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Last active August 24, 2017 20:36
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Launch the gitlab runner, through a cli command.

Todo: Build a job dispatcher service that reads in a .gitlab-ci.yml definition file and creates a queue of jobs

  • parse the stages
  • parse the dependencies and artifacts
  • parse "when"
  • have queues of jobs that can run in parallel
  • have system where artifacts are passed along between stage
  • mechanism to send files to the pipeline (git repo, tar, etc) Docker stack
    • gitlab-runner
    • gitlab-ci-dispatcher


gitlab-ci-dispatcher (or gitlab-ci-job-dispatcher) must be able to satisfy this interface

package common

type Network interface {
	RegisterRunner(config RunnerCredentials, description, tags string, runUntagged, locked bool) *RegisterRunnerResponse
	VerifyRunner(config RunnerCredentials) bool
	UnregisterRunner(config RunnerCredentials) bool
	RequestJob(config RunnerConfig) (*JobResponse, bool)
	UpdateJob(config RunnerConfig, jobCredentials *JobCredentials, id int, state JobState, trace *string) UpdateState
	PatchTrace(config RunnerConfig, jobCredentials *JobCredentials, tracePart JobTracePatch) UpdateState
	DownloadArtifacts(config JobCredentials, artifactsFile string) DownloadState
	UploadRawArtifacts(config JobCredentials, reader io.Reader, baseName string, expireIn string) UploadState
	UploadArtifacts(config JobCredentials, artifactsFile string) UploadState
	ProcessJob(config RunnerConfig, buildCredentials *JobCredentials) JobTrace

And then it can be used as a network in commands/multi.go, probably as a switch.

func init() {
	common.RegisterCommand2("run", "run multi runner service", &RunCommand{
		ServiceName:       defaultServiceName,
		network:           network.NewGitLabClient(),
		prometheusLogHook: prometheus_helper.NewLogHook(),

To see see how the GitlabClient Network works search for this in the repo:

func (n *GitLabClient) RequestJob(config common.RunnerConfig) (*common.JobResponse, bool) {

Reverse engineering

gitlab CE Check out file: spec/requests/api/runner_spec.rb

Seeing how gitlab-ce fulfills the common.Network from the ruby on rails perspective will inform how it should be done in go for the gitlab-ci-dispatcher. Particularly the job dependencies and stage construction.

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