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Created May 23, 2020 16:26
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cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
find_package(GTSAM REQUIRED)
add_executable(test-numdiff test-numdiff.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test-numdiff gtsam)
gtsam::Vector evaluateError(const gtsam::Pose2& p1, const gtsam::Pose2& p2,
boost::optional<gtsam::Matrix&> H1 = boost::none,
boost::optional<gtsam::Matrix&> H2 = boost::none) {
double x_diff = p2.x() - p1.x();
double y_diff = p2.y() - p1.y();
Eigen::Vector2d pos_diff(x_diff, y_diff);
double dist = pos_diff.norm();
Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> error;
error << dist;
if (H1) {
*H1 = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3>();
*H1 << -1 * 1/dist * x_diff, -1 * 1/dist * y_diff, 0;
if (H2) {
*H2 = Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 3>();
*H2 << 1/dist * x_diff, 1/dist * y_diff, 0;
return error;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Test distance derivative
double x1 = 0;
double y1 = 0;
double theta1 = 0;
double x2 = 0;
double y2 = 1.2;
double theta2 = M_PI/6;
gtsam::Pose2 pose1(x1, y1, theta1);
gtsam::Pose2 pose2(x2, y2, theta2);
gtsam::Matrix expectedH1 = gtsam::numericalDerivative21<gtsam::Vector1,gtsam::Pose2,gtsam::Pose2>(
boost::function<gtsam::Vector(const gtsam::Pose2&, const gtsam::Pose2&)>(
boost::bind(&evaluateError, _1, _2, boost::none, boost::none)), pose1, pose2, 1e-5);
gtsam::Matrix expectedH2 = gtsam::numericalDerivative22<gtsam::Vector1,gtsam::Pose2,gtsam::Pose2>(
boost::function<gtsam::Vector(const gtsam::Pose2&, const gtsam::Pose2&)>(
boost::bind(&evaluateError, _1, _2, boost::none, boost::none)), pose1, pose2, 1e-5);
gtsam::Matrix actualH1;
gtsam::Matrix actualH2;
evaluateError(pose1, pose2, actualH1, actualH2);
gtsam::assert_equal(expectedH1, actualH1, 1e-5);
gtsam::assert_equal(expectedH2, actualH2, 1e-5);
return 0;
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