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Last active March 5, 2021 05:42
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// 上記ページ記載のアルゴリズムを末尾再帰化、効率向上、閉路存在時の例外追加
let topologicalSort edges =
let rec loop removed isolated = function
| [] -> List.rev removed @ Set.toList isolated
| edges ->
let src, dst = edges |> List.unzip
let dstSet = set dst
let noIncomingVertex =
src |> List.tryFind (fun s -> Set.contains s dstSet |> not) |> Option.defaultWith (fun() ->
invalidArg $"{nameof edges}" $"""閉路が存在します:{edges |> string |> String.concat ","}""")
let nextRemoved = noIncomingVertex::removed
let nextIsolated = Set.remove noIncomingVertex isolated
let nextEdges = edges |> List.filter (fst >> (<>) noIncomingVertex)
loop nextRemoved nextIsolated nextEdges
let dstSet = edges |> snd |> set
loop [] dstSet edges
let test() =
topologicalSort [
(5, 11)
(11, 2); (11, 10); (11, 9)
(7, 11); (7, 8)
(8, 9)
(3, 10); (3, 8)
let testCycle() =
topologicalSort [
(5, 11)
(11, 2); (11, 10); (11, 9)
(7, 11); (7, 8)
(8, 9)
(3, 10); (3, 8)
(9, 3)
let test2() =
topologicalSort [
(11, 2); (11, 10); (11, 9)
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adacola commented Mar 5, 2021

> test();;
val it : int list = [5; 7; 11; 3; 8; 2; 9; 10]

> test2();;
val it : int list = [11; 2; 9; 10]

> testCycle();;
System.ArgumentException: 閉路が存在します:(8, 9),(3, 10),(3, 8),(9, 3) (Parameter 'edges')
   at FSI_0045.noIncomingVertex@318-20.Invoke(Unit unitVar0)
   at FSI_0045.loop@312-13[b](FSharpList`1 removed, FSharpSet`1 isolated, FSharpList`1 _arg1)
   at FSI_0045.topologicalSort[a](FSharpList`1 edges)
   at FSI_0046.testCycle()
   at <StartupCode$FSI_0049>.$FSI_0049.main@()
Stopped due to error

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