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advaith advaith1

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advaith1 /
Created July 19, 2023 21:34
2023 Domain Price Changes

Data from Cloudflare

Due to changes in the Registry pricing, our fees for the following TLDs will be changing. All transactions, including auto-renewals, that occur on or after the effective date will be billed at the new price. As a reminder, renewals can be submitted manually at any time.

advaith1 /
Created May 4, 2023 01:06
Discord Nitro Subscription Links
advaith1 /
Last active July 28, 2024 00:12
Slash Commands in Discord.js
advaith1 /
Last active September 28, 2024 11:14
Discord Gateway Intents Explainer

Intents Explainer

If you're wondering what Gateway Intents are, what Privileged Intents are, why your bot can't see statuses, or why your bot can't see member joins anymore, then this page should explain it to you!

if you do not know what intents are, please read this entire page


First, a short explanation of how bots work: bots can make requests over the REST (HTTP) API to retreive information and do actions, and they get real-time updates from Discord in the form of websocket gateway events. They can also fetch server members via the gateway.

Examples of gateway events you are probably familiar with are Message Create (a message was sent) and Guild Member Add (a user joined a server).

"id": 0,
"name": {
"default": "General"
"is_primary": true
"id": 15,
  • LOADING_LINE_1: "Discord was almost called Bonfire before we picked our name. It was meant to be nice and cozy."
  • LOADING_LINE_2: "Discord was almost called Wyvern before we picked our name. Not too proud of that one."
  • LOADING_LINE_3: "Our logo's name is Clyde."
  • LOADING_LINE_4: 'There are a bunch of hidden "Easter Eggs" in the app that happen when you click certain things...'
  • LOADING_LINE_5: "Discord started as a game company making a mobile game called Fates Forever."
  • LOADING_LINE_6: "Discord’s official birthday is May 13, 2015."
  • LOADING_LINE_7: "We came up with the idea of Discord Nitro over morning breakfast potatoes."
  • LOADING_LINE_8: "Our mascot, Wumpus, was originally created as a character with no friends :("
  • LOADING_LINE_9: "In Discord's early days, light theme was the only theme. Scary times."
  • LOADING_LINE_10: "In the ancient days, Discord started as a browser-only app."
advaith1 / top
Last active October 4, 2024 19:54
The top Discord bots ranked by server count
Rank Bot Approximate Server Count Library
1 MEE6 21,500,000 Custom Python
2 Rythm 🪦 15,200,000 JDA
3 Groovy 🪦 10,300,000 JDA, Discord4J
4 carl-bot 🅱️ 10,300,000 Pycord
5 ProBot

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am advaith1 on github.
  • I am advaithj ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASByKvk4xRuUQK_xYamwjpeAvJjeMUq3HuYmR63yEt0ULQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

advaith1 /
Last active April 30, 2018 02:02
Word Flags

Word Flags

  • a: The word is offensive.
  • b: The word might be found in most dictionaries.
  • c: The pronunciation is known with confidence. It was not automatically generated.