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Last active August 26, 2016 18:32
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TaskCluster: Launching tasks locally

Launching tasks

This is a script that I use to emulate the workflow of launching a task from a hook registered in the Hook Manager on By default, this will launch a task definition that will start a fennec nightly.

A hook will start a start a task using the current head of a repository. This is a painful process to work locally since you have to edit the task definition to get the correct revision for every launch.


This script will allow you to generate a task that refers to a revision that you push to try.

First set up a client in the Client Manager. This client should be able to generate create the task that you specify. For nightly fennec, refer to the scopes under the hook-id:releng/nightly-fennec-dev role.

Replace the credentials in the launch script. Replace the TASK_PATH and REPO_PATH if neccesary.

Using a virtual environment, install the dependencies from the requirements.

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Before you run the script, you should change to the head that you want launch the task with. In your repository directory:

$ hg push -r . try -f

--force is necessary if your head is on a local bookmark.

Then run the launch script. You can optionally specify a revision using --rev.

(venv)$ python
import argparse
import arrow
import json
import os
import re
import slugid
import subprocess
import sys
import taskcluster
config = {
'credentials': {
'clientId': 'mozilla-ldap/<your-name><client-name>',
'accessToken': '...'
# Task definition to launch
TASK_PATH = 'nightly-fennec.json'
# Path to the location of a hg repository
REPO_PATH = '/Users/amiyaguchi/Work/mozilla-unified'
def main(args):
""" Launch a templated version of the task definition. """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args(args)
# create the payload
payload = create_definition(TASK_PATH, args)
if args.verbose:
# Dump the templated json body for debugging
print(json.dumps(payload, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
taskid = slugid.nice().decode()
if not args.dry_run:
queue = taskcluster.Queue(config)
status = queue.createTask(taskid, payload)
def get_revision(path):
""" Find the revision of the current head of a repository located at the path. """
revision = subprocess.check_output(
['hg', 'log', '--rev', '.', '--template', '{node}'],
assert re.match('^[a-f0-9]{40}$', revision)
return revision
def create_definition(path, args):
""" Take a task definition and prep it for createTask. """
if not os.path.isfile(path):
print('path is invalid')
with open(path) as f:
contents =
body = json.loads(contents)
# update the current timestamps
attrs = {
'created': str(arrow.utcnow()),
'deadline': str(arrow.utcnow().replace(hours=+6)),
'expires': str(arrow.utcnow().replace(days=+7)),
# specify which revision to use
if args.rev:
revision = args.rev
revision = get_revision(REPO_PATH)
print("using revision hash: ", revision)
body['payload']['env']['GECKO_HEAD_REV'] = revision
body['payload']['command'][-1] = body['payload']['command'][-1].format(pushdate=arrow.utcnow().timestamp)
return body
if __name__ == '__main__':
"provisionerId": "aws-provisioner-v1",
"workerType": "gecko-decision",
"payload": {
"env": {
"GECKO_HEAD_REF": "tip",
"cache": {
"level-1-hg-shared": "/home/worker/hg-shared",
"level-1-checkouts": "/home/worker/checkouts"
"features": {
"taskclusterProxy": true
"image": "taskcluster/decision:0.1.5",
"maxRunTime": 1800,
"command": [
"cd /home/worker/checkouts/gecko && ln -s /home/worker/artifacts artifacts && ./mach --log-no-times taskgraph decision --pushlog-id='0' --pushdate='0' --project='try' --message='try: -b o -p foo -u none -t none' --owner='' --level='1' --base-repository=$GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY --head-repository=$GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY --head-ref=$GECKO_HEAD_REF --head-rev=$GECKO_HEAD_REV --revision-hash=$GECKO_HEAD_REV --triggered-by='nightly' --target-tasks-method='nightly_fennec'\n"
"artifacts": {
"public": {
"type": "directory",
"path": "/home/worker/artifacts"
"public/docker_image_contexts": {
"type": "directory",
"path": "/home/worker/docker_image_contexts"
"metadata": {
"name": "Nightly Fennec development hook",
"description": "The task that creates all of the other tasks in the task graph\n",
"owner": "",
"source": ""
"tags": {
"createdForUser": ""
"schedulerId": "-",
"routes": [],
"priority": "normal",
"retries": 5,
"scopes": [
"extra": {
"treeherder": {
"symbol": "D"
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