 EE29 FBF3 3510 EC4C 3990 D009
To claim this, I am signing this object:
wget http://jmxsh.googlecode.com/files/jmxsh-R5.jar | |
java -jar jmxsh-R*.jar -h localhost -p 7199 | |
% [Hit Enter to go into Browse Mode] | |
Select a domain: [Enter number for org.apache.cassandra.net] | |
Select an mbean: [Enter number for org.apache.cassandra.net:type=Gossiper] | |
Select an attribute or operation: [Enter number for unsafeAssassinateEndpoint(String p1)] | |
p1 (String): [Enter IP address of problem node] | |
It may also be possible to run it directly (untested): | |
% jmx_invoke -m org.apache.cassandra.net:type=Gossiper unsafeAssassinateEndpoint <STALE-IP-ADDRESS> |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
gem source --add https://rubygems.org | |
gem install scout --no-rdoc --no-ri |