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Last active September 27, 2017 06:33
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Userscript : Pantip White Theme
Tampermonkey script for
This is my white theme for pantip topic page. Useful for me while reading it.
## How to use?
1. Install tampermonkey chrome extension (
2. Refresh this page
3. Open any pantip topic page
// ==UserScript==
// @name Pantip White Theme
// @namespace
// @version 1.1
// @description My Pantip white theme
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @copyright 2015+, adkdev
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// configs
var bgColor = '#fff';
var bgColorAuthor = '#efefef';
var fontColor = '#222';
var linkColor = '#666';
var isM = (location.href.indexOf('m.') > 0);
var i=0;
var el = null;
var isHideAds = true;
// main script
if (isM) {
$('body').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.inner-wrap').setAttribute("style", "margin-bottom: 2em;"); // inner-wrap
$('.tab-bar').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.m-post-owner').style.backgroundColor = bgColor; // first box
$('.review-section').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
// changeCommentBoxes
el = $$('.m-post-comment-owner');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = bgColorAuthor;
$('.m-display-post-story', el[i]).style.color = fontColor;
el = $$('.m-display-post-wrapper-inner-owner');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = bgColorAuthor;
$('.m-display-post-story', el[i]).style.color = fontColor;
el = $$('.m-post-comment');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.m-display-post-story', el[i]).style.color = fontColor;
$('.down-button', el[i]).style.backgroundColor = bgColor; // reply button
// another ajax box
unsafeWindow.$('body').ajaxSuccess (
function (event, requestData) {
// relate
$('.m-block').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.m-block-title').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
// remove text ads
el = $$('a', $('.m-block'));
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
if (el[i].href.indexOf('ads.') !== -1)
el = $$('.m-thumb');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('a', el[i]).style.color = linkColor;
// $('.subject', el[i]).style.color = linkColor;
el = $$('.m-block-inner');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.m-post-pick-title', el[i]).style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.alert-box-interesting-post', el[i]).style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('a', $('.alert-box-interesting-post', el[i])).style.color = linkColor;
// resize relate images
var img = $$('img', $('.m-block'));
var baseURL = ''; // &resize_h=79
if (typeof img != 'undefined') {
for (i=1; i<img.length; i++) { // skip heart image
img[i].style.maxHeight = "none";
img[i].src = baseURL.replace('IMG_URL', encodeURIComponent(img[i].src));
img[i] = 'hidden';
img[i] = '79px';
} else { // desktop version
// set bg and font color
$('body').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.main-post').style.backgroundColor = bgColor; // first box
$('.display-post-story').style.color = fontColor;
// relate
el = $$('.related-topic-interest');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('a', el[i]).style.color = linkColor;
$('.post-pick-title', el[i]).style.color = linkColor;
// post box
// another ajax box
unsafeWindow.$('body').ajaxSuccess (
function (event, requestData) {
$('#jump_paging').style.display = 'none'; // fixed footer
$('.footer').style.display = 'none'; // footer
// clear up
$('.content').setAttribute("style", "margin-bottom: 0px;"); // footer
$('.related-block-title').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
$('.comment-box-remark').style.backgroundColor = bgColor;
// hide
$('.header').style.background = "none";
$('.search-wrap').style.display = 'none';
$('.comment-box-color').style.display = 'none'; // comment box
$('.post-pick-ad').style.display = 'none'; // ads in relate
// hide ads
if (isHideAds) {
$('.ads-leaderboard').setAttribute("display", "none");
$('.ads-topbillboard').setAttribute("display", "none");
$('#ads-topbillboard').setAttribute("display", "none");
function doPostBox() {
var el = $$('.display-post-wrapper-inner');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = ( el[i].parentElement.className.split(' ').indexOf('altcolor05') !==-1 ) ? bgColorAuthor : bgColor;
$('.display-post-story', el[i]).style.color = fontColor;
el = $$('.emotion-vote-list');
if (typeof el != 'undefined') {
for (i=0; i<el.length; i++) {
el[i].style.backgroundColor = '#efefef';
el[i].style.color = '#666';
function $ (selector, el) {
if (!el) {el = document;}
return el.querySelector(selector);
function $$ (selector, el) {
if (!el) {el = document;}
return el.querySelectorAll(selector);
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