Install ffmpeg:
brew install ffmpeg
Download file through url, like this:
ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i "https://path/to/playlist.m3u8" -c copy ~/Downloads/video.mp4
Install ffmpeg:
brew install ffmpeg
Download file through url, like this:
ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i "https://path/to/playlist.m3u8" -c copy ~/Downloads/video.mp4
2023/12/18: This script has been improved and moved to the following repository:
There are many approaches to implementing a reuse of a common preset for Docker services for multiple environments, such as production and local environments.
This makes it possible to ensure the highest consistency for different environments with the same code-base. Implementing reuse of docker compose options also makes it easier to manage them.
I found on github a project called serversideup/spin. They took an approach using a feature called Docker overrides, to change some properties of common services for different environments.
After reading through their documentation, I realized that there are a few real-life cases where this project can not implement (or is difficult to archive).