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Created April 16, 2024 03:23
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My Alacritty configs (with WSL on Windows)
# Docs -
# Themes -
# import = [ "C:\\Users\\adkdev\\AppData\\Roaming\\alacritty\\themes\\github_dark.toml" ]
import = [ "C:\\Users\\adkdev\\AppData\\Roaming\\alacritty\\themes\\monokai_pro.toml" ]
shell = { program = "wsl", args = ["--cd ~"] }
# working_directory = "$HOME"
TERM = "xterm-256color"
LC_CTYPE = "en_US.UTF-8"
decorations = "Full"
startup_mode = "Windowed"
dynamic_title = true
opacity = 0.97
# blur = true # It's not working on Windows
padding = { x = 10, y = 10 }
dynamic_padding = false
dimensions = { columns = 165, lines = 39 }
history = 10000
multiplier = 3
size = 8
normal = { family = "FiraCode Nerd Font", style = "Regular" }
offset = { x = 0, y = 2 }
# [colors]
# - use from import above
# [bell]
save_to_clipboard = false
semantic_escape_chars = ",│`|:\"' ()[]{}<>"
# style = { shape = "Beam", blinking = "On" }
style = { shape = "Block", blinking = "Off" }
thickness = 0.2
blink_interval = 650
unfocused_hollow = true
osc52 = "CopyPaste"
bindings = [
{ mouse = "Right", mods = "Control", action = "Paste" },
# [hints]
bindings = [
{ key = "N", mods = "Control|Shift", action = "CreateNewWindow" },
render_timer = false
persistent_logging = false
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