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Sorry, not sure If I fully understood.
Zmienil sie e-mail kontaktowy do nas. Od teraz prosimy wysylac wiadomosci na adres @.*** Our contact email has changed. From now please send messages to @.***
Can you please let me know what needs to be done?
Please remove Proton Mail domains proton.me, protonmail.ch, and protonmail.com. We are not a disposable email service.
Nothing needs to be done, user does not know they have a github account subscribed with an old address. They need to sign in to their github account and change the assigned email address. Nor do they seem to be aware that github is censoring the addresses they are so publicly attempting to post here, and are apparently unaware that replying to the emails they receive counts as a public posting.
Provider is https://skiff.com/quick-alias and it's actually subdomains, each user can generate their own subdomain. I tested it, very easy.
The page title of https://skiff.com/quick-alias is "Quick alias burner email address". In the HTML I see
<meta name="description" content="Secure and quick-to-create burner email addresses with Skiff!
There is a browser plugin https://github.com/irazasyed/email-masker to create one email per website, skiff.com's twitter account promoted it, the github repository is tagged as 'burner-email'
You should add:
For me, https://burnermailbox.com/ is the best. its user experience is better than any other websites and the main thing is I can add custom username on my temporary email and it’s email address works on all kind of website. So I feel it is much more convenient
I do think it's hilarious that clueless spammers keep recommending you add their domains to your blacklist.
How do you request to have a domain removed from the list? Kennedy808.com is my personal email address.
I used the domain for personal use with a temporary email service years ago, but now it's my daily-use email.
Came across this new temporary email domain. Can it be added to the list? https://rhyta.com/
More records, and stored as json array
Hello David, could you please remove Kennedy808.com from your list? It's my personal family email domain and not associated with any type of temporary email service.
Can you please let us know where can find the complete list of all the blocked disposable emails.