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Last active September 4, 2024 11:40
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108 byte CSS Layout Debugger

CSS Layout Debugger

A tweet-sized debugger for visualizing your CSS layouts. Outlines every DOM element on your page a random (valid) CSS hex color.

One-line version to paste in your DevTools

Use $$ if your browser aliases it:

~ 108 byte version

[]$$("*"),function(a){"1px solid #"+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)})

Using document.querySelectorAll:

~ 131 byte version

[]"*"),function(a){"1px solid #"+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)})

~73 byte code-golfed version by @xem

$$('*').map(A=>`1px solid hsl(${(A+A).length*9},99%,50%`)

~66 byte code-golfed version by @daliborgogic

$$('*').map((A,B)=>`1px solid hsl(${B*B},99%,50%`)

If you're looking for a proper version that uses a set color per tag type, check out


Tested from Chrome DevTools:

Tested from Firefox DevTools:

Tested from WebKit Nightlies (Safari):

Tested in IE:

Thanks to gregwhitworth for verifying.

Tag Specific Layout Debugging In 82 Bytes

My original implementation outlined each DOM element on the page with a random (valid) hex color.

Thanks to the work by @aemkei, @p01, @sindresorhus and other commenters, we now have an even shorter version (108 bytes golfed down to 82) that uses a specific hex color per tag name. This lets you visually group elements similar to how does.

for(i=0;A=$$("*")[i++];)"solid hsl("+(A+A).length*9+",99%,50%)1px"


Thanks for the awesome help improving this folks <3

function(a){ // Supply a valid selector (e.g '*' for wildcard)
[] // Treat Nodelist as an Array (fewer bytes than;)
// Gets the prototype of Array & uses call to execute the function on the NodeList.
document.querySelectorAll(a), // Query DOM for elements matching the supplied selector
// (For 108 bytes, use $$() as Chrome, Safari & FF expose it in DevTools)
function(b){ = "1px solid #" + // Set the selector outline
(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))) // Pick a valid random CSS hex color
.toString(16)}) // Convert to a base 16 number. BOOM.
function(a){return [],function(b){ = "1px solid #" +(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)});}
"name": "CSSLayoutDebugger",
"description": "A helper for debugging CSS layouts",
"keywords": [
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Layout Debugger</title>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
<div>I am element</div>
var myFunction = function(a){ // Supply a valid selector (e.g '*' for wildcard)
[] // Treat Nodelist as an Array (fewer bytes than;)
// Gets the prototype of Array & uses call to execute the function on the NodeList.
document.querySelectorAll(a), // Query DOM for elements matching the supplied selector
// (For 110 bytes, use $$() as Chrome, Safari & FF expose it in DevTools)
function(b){ = "1px solid #" + // Set the selector outline
(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))) // Pick a valid random CSS hex color
.toString(16)}) // Convert to a base 16 number. BOOM.
<!-- quick JSBin: -->
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Very useful. String interpolation does not work on IE.

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Here is bookmarklet version:

javascript:[]"*")).map(function(l,e){"1px solid hsl("+(e*e)+",90%,50%)"})

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Perhaps you need a bookmark to restore the layout


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y4rr commented Dec 27, 2020

Perhaps you'd like to have just one bookmarklet instead of two. And nicer colors.

Properly escaped code for the bookmarklet:



javascript:[]"*")).map(function(l,e){l._CSSDEBUG=!l._CSSDEBUG;"solid hsl("+(l+l).length*13+",45%,55%)0.1rem":"initial"})

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dziku86 commented Feb 21, 2021

1 byte can be shaved with Q unit if you are not using Safari/IE:

$$('*').map((A,B)=>`1q solid hsl(${B*B},99%,50%`)

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amir2mi commented May 18, 2021

57 bytes:
[...document.all].map(a=>"1px solid red")

Hi, @streamich thanks! it is possible with CSS, the random color is the point.

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