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cărturar și filozof

Adrian Şilimon-Morariu adrian7

cărturar și filozof
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adrian7 / fonts.scss
Created February 5, 2018 11:13 — forked from bradonomics/fonts.scss
Whitney & Sentinel Fonts CSS File (base64)
@font-face {
font-family: "Whitney SSm SC A";
adrian7 / gist:ff8b7fa3dccb8b85b1bdc1af40de8fec
Created February 3, 2017 10:58 — forked from jcsrb/gist:1081548
get avatar from google profiles, facebook, gravatar, twitter, tumblr
function get_avatar_from_service(service, userid, size) {
// this return the url that redirects to the according user image/avatar/profile picture
// implemented services: google profiles, facebook, gravatar, twitter, tumblr, default fallback
// for google use get_avatar_from_service('google', profile-name or user-id , size-in-px )
// for facebook use get_avatar_from_service('facebook', vanity url or user-id , size-in-px or size-as-word )
// for gravatar use get_avatar_from_service('gravatar', md5 hash email@adress, size-in-px )
// for twitter use get_avatar_from_service('twitter', username, size-in-px or size-as-word )
// for tumblr use get_avatar_from_service('tumblr', blog-url, size-in-px )
// everything else will go to the fallback
// google and gravatar scale the avatar to any site, others will guided to the next best version

26 time management hacks I wish I'd known at 20

  1. There's always time. Time is priorities
  2. Days always fill up | "Only plan for 4-5 hours of real work per day."
  3. Work more when you're in the zone. Relax when you're not. | "It's normal to have days where you just can't work and days where you'll work 12 hours straight"
  4. Respect your time and make it respected | "Your time is $1000/hour, and you need to act accordingly"
  5. Stop multi-tasking. It merely kills your focus.
  6. Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt
  7. We're always more focused and productive with limited time.
  8. Work is the best way to get working. Start with short tasks to get the ball rolling.
"USD": {
"symbol": "$",
"name": "Dolar american",
"symbol_native": "$",
"decimal_digits": 2,
"rounding": 0,
"code": "USD",
"name_plural": "Dolari americani"