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Stub - Test Data
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# coding: utf-8
# ## Generate Stub Attribution Dataset
# In[18]:
# Portions of code are taken from [1].
# [1]
import random
import datetime
import logging
from pyspark.sql import Row, Window
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from collections import OrderedDict
from moztelemetry.standards import snap_to_beginning_of_week
def generate_test_df(start_date, n_clients, n_weeks):
# this data should be deterministic
# These labels are applied to the clients using a triangular distribution. This
# should suffice for demonstrating the different campaigns. A future improvement
# is to use a gaussian distribution, which would be better at
# simulating a long tail of rare permutation of dimensions.
# Labels are chosen to be somewhat representative of the production labels. However,
# if labels are to be chosen to be more broad, it might be useful to generate the
# label category and append a numerical id like the clients.
source_labels = ["google", "homepage", "yahoo", "bing"]
medium_labels = ["referral", "organic", "cpc"]
campaign_labels = [None, "campaign_1", "campaign_2"]
content_labels = [None, "content_1", "content_2", None, "content_3"]
attrib_dict = {
"source": source_labels,
"medium": medium_labels,
"campaign": campaign_labels,
"content": content_labels
# Generate our fake clients
clients = [{'client_id': 'client_{:02d}'.format(x)} for x in range(n_clients)]
# assign the attributes to each client
for client in clients:
for attrib, labels in attrib_dict.iteritems():
idx = int(random.triangular(0, len(labels)))
client[attrib] = labels[idx]
# Assign each client to a week start, distributed evenly through the week
# profile_creation_date: days since epoch
new_per_week = n_clients // n_weeks
days_per_week = 7
loss_rate = 0.25
loss_delta = 0.1
date_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y%M%d")
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
date_offset = (date_start - epoch).days
data = []
for week_start in range(n_weeks):
days_since_epoch = date_offset + (week_start * days_per_week)
id_offset = week_start * new_per_week
# create a new cohort of users
for relative_id in range(new_per_week):
uid = id_offset + relative_id
clients[uid]['profile_creation_date'] = days_since_epoch
# Provide client activity per week. A certain percentage of users will
# drop off every week, randomly dropped from all user. This should allow
# us to see if we can observe a general trend in user usage. Each user
# should also send a signficant number of duplicate requests, to test
# that the process is resiliant against overcounting.
# subsession_start_date == submission_date_s3 == timestamp (ns)
cohort_size = new_per_week
for future_week in range(week_start, n_weeks):
# cohort_size models user drop-off
future_days = date_offset + (future_week * days_per_week)
for relative_id in range(cohort_size):
# randomly ping 1-3 times for duplicates
for _ in range(random.randint(1, 3)):
uid = id_offset + relative_id
arrival = (
epoch +
future_days + random.randint(0, days_per_week - 1))
ping = clients[uid].copy()
submission_dict = {
"subsession_start_date": arrival.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
"submission_date_s3": arrival.strftime("%Y%m%d"),
"timestamp": (arrival-epoch).total_seconds() * (10 ** 9) # nanoseconds
# loss rate increases with cohort start date
cohort_size -= int(cohort_size * (loss_rate + (loss_delta * week_start)))
return (
.map(lambda d: Row(**d))
# In[57]:
def get_newest_per_client(df):
window_spec = Window.partitionBy(df['client_id']).orderBy(df['timestamp'].desc())
rownum_by_timestamp = F.row_number().over(window_spec)
selectable_by_client =
return (selectable_by_client
.filter(selectable_by_client['row_number'] == 1)
def fmt(d, date_format="%Y%m%d"):
return datetime.datetime.strftime(d, date_format)
def get_week_num(creation, today):
if creation is None or today is None:
return None
diff = ( - creation).days
if diff < 0:
# Creation date is in the future. Bad data :(
return -1
# The initial week is week zero.
return int(diff / 7)
def daynum_to_date(daynum):
""" Convert a number of days to a date. If it's out of range, default to a max date.
:param daynum: A number of days since Jan 1, 1970
if daynum is None:
return None
if daynum < 0:
return None
daycount = int(daynum)
if daycount > 1000000:
# Some time in the 48th century, clearly bogus.
daycount = 1000000
return, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(daycount)
def get_current_week(profile_creation_date, subsession_start_date, submission_date_s3):
pcd = daynum_to_date(profile_creation_date)
client_date = None
if subsession_start_date is not None:
client_date = (datetime
.strptime(subsession_start_date[0:10], "%Y-%m-%d"))
except ValueError as e1:
# Bogus format
return 'unknown'
except TypeError as e2:
# String contains null bytes or other weirdness. Example:
# TypeError: must be string without null bytes, not unicode
return 'unknown'
if client_date is None:
# Fall back to submission date
client_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(submission_date_s3, "%Y%m%d")
return get_week_num(pcd, client_date)
current_week_udf = F.udf(get_current_week, StringType())
# Note: defined in a functional way, but perhaps not the most pythonic (or readable)
pcd_to_aquisition_udf = (
F.udf(lambda pcd: (
def compute_week(df, week_start):
week_start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(week_start, "%Y%m%d")
week_end_date = week_start_date + datetime.timedelta(6)
week_start = fmt(week_start_date)
week_end = fmt(week_end_date)
# Verify that the start date is a Sunday
if week_start_date.weekday() != 6:
print("Week start date {} is not a Sunday".format(week_start))
print("Starting week from {} to {} at {}"
.format(week_start, week_end, datetime.datetime.utcnow()))
# the subsession_start_date field has a different form than submission_date_s3,
# so needs to be formatted with hyphens.
week_end_slop = fmt(week_end_date + datetime.timedelta(10))
week_end_excl = fmt(week_end_date + datetime.timedelta(1), date_format="%Y-%m-%d")
week_start_hyphenated = fmt(week_start_date, date_format="%Y-%m-%d")
current_week = (
df.filter(df['submission_date_s3'] >= week_start)
.filter(df['submission_date_s3'] <= week_end_slop)
.filter(df['subsession_start_date'] >= week_start_hyphenated)
.filter(df['subsession_start_date'] < week_end_excl)
newest_per_client = (
return newest_per_client
# In[59]:
S3_ATTRIBUTION_BUCKET = 'net-mozaws-prod-us-west-2-pipeline-analysis'
S3_ATTRIBUTION_PREFIX = 'amiyaguchi/stub/v1'
n_weeks = 5
df = generate_test_df(100, n_weeks)
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("20160103", "%Y%m%d")
for week in range(n_weeks):
delta = datetime.timedelta(7) * week
week_start = fmt(start_date + delta)
week_df = compute_week(df, week_start)
if week == 0:
s3_path = "s3://{}/{}/{}={}".format(S3_ATTRIBUTION_BUCKET,
'week_start', week_start)"Writing dataframe to %s", s3_path)
week_df.write.parquet(s3_path, mode="overwrite")
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